Dynamic eclipses and shifting energies - September Horoscopes

September 2024 Horoscopes.

September starts with a shift in energy as Uranus goes Retrograde on the 2nd, prompting introspection and a focus on your unique traits. Pluto’s return to Capricorn signals the closing of a significant chapter, possibly with one final task to complete.

The Virgo New Moon on the 3rd is overshadowed by tension from Mars and Neptune, so clarity and physical movement might help if you’re feeling unsettled. Mars enters Cancer on the 5th, bringing a protective energy, while Mercury's move into Virgo on the 9th offers clearer communication.

The highlight comes on the 15th with a powerful trine between Venus and Jupiter, opening doors to love, abundance, and opportunities. However, mid to late September may bring challenges as inner planets clash with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.

Eclipse season begins on the 18th with a Pisces lunar eclipse, marking the start of a new 18-month cycle of endings and beginnings. Libra season starts on the 22nd, offering balance and harmony, followed by Venus entering Scorpio on the 23rd, deepening passion and possibly benefiting financial matters.

The month ends with Mercury moving into Libra on the 30th, enhancing communication and balance. If you’ve been diligent, your efforts may start to pay off. Embrace the changes this season brings.

September Key Dates (AEST)

🌟 02 01:18 URANUS STATIONS RETROGRADE - Time to turn in to access your uniqueness.

🌟 02 10:08 PLUTO RX ENTERS CAPRICORN - The final chapter of a 15 year transformation begins/

🌟 03 Virgo New Moon - Get clear and get organised with a focus on your wellness and daily life.

🌟 03 14:09 MARS SQUARE NEPTUNE - Beware of frustration, confusion and not seeing things as they are.

🌟 05 05:46 MARS ENTERS CANCER - Stand up, protect and defend what you care about.

🌟 07 14:20 MERCURY SQUARE URANUS - Unexpected news, messages or conversations drop in.

🌟 08 14:34 SUN OPPOSITE SATURN - Feeling at odds with an upper limit, have patience.

🌟 09 16:50 MERCURY ENTERS VIRGO - Attention to details and clarity incoming.

🌟 12 20:52 SUN SQUARE JUPITER - Challenges with opportunities activating personal growth.

🌟 15 15:34 VENUS TRINE JUPITER - Harness the flow of love, bliss abundance and opportunities that come your way.

🌟 18 Pisces Full Moon - Lunar Eclipse - Dynamic, mysterious, spiritual shifts are in the air.

🌟 18 18:50 MERCURY OPPOSITE SATURN - Tough conversations with authority figures.

🌟 20 00:04 SUN TRINE URANUS - Pleasant surprises fostering connection to personal spirit.

🌟 21 10:16 SUN OPPOSITE NEPTUNE - Challenges in creativity and connecting to your higher power.

🌟 21 18:49 MERCURY SQUARE JUPITER - Tricky communications that ultimately force joy.

🌟 22 16:11 SUN TRINE PLUTO - Advances and flow with transformative experiences.

🌟 22 22:44 SUN ENTERS LIBRA - A focus on harmony and building beautiful relationships.

🌟 23 07:14 VENUS SQUARE PLUTO - Hard work required to foster love with understanding.

🌟 23 12:36 VENUS ENTERS SCORPIO - A deep dive in love, intimacy and money.

🌟 25 03:26 MERCURY TRINE URANUS - Powerful communications drop in from out of the blue.

🌟 25 21:06 MERCURY OPPOSITE NEPTUNE - At odd with receiving messages from you inner guide.

🌟 26 14:13 MERCURY TRINE PLUTO - Power in your spoken word.

🌟 26 18:09 MERCURY ENTERS LIBRA - A time where messages, thoughts and conversations in flow.

🌟 30 14:06 MARS TRINE SATURN - Energy to progress through a powerful lesson, move slowly!

Virgo Sun + Rising

The beginning of the month might have you questioning some of the beliefs you hold about yourself. Don't look outside yourself for the answers, they are within you. There's also a chapter ending and there may be something that you need to finalise here.

