Stand strong in your power as Astro energies ramp up - August 2024 Horoscopes

August 2024 Horoscopes.

To be 100% honest with you, this August the Astrological energies are ramping up. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good things going on...a courageous New Moon in Leo to get the month started, harmonious alignments promoting love, communication, action, expansion and abundance and a shift from Venus first to help us get organised and be in service to those around us and as the month closes out she shifts again into her home territory, further expanding her brilliance and energy when it comes to money, values and relationships.

It's also Leo season so let's draw that fun loving spirit out of this energy and embrace the highest version of ourselves and celebrate! There is no single person on the planet that has your unique set of skills and experience so it's time to shine bright and own your story!

I just can't help but notice that most of the month comes is overshadowed with Mercury retrograde and a tense opening square between Jupiter and Saturn bringing an ‘expand/contract’ energy, amplified by a highly unique and quirky full Moon in Aquarius. This energy is likely to linger for at least a year and links back to their conjunction at the end of 2019...remember that time, how could we forget!

Virgo season starts on the 23rd which could bring order and attention to the details of the hectic energy this month serves up. I always say, there is light and shade with all transits, all aspects and all Astrology so find the lessons, allow some slowdown and flow with the energies as they rise.

Happy August my friends!

Leo Sun + Rising

This is your time to shine Leo, all lights are on you. The month kicks off with a New Moon in Leo on the 4th. Set bold, courageous intentions and see how things unfold. Are you clear on your values? They can help you make bigger decisions in your life and from the 5th there will be more focus on this space. Mercury Stations Rx on this day too so you might also feel the need to review your finances or create a new budget.

The 7th is a great day to step into your power and expand your light. Think carefully about the actions you are taking as they are likely to have a far reaching impact. Use your networks too as they can help you grow. The next day might have you circling back to a conversation with a female friend. Approach with warmth and you’ll likely get the outcome you're looking for.

Mid month brings a lot of energy and the opportunity to expand the vision you have for your future. Think big and think of the possibilities. The inner workings of your mind will be on point and intuition strong so tap into this.

There will also be a positive moment for you to step forward something that's been bothering you, something that you might be finding difficult to shift. The 19th will bring clarity and it's important to trust the messages you’re receiving at this time. There could also be tension if you're on the verge of leaping to the next level of your life. Be strong in your values and enjoy the ride.

On the 20th you'll face a turbulent Full Moon in Aquarius, this could be a shaky day, be bold and brave and stand true with your uniqueness. There could also be this push pull dynamic, like you're trying to move into a more expanded place but limitations are at play.

Virgo season begins on the 23rd bringing more focus to those values you were reviewing at the beginning of the month. There is potential for the spotlight to be on your money situation so make sure you have your ducks in a row.

The end of the month could feel hazy, like a strange love bubble but now that Mercury finishes retrograde on the 29th along with Venus shifting into Libra, her home sign so things are definitely looking up for the beginning of September! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Virgo Sun + Rising

There's moving and shaking for you this August Virgo and it begins with the New Moon in Leo on the 4th. You could feel like things have been rocky for the last week or so, especially if you haven't been listening to your body. Give yourself the rest you need, this moon is a great time for connecting to your higher spiritual guidance but you need to allow the space to do so.

A lot of this month is calling for you to slow down. From the 5th Venus will enter your sign bringing the softness you need to do just that. Mercury also stations retrograde which is the perfect time to retreat for a while. These 2 align on the 8th making for deep conversations, maybe with a significant female, maybe something needs to change.

Mid month comes with some great news for your career or public life, you’ll feel a scene of expansion and action to propel you to where you ultimately want to go.

You're reviewing something during this Mercury Retrograde and it traverses back into Leo, be sure to keep your health on point as something might need healing right now. The 18th could be a rocky day, with unexpected challenges arising but you should have clarity by the next day even if things feel tense.

There's a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 20th calling you to shed something from your general day to day life, this might also involve something to do with your health. Things will start to feel lighter from the 23rd as Virgo season begins. A resolution to a deep seated issue that's been bugging you and the opportunity to move beyond it.

While the end of the month could feel like a drag and a little confusing, there are shifts coming. Venus moves into Leo encouraging you to bring focus to your finances and the things you truly value. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Libra Sun + Rising

The beginning of the month may be a little sticky for you Libra, just be forewarned that you might be feeling resistance to something deep that you are trying to transcend. There could also be energy that surprises you from out of the blue and disrupts any flow you thought you had.

Leo's New Moon on the 4th is the ultimate time to be looking at what your future dreams and desires are. Be clear on your intentions and manifest them into reality. 

There's also a strong call to look after yourself from the next day. If you need to heal, Mercury's Retrograde is asking you to turn inwards for some soul searching, don't push it as you could find things snowboarding during this time. A powerful conversation on the 8th could help you see things in a more positive light and could leave you with warmth in your heart.

