Step Into Virgo Season: Grounded Earth, Flexible Energy

Virgo Season

Hello Virgo season, welcome to this time ruled by mutable earth, the lightest of the earth elements. In nature I liken this energy to the everblooming nature. Earth energy that is grounded yet flexible, tangible yet changeable, solid but light. 

Virgo season is a great time to get all your ducks in a row. Make the list, check it twice and get organised. Get rid of the things that are no longer serving you. You might also feel that you can be of service in some way. What knowledge or skills can you use to help another right now. This is a great time for finding solutions to problems, paying attention to details and having a way with words.

You might also feel called to bring more attention to your body, your health and wellness. Are there new ways you can nourish yourself, reconnected with you physical energy and pay more attention to the way you are moving through life?

Check your rising sign for how things are shaping up for you. Happy Virgo Season!

Virgo Rising

Message: Enjoy the radiant renewal of energy that comes from within.

Areas of focus: This is your time to shine, if you haven't been feeling yourself lately then know that the energy is shifting. This is the perfect time to start new projects and gain momentum in your life. New beginnings and new energy is here. Focus on yourself and set inventions for what you want to create in your life. Your health and physical body are also positive topics to dive into this season. You could also be in for a style and it's the perfect time for a makeover or changing your image.

Light Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 23, 24, Sept 2, 9

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Sept 7, 8, 18

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug 29, Sept 3, 12, 21

Libra Rising

Message: Turn your attention inwards...allow yourself to rest and slow down.

Areas of focus: Now is the time to slow down. There is energy to go and push and do and there are times to slow and be still. You want to focus on healing and resting and really knowing when to stop. This time can be vital for transformation and enlightenment providing you use the energy in this way. Create practices that allow yourself to turn inwards to connect with yourself so you can deepen your spirituality. Soon it will be your time to rise but first you must nurture your energy.

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 29, Sept 15

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Aug 23, Sept 3, 9

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug 27, Sept 18

Scorpio Rising

Message: Tap into your friendships and close connections.

Areas of focus: This is the time to bask in your beautiful community. Be sure to spend time in your social circle with your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Right now you also want to start thinking about your future, in an inspiring way. What is your vision? What do you really want in your life? Lean into this. Finally this can be a great time for dealing with technology, you might want to get a new gadget or simply teach yourself about how to use the latest AI tool.

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 24, 25, 30

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Aug 23, Sept 3, 5

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Sept 2

Sagittarius Rising

Message: Focus on your career, ask for what you want - you can't go wrong.

Areas of focus: Right now your public life is being illuminated. There could be something calling you into the spotlight or asking you to get out and about. If you are looking to make moves in your career or business this is a powerful time for that. Have courage and make any bold ambitious moves, work on your reputation, you will not be disappointed.

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Sept 15, 21

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Aug 29, Sept 2

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug 29, Sept 3, 12, 18

Capricorn Rising

Message: Find strength in your belief systems. What do you value, what needs to change?

Areas of focus: Pay particular attention to your beliefs you hold for yourself, this is a great time to uplevel and work on them. Connect to your personal spiritual path with certainty. This too is a great time for new adventures, it's a great time to embark on a journey or even just start making your next travel plans. Alternatively this is a wonderful time to learn (and teach). If your thinking of studying something new, go for it!

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Sept 12, 13, 14

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Sept 2, 3, 8

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug 23, 29, Sept 18

Aquarius Rising

Message: Embrace uncertainty and the unknown. Face your fears.

Areas of focus: While things may feel a little ‘idle’ this season, it doesn't mean you have to stop. This time is perfect for looking at any fears or challenges you hold within. Perhaps there is something that needs to move through a transition, this is a season of death and rebirth so let go of what no longer serves you. You might also be curious about all things taboo…dive into intimacy, sex, death and taxes…the perfect time to do your taxes!

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 27, Sept 20

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Sept  2, 7, 8

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Sept 3, 18

Pisces Rising

Message: Turn your attention to your significant relationships.

Areas of focus: This is a season where things might be happening in your relationships. It could be that the focus is not on you right now, it's on your significant other and its impacting your life. There could be a deepening of relationtion. Platonic and business partnerships are also in focus so foster these. Put energy into your one to one relationships during this time

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Sept 15, 16, 17

‘Shadow’ Days:These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Aug 3, Sept 18, 21

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug 29, Sept 12

Aries Rising

Message: Review your approach to health and wellness and focus on your day to day

Areas of focus: Now is the time to pay attention to any health and wellness issues that may be impacting your daily life. You can also look at your work day routines. What habits can you start to improve in these areas of your life? Be present and focus on your day to day, how can you make it better? How can you be more efficient and do more of the things that are important to you? This is a great time to review and solidify your routines.

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 24, 25, Sept 12

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Aug 23, Sept 3, 5

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug  29, Sept 18

Taurus Rising

Message: Step into that which brings you joy. Pleasure and happiness await.

Areas of focus: Focus for now on the things that you love the most. What is it in your life that brings you joy and bliss? Do more recreation and leisure activities. This is a great time to foster your creative projects and loves. Children are also a big focus during this season. The key word for this time is Pleasure. Call in more of this for yourself. Its a great time for dating and sex, so have fun!

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 27, 29, 30, Sept 15

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Aug  23, Sept 3, 7, 9

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Sept 2, 17, 18

Gemini Rising

Message: Revert to your home and make this your sanctuary. Ground.

Areas of focus: Bring your attention to your home and family life as this is what is needing your attention right now. You could be moving home or buying a home or just nurturing your home. It's a great time to connect with your parents and your lineage. Pay attention to the foundations of your life and if there is anything that needs attention here

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 24, Sept 2, 9, 15

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Sept 7, 8, 18

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Aug 29, Sept 3, 12, 21

Cancer Rising

Message: Speak up for what you want, let yourself be supported by your community.

Areas of focus: This is a great time to engage in your local community. Get out and about and have conversations, make connections with all that is close. Reach out to your siblings, your Aunts and Uncles and those really close friends. Spent time with them. Focus on your communication, you might want to start writing or journaling. Tap into any rituals that you feel called to.

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Sept 5, 28, 30

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Sept  2, 3

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Sept 29, 18

Leo Rising

Message: Focus on the things that you value most. Pay attention to your finances.

Areas of focus: This is a time for bringing your values front and centre, you may want to re-evaluate or update them. Pay attention to your money and finances, is there anything that you can do to improve this area of your life, put a budget in place, focus on your savings? This also includes your assets and possessions that have high importance in your life, the things that support you to be you!

‘Light’ Days: These are likely to be more enjoyable, harmonious and in flow

Aug 23, Sept 12, 20, 22

‘Shadow’ Days: These represent challenge, tension and might be a little hard

Sept 3, 8, 21

‘Amplified’ Days: These days are energetically charged and could go either way

Sept 29, 9, 18