Virgo's new moon is on the 3rd but its not as smooth sailing as you might think. There is tension between your significant relationships and your career. Things are not all as they seem and take care not to let your anger run rampant.

If you experienced unexpected loss or sickness in last month's Mercury Retrograde take care mid month. There might be a resolution coming soon.

On the 9th Mercury enters Virgo, things will become clear and there is a new beginning in store, take the energy from the 12th to help propel your forward to any new goals or dreams you have set for yourself.

2024s second eclipse season begins on the 18th and it can be blindsiding, this one might be impacting a significant other more so than you. Nonetheless it's best to nurture these relationships as its likely there could be tension.

Libra season begins on the 22nd which could help shift us away from any chaos of the last month. There's a little more flow towards the end of the month and it's the perfect time to get clear on your values, assess any money matters and find harmony amidst the eclipse season. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Libra Sun + Rising

The start of the month sees Uranus Station Retrograde and Pluto shift back into Capricorn. You might be learning to embrace energies that seem ‘taboo’ or ‘not spoken about’ now is the time to embrace these on an internal level.

Virgo's new moon on the 3rd could be a challenge as it's infused with energy that's confusing and potentially aggressive. Foster a deep connection with your spiritual guides and be super clear on any intentions you set for yourself.

From the 5th your career or time in the spotlight could get a little boost, you could feel momentum, motivation and opportunities to move yourself forward. With all of that said you might also be feeling the need to rest and you can do both, just pay attention to your energy.

Mark the 15th down in your diary. It's set to be a day of love, joy, abundance and flow. If you have been wanting a makeover, a new do or a restyle, this is absolutely the day for it!

The 2nd of 2024s eclipse season begins on the 18th and be wary of anything health related, if something comes up, don't ignore it. This story is likely to unfold over the next year and a half so make sure you're tuned in.

Libra season begins on the 22nd illuminating you. This is your time and you're likely to notice increased energy. The universe is backing you right now (it always is but it will actually feel like it right now) so take the risks and turn the attention onto yourself.

The end of the month could see some hard times arising at home. Stay true to yourself and know that everything can be worked out. When Venus enters Scorpio on the 23rd take a deep dive into your financial situation and ensure you have all your ducks in a row. Mercury moves into Libra on the 28th supporting your personal energy, a time where you will feel like you can speak your truth and be heard. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

There are shifting energies at the beginning of September helping you to resolve matters in relationships and communications. This should not be new to you though so keep doing the inner work to see how you can support yourself during this time. You have the answer within you.

Virgo's new moon is likely to be a spicy one. It could include emotions such as confusion, tension, aggression and things might feel unclear so you'll need to take extra care when setting intentions for yourself. Think about what your future visions are as the energy is supporting you in this area of your life.

If these emotions surface during this time, keep working through the transformations going on in your life. Things aren't always meant to be easy but there times and energy will change and nothing stays the same.

Mars enters Cancer on the 5th and this might have you motivated to take action towards a new adventure, a holiday, a trip or even embark on a new course of study. You’ll feel motivated and have the energy to move these ideas forward into physical form.

You could be seeing the resolution of anything that came up during last month's retrograde toward the middle of the month. The 12th will have your mind and body aligned in a powerful way so it's a great day to make moves, especially when it comes to your career or business.

Eclipse season begins in Pisces on the 18th with a lunar eclipse. This energy can be general but if it does impact you it could pull deeply on your creative side or something that brings you joy and pleasure.

The 22nd marks the beginning of Libra season and an energy that feels in flow with your home or family or both. This is a time where you want to slow down though so make sure you're listening to your body. Instead connect deeper within and to your spiritual guides as the connection will be strong during Libra season.

The next day you might encounter tension with a female that involves uncovering something that you didn't see a secret or something that was hidden for you. To move this energy forward focus on yourself and put energy into your style, the end of the month and into October is the perfect time to upgrade your style.