Mid month comes with a unique opportunity to step into something new and exciting in the realms of teaching, learning, adventure, travel or your belief system. It's a powerful time so think clearly about what opportunities for them could move you forward more quickly than normal!

The 19th is a day that could bring you clarity but not without discomfort. You feel expansive in your heart and relationships but there's something holding you back. It's like you need a solid boundary so that you can step through the upper limit threshold!

The Aquarius Full moon on the 20th has much the same energy, only intensified 10 fold, it's all playing out in the area of life that brings you a lot of joy. This tension is not forever but it's bringing a sense of awareness and learning about what will help you to move forward!

Virgo season begins on the 23rd and if you haven't already taken a step back, I'm urging you to now. This is the time of year where you need to slow down so you can speed up, you can be more susceptible to getting sick or just falling out of alignment. The good news is if you spend this time correctly, you find a stronger connection to your intuition and spirituality.

Love, romance and passion may be feeling tense right now but this should pass by the 27th with a unique moment bringing in surprise, delight and excitement.

The energy of the end of the month could be foggy and laced with uncertainty. Mercury will station directly on the 29th and Venus moves into your sign, a great time for a glow up, by the way! There's also something being revealed from the depths, but don't stress it's all in the flow and as it's meant to be! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

The New Moon in Leo kicks off the month on August 4th and it's happening at the peak of your chart. This means it's a perfect time for manifesting what you want for your Career, business or life in the public eye. You can combine this intention with focus on your visions for the future as the next day Venes enters Virgo activating this part of your chart for the next month.

Mercury's retrograde will help you contemplate these desires so channel your energy inward and try not to take on too much from the outside world. There could be an important message come through on the 8th so feel into what's dropping in for you.

If you are moving through transformative time, a death/rebirth moment, you might reach an ah ha moment mid month. There's an opportunity and chance to expand your thinking around this and move yourself forward with some intentional action. This is all positive although the time might feel tricky.

Mercury's Cazimi could bring a clear download when it comes to you in the public eye or your work. It is followed by a powerful Full Moon in Aquarius on the 20th. There might be something you need to release from your home or even family life. Maybe something to do with your parents or even your lineage, allow it to go even if there is an expand and contract dynamic that comes with it.

Virgos season starts on the 23rd and things could feel at odds in your love life, there could be tension alongside passion and romance. Ultimately Virgo season is asking you to activate the connections and friendship groups that support you.

The 24th could feel another step forward in a fast way. The energy will shift evidently on the 29th as Mercury stations direct and Venus enters Libra. This harmonious energy will help a smooth transition into the beginning of September. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

You know I'm speaking your language when I tell you to book that adventure, go on that trip! Leo's New Moon is encouraging you to set some wheels in motion. If it's not travels or adventures maybe there's a new course of study or a honing of your beliefs system. Whatever it is, get clear on this exciting new adventure so you can manifest it into reality.

The public places of your chart are starting to be activated so this means bringing attention to your life in the ‘outside world’ this might be your career but doesn't have to be, it could simply be life in the public eye, there's beauty and love here so enjoy this time. Mercurys also station retrograde asking you to ponder something without the forces of the external world, let the guidance come from within.

The 7th could be quite an auspicious day for you, especially when it comes to love and romance. Make sure you have something enjoyable planned but no doubt it will play out that way regardless. There could also be a heartfelt message dropping in for you.

This energy is set to expand and flourish into something that moves the needle forward, maybe a relationship, maybe an opportunity from someone significant in your life or you might sign that client you dreamed of!

Clarity around your beliefs will be strong on the 19th and will have an expansive quality to it. The Aquarius Full Moon follows on the 20th and will be a powerful day to journal everything that's coming up. There's something to be released here so let it come up and out. It may not be easy and come with a little stress but it's all part of the plan.

Virgo season brings a spotlight to your work and career and your life in the public eye. Go for that promotion, launch that product or just get out in the world and the energy you show up with will be matched.

The end of the month comes with a shifting of the energy Mercury stations direct and Venus softens into her home sign of Libra. This is all well and good for the time being but now there is more movement to come early September! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Capricorn Sun + Rising

This month starts off with the fun loving New Moon in Leo. This energy could bring you the clarity you have been looking for and the knowingness that you can drop the frustrations of a death/rebirth moment you are going through. Let go of what's not serving you and set intentions to move toward what is best for you. If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand!

Venus enters Virgo climbing to the top of your chart and bringing a lightness to the energy that may have been bringing you down. Contemplate some new adventures, travel, a course and upgrade and mindset shift. The energy is supporting you now!