The end of the month could see momentum, flow and structure helping you move forward, just have patience here and know that all good things take time. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

There's likely been a little more happening in your public life, business or career over the past week or so and that energy is around for a little while yet. There are shifting energies at the beginning of the month, a great time to be tapping into your inner unique abilities to thrive in your daily life. If you feel like you have been levelling up your personal values and finances over the past 15 years, you're on track and you're nearly there, you might find yourself at the beginning of the final chapter right now.

Be extra careful with Virgos New moon on the 3rd, it's linked in with some frustrating energy that could make you feel muddled in your mind. Just get as clear as you can, especially within your business or career as this is the energy it's working with right now.

You might find energy to move through a death/rebirth process and on the 9th there is more energy coming to support you with your new moon intentions. Listen to the messages that are coming through.

Mid month brings expansion and growth in your relationships and one to one connections. Especially the 15th this is an abundante day so make sure you have some plans to do something that you love.

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse happens on the 18th and its the beginning of a new series of eclipses in Pisces. Watch for disruptions or major shifts when it comes to your home, family and the foundations of your life.

There could be a fortunate conversation, thought or exchange right before Libra season kicks off on the 22nd. THis will be a time to foster your friendships and community. The end of the month is asking you to slow down and start connecting deeper with your spirituality. Know when your body needs to rest and don't push beyond the limits. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Capricorn Sun + Rising

September starts out with some significant shifts of energy including Pluto retrograde ingressing into Capricorn. This is likely to impact you the most. Since 2008 you have been undergoing a transformation of sorts, uncovering hidden parts of yourself so that you can step into the highest version of yourself. This chapter is ending now and there may be one last resolve or piece of information coming in these next few months while Pluto is here.

Virgo's new moon on the 3rd is likely to be surrounded by confusion and conflict. Set new intentions for how you want to move forward with a positive mindset, learning or travel could be a catalyst.

You might feel at odds on the 8th, like you're trying to break new ground or have reached an upper limit, don't let this hold you back just look for the lesson that you are being shown here.

There's a Pisces Lunar eclipse happening on the 18th and this upper limit might be showing up again. Know that this energy brings dynamic endings and new beginnings so strap in for the ride.

Libra season begins on the 22nd and there is focus on your career and public life. Perhaps your starting a new job or project at work, use this energy and back yourself as your being supported right now.

On the 23rd Venus activates your future visions and ambitions, get clear on what you really want for your life. There may also be a significant female supporting you with this right now, foster this connection.

The end of the month sees solid momentous energy that might be slowly moving a significant relationship forward, it doesn't have to be romantic (although it may be) think friendship or a significant family member. While you might want to rush, take your time and ensure you keep your boundaries strong. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aquarius Sun + Rising

The dynamic energy of August is set to continue into September as energy shifts a little. It's not unfamiliar to you but maybe there is something you thought was complete that's coming up again. Do the work to finalise this transformation or letting go process so that you can move forward.

Virgo's new moon is a good time to set intentions around a rebirth or transformation that might be illuminating in your life right now. It might now be as easy as it sounds to get clear on what you need to do and this could be a frustrating process.

An unexpected conversation or message may arise on the 7th, it could have to do with your relationship or love life and it was something you might not have seen coming. The 8th might see you at odds with your limits and feeling so far from what you want to accomplish. It's a great time to journal, write and speak up to help move this energy forward.

There's a Pisces Lunar eclipse on the 18th and they can bring dynamic endings and major beginnings so watch out for anything coming to the forefront here. For you it could have to do with money and values so take extra care.

The 20th could bring a happy surprise before the sun moves into Libra on the 22nd which might feel like a welcome change and have you focusing on some upcoming travels or adventures.

There's more shifts and positive energy flowing in at the end of the month despite being mid way through eclipse season so make use of this powerful energy that's encouraging you in your adventures and career. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Pisces Sun + Rising

You could have a lot going on right now Pisces. The beginning of the month brings shifts in energy, a chance to forge a deeper connection with your inner communicative monologue and a time where you might be exploring the final chapter of transformation within your social circles.

There's a new moon in Virgo on the 3rd and it's a chance to set new intentions for what you want in your relationship or significant partnerships of any form. You want to be extra clear and the energy might not be supporting you here. Things could feel confusing and fast. Do your best to bring yourself into the present moment.

From the 5th you’ll feel the urge to seek joy and pleasure rather than remaining stagnant in your life. There could be action happening in your relationship zone and from the 9th it might feel easier to communicate what's on your mind. There's a abundantly positive flow of energy at your fingertips on the 15th so tap into the joy and bliss that this brings.

Eclipse season begins on the 18th with a Lunar eclipse in Pisces. Of all the signs, it could be impacting you the most. Eclipses can be blindsiding but equally can bring about profound, exciting change and new beginnings, so do your best to keep your feet on the ground and not get swept away in this energy. Its likely to feel quite confusing and unclear during this time.

Libra season begins on the 22nd which could make you feel mysterious, there may be big transformations beginning right now so try to approach this with a balanced approach.

As Venus shifts into Scorpio, you might want to enrol in a new course, learn something new or even start planning a new adventure for yourself. The 25th could bring exciting ideas that you hadn't thought about yet. It's all possible for you if you. Keep working through it in your mind and by the end of the month you will find the balance that's right for you. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aries Sun + Rising

You might feel bogged down in your daily life right now as September kicks off and there are shifts of energy happening. It's nothing that you're not used to but something is coming back for resolution in your public life, business or career. There might also be the need to apply a more unique approach to your financial situation.

Virgo's new moon is on the 3rd but for you this might be overshadowed by another energy that's getting you agitated and frustrated. It feels tense and confusing but ultimately there is something you need to let go of so that you can deeper connect with your inner guidance.

Mars enters Cancer on the 5th bringing some action, energy and motivation to your home and family life. If there are projects that you want to move forward, now is the perfect time.

You could be having a conversation about your health as we approach the middle of September so pay attention to any messages that are coming in. Have awareness and take any action that's needed. Don't wait as there is momentum for change in this area of your life right now.

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse kicks of 2024s eclipse season. This energy is changeable and dynamic and could be related to a spiritual awakening, loss or suffering so be extra careful and take note of what's coming up this time.

Libra season begins on the 22nd illuminating your relationships and one to one connections. Perhaps your partner is in the spotlight right now or a new relationship is blooming. Be sure to keep the conversations flowing to find harmony here.

There's a strong foundational energy helping you connect with your inner guidance at the end of the month so ensure you are giving yourself plenty of time to foster this part of yourself. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Taurus Sun + Rising

Uranus stations retrograde at the start of the month, a shift you might notice, urging you to turn within to uncover any unique beginnings that might be trying to come through. Pluto also shifts back into Capricorn which could help in cementing a belief system you have been transforming since 2008

The Virgo new moon could be delusional, foggy and confusing so be clear on the intentions of your setting here. The energy is playing out in your zone of joy, bliss, pleasure, children and quite simply all the things you love.

If there is something that you have been needing to speak out about, Mars shift on the 5th might give you the support you need. If issues arose during Mercury Retrograde you might find they are starting to sort themselves out come mid month.

The 15th could be your lucky day, opportunities and money may flow your way with more ease that normal. On the 17th a female might be helping you resolve a cycle that has been holding you back, try not to be triggered and bring awareness to whats coming up.

The 18th sees a new cycle of eclipses being in Pisces and eclipse season can bring major shifts or something you didnt see coming, this may be prominent amongst your friends.

Libra season begins on the 22nd, a chance for you to focus on your day to day. You might feel the need to start a new fitness or health regime or work could be in the spotlight. The 23rd could feel sticky but the energy is also shifting to illuminate your relationship zone. An unexpected message could drop in on the 25th so keep your ears and eyes open! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Gemini Sun + Rising

You might have noticed your home and family life coming into the spotlight over the last week, this will continue throughout part of the month. The energies are shifting at the beginning of September and it's a great time to connect with your spiritual guides and intuition. Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn suggesting a time of final completion on a major death/rebirth process you have been moving through since 2008.