You’ll have a chance to contemplate this too with Mercury stationing retrograde and then aligning with Venus. Some messages that fill you with bliss and joy are waiting for you! 

Mid month feels exciting, expansive and like there's possibilities and opportunities up for grabs, you feel like you can move towards these after maybe a not so motivating time. There might be some limits to overcome but it's likely they are ones you have placed on yourself. There will be clarity on the 19th and if you call in a softness to this energy you can find the structure that will help you shift these limits.

Aquarius shines a bright full Moon on the 20th and this is a chance for you to celebrate a financial goal and release it so you can move forward onto your next endeavour, be sure to celebrate your wins before moving onto the next big thing.

The Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd strengthening that energy at the top of your chart. You're heading into lighter times so roll with it.

The end of the month could have you feeling like you have escaped reality, be careful not to slip too far down the rabbit hole! Mercury stations direct with an urge to move forward into new possibilities and there's a new lease on your work as Venus enters Libra and begins activating the area of your life pertaining to your public life. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aquarius Sun + Rising

August could kick off on shaky grounds for you Aquarius. There could be a surprise shift in a relationship or the feeling of being blindsided. Be sure to communicate clearly as this moment might feel tense. There's a new Moon in Leo on the 4th which means a fresh new start when it comes to your romantic life, so this could help what's coming up here.

Venus moves into Virgo and Mercury stations directly calling for you to look deeper into something that's been coming up. Use your own inner wisdom rather than seeking the answers from outside yourself. You could have clarity through a conversation on the 8th.

Mid month might come with an urge to expand and start taking action to do things that you love. What opportunities are available to you right now, go out and grab them. The 16th through to 18th could feel slow, challenging and unexpected but you will find clarity with the Mercury Casimi on the 19th. Be sure to hold true to your boundaries to get the results that you want.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 20th could be a doozy, there's a mixture of uncertaining, rebelliousness and a need to expand while feeling contracted. This is likely to impact you the most and could be calling for you to release it all and start anew. Take extra care as your health could take a beating even if it's just a stressful day.

Virgo season might come with stormy waters too as you find yourself navigating a revival of sorts. You may not have gone to rock bottom (or you may have) but it's time to look honestly at where you need to course correct in your life.

The 27th brings unexpected pleasures, maybe a love filled conversation from your family or home. You might find yourself in some uncertainty when it comes to a financial decision at the end of the month. Take your time to think things through. Mercury will station directly and Venus’ entrance into Libra might help lighten things up a little. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Pisces Sun + Rising

August energy starts with a vibrant New Moon in Leo on the 4th. Setting intentions for your personal health and wellbeing is key, you might also notice a smooth flowing in your day to day. From the 5th Venus will be transiting the parts of your chart impacting your significant relationships. You may find yourself in a new relationship or take one to the next level. Mercury also begins its Retrograde here so there could be cause for reflection or slowness in this area of your life.

Mid month could see a big event taking place in your home and family life. Maybe you're buying a new home, shifting house or even extending your family.

The 19th brings some clarity on the intentions that you set over the New Moon, it should feel like a beautiful day. The Aquarius Full Moon follows which could bring some intense emotions up. It would be a great idea to lay low, slow down and look after yourself. This could feel difficult as you might want to extend and grow, yet you feel restricted or held back.

Virgo Season begins on the 23rd enhancing all the activity in your relationship zone and bringing a spotlight to this space. There might be activity happening here so sit back and enjoy the ride while this area is being illuminated.

The end of the month is a mixed bag which could feel like a foggy haze around your sense of self. It's not bad, it's just that some things might feel confusing. Mercury stations direct which will help clear the fogginess. Venus will move into Libra, so the feminine energies will feel less uptight and more likely to be interested in connection and socialising. Early September may have some more changes of direction so strap in for the ride. The energy is always moving and shaking! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aries Sun + Rising

You might have noticed that more things are happening in the behind the scenes side of your life lately Aries and this is set to continue. A fun and flirtatious New Moon in Leo is on the cards and brings some fun loving vibes into your life. It would be worth contemplating your creative pursuits, recreational activities that you love and even getting clear on what you're trying to manifest in your dating life!

Venus begins her transit through Virgo where you might feel called to get organised in you every day. What new habits might you implement, what cupboards need clearing out, maybe there is a health kick you want to start, this is the time to set these wheels in motion. Mercury also stations retrograde so there will be even more cause for contemplation.

There's big energy in your immediate spaces mid month, if you're thinking of expanding friendship circles in your local community, being a tourist in your own town or putting pen to paper. This would be a great time to write that book you have always dreamed of!

There’ll be clarity on the 19th ahead of a unique Full Moon in Aquarius on the 20th. You might notice something coming to fruition which was once a future dream. This would be a great time to celebrate with friends.

Virgo season kicks off on the 23rd and whatever plans you started at the beginning of the month now have more fuel, more light and more power to move forward so stick with your original plan and you’ll feel so much better about your daily life! There could also be some tension here when it comes to love, pleasure and passion, sometimes this creates sparks but don't let anger or frustration override!

There's spicy and fast energy the next day and with a small amount of energy it will help you move through that tension. At the end of the month Mercury is stationing directly which brings a shift in direction. Venus also enters your relationship zone so you might find some more loving and heartfelt conversation and connections deepening here, there's time to ride this wave and more of this energy ahead! Happy August! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Taurus Sun + Rising

August kicks off with some unexpected tension or challenge that could pull on your heartstrings. This could have to do with the relationship dynamics with your home and family. Whatever is coming up, set some clear intentions on the fun loving New Moon in Leo. Focus on what you want to call in for your home and family and watch these manifestations grow with the moon cycle.

Venus enters Vigro activating the space of your life surrounding your pleasures, creative pursuits, favourite recreational activities and children! There's something up for review here too as Mercury stations retrograde and aligns with the planet of love!

You might be in for a sudden windfall mid month or it could just be a nudge to expand your thinking and uplevel the values you hold for your life. There is room for growth in the areas of your life that support you, mentally, physically or financially.

The 19th might bring tricky energy to navigate. On one hand you could feel a strong message from your intuition whilst on the other you might feel restricted or at odds with something especially when it comes to your friendship circles.

Aquarius hosts a quirky and unique Full Moon on the 20th where there might be something to celebrate in your public life, business or career. It could have you feeling on edge, like you want to move forward, but your feeling is limited.

Virgo season begins on the 23rd bringing illumination and light to the spaces Venus moved into at the beginning of the month. This energy is growing and activating the things that bring you true joy in your life. There could also be frustration in your love life and something spontaneous and pleasurable could catch you off guard later in the month.

The end of the month could feel confusing, but as Mercury stations direct and Venus Moves into Libra there is changing energy in the air. There might be something coming up from the depths to be revealed too. Know the energy is shifting, changing and moving into early September so be prepared for what's to come. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Gemini Sun + Rising

August begins with a Leo New Moon on the 4th. If there is a writing or publishing project, maybe even a speaking gig or a podcast that you are wanting to start, this is a great time to set the wheels in motion!

Venus enters Virgo which could bring some loving order and structure to your home. You might feel the need to do a spring clean, despite it being the middle of winter (or summer if you're in the Northern Hemisphere). Regardless there is cause for review or something you need to revisit here as Mercury Stations Retrograde. This could also play out in your family or with your parents. Be sure to turn inwards for the information you are seeking. Loving insights are available on the 8th.

There could be big things happening in your world come mid month. Expansion, growth, opportunities, even travel. You have the go ahead to hit the green light. This is an expansive time so take the action required to ignite this new chapter and things could drop in quickly.

There could be glitches in the mix in the following days but there will also be a clear understanding of what you need to do next. It could feel like a stretch but you can move through the upper limit, through the threshold and onto the next level, it's all a choice.

The Aquarius Full Moon on the 20th is unique and could come with energy which makes you wonder if you should be growing or shrinking. Virgo season begins on the 23rd bringing even more focus to the most private areas of your life.

Fast moving energy to act on drops in on the 24th to help with the expansive opportunities that arose mid month, harness this and run with it.

The end of the month could come with illusions and shifts in energy including forward movement and a more softness. Happy August! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Cancer Sun + Rising

Leo's New Moon comes on the 4th and whilst this is a playful and fun loving energy, it also encourages you to get clear on intentions for things that could really support your life. Think about money, values and resources, what do you want to call in? Be clear in your manifestations and plant the seeds. The moon cycle operates in a month and 6 month cycle so watch as things unfold for you!

Venus enters Virgo and Mercury stations retrograde giving you a chance to contemplate something that has been coming up in the spaces close to you. This could be with siblings, in your local community or some conversations you have been having. There could be clues that come from a female on the 8th.

Your intuitive energy is already switched one but mid month this could expand even more if you take the action steps to get connected and open your mind to receive. Remember not to push yourself too hard right now, it's ok to go slow.

On one hand you might feel you're taking 2 steps forward whilst on the other you're taking 3 steps back. The 19th could help gain clarity in what you're moving through right now even though there are opposing energies.

Watch out for the Aquarius Full Moon, it could be a doozy as there is some unique and quirky energy around it causing deep impact and insight.

Virgo season officially begins on the 23rd and there is a pull towards being connected. Reach out to your siblings and spend time out and about in your local area.

The energy towards the end of the month is a little mixed, there could be unexpected pleasant surprises, confusing moments and a shifting of pace. Feminine energy will soften and feel less structured and there could also be something uncovered from the depths. Happy August! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.