Virgos new moon occurs on the 3rd and it could be a little spicy. Know that things could feel frustrating and confusing but do your best to get clear on what you want to call in this lunar cycle.

Mars shifts out of Gemini and into Cancer on the 5th bringing action and momentum to your financial and money situation. There could be a little chaos in the air around this time but wait until the 12th as you’ll receive a message, download or have a conversation that can help propel you into action.

Note the 15th in your diary, it's going to be a particularly abundant day for you personally and could be connected to love, money or an opportunity that is coming for you. Allow yourself to receive any good fortune coming your way.

Your public life and career has been coping with a lot of energy lately and there is more coming as the new series of Eclipse in Pisces kicks off on the 18th. They bring dynamic endings and major beginnings and you might not have seen this one coming.

You may feel at odds and a little tense in the lead up to Libra season, starting on the 22nd. This will be a nice time for you though and you want to make time for your creativity, things you love and pleasure in your life.

There is harmonious energy at the end of the month encouraging pleasant communication and conversations in your life. Mercury enters Libra on the 26th bringing more energy to the things you love the most. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Cancer Sun + Rising

You might have been feeling a deeper connection to your inner world of late. This part of you is expanding and your feeling momentum towards this new found wisdom. Harness this as it's a powerful shift for you. There's also energy shifting at the beginning of the month which might see you finalise a transformation process that has taken place in your relationship zone. It could be that your significant other is coming out the other side of their transformation and your seeing the results.

Virgos' new moon is on the 3rd so think about the intentions you want to set for yourself, especially when it comes to the people close to you, your community and anything that might have to do with speaking or communications. You'll want to get extra clear which might feel hard as everything could feel foggy right now, like you have the ideas to move forward but you just can't ground them in reality.

Mars moves into Cancer on the 5th and you might feel motivated for a physical glow up. If you want to start a new fitness regime the energies will be supporting you to move right now. But it doesn't have to be just that, anything that you feel like you want to start has momentum behind it now so take this opportunity to move with the energy.

As mid month approaches there will be more messages supporting your new moon intentions and a surge of energy on the 12th to move it forward. You just need a little bit of effort and it will move with you.

The Pisces lunar eclipse on the 18th kicks off the second eclipse season for 2024. Expect there to be dynamic energy around this time especially when it comes to your beliefs, adventures, travels and anything you might be learning (or teaching for that matter).

Libra season brings a spotlight to your home on the 22nd and as Venus enters Scorpio on the 23rd you want to really deep dive into your creativity and pleasure. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Leo Sun + Rising

The start of the month could see a shift or shake up in your business, job or public life. Is there something that you need to go back and review, let go of or finalise so that you can move onto the next phase, now is the time.

Virgo's new moon is bringing energy to your values, finances and the things that support you in your life. You’ll need to be extra clear with your intentions this month as there are other energies at play which could seem confusing and unclear.

On the 5th Mars enters Cancer and a call for you to focus your energy on your spiritual growth and connections. Don't try to do too much because if you do, the universe might have other plans. If you have been feeling like you're trying to break through an upper limit, have patients on the 8th and ask yourself what you need to learn about this situation or transformation.

Opportunities might come your way through friends or acquaintances, there is a chance for you to expand but it might not flow as smoothly as you hope. Keep at it however as you’ll be onto a good thing.

This Pisces Lunar eclipse could be a difficult one. If you have been ‘doing the work’ it may not be so bad. If something comes up out of the blue, know that it's your chance to face it so you can transform and move forward. There might be more pieces to this puzzle over the next 18 months.

The 20th could be a good day for money, like an unexpected cheque arrives or you learn your tax return is going to be better than expected. It may be hard to believe what is going on during this time.

Libra season begins on the 22nd and is a great opportunity to tap into your close community circles. You might even feel the need to start writing, journaling or communicating your ideas and thoughts in some way. Venus also enters Scorpio at the end of the month bringing a feminine energy to your home and family life. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.