October 2023 Horoscopes

Libra (Sun + Rising)

Libra season is in full force as October kicks off. The 5th brings an opportunity to uplevel you conversations and communications about yourself, the highest version of yourself. This is the inner dialog you need to boost your sense of self to that next level.

The 9th brings an opportunity to spend time moving through a transformative time. It will require discipline, structure and clear boundaries and is likely to prove challenging and tense.

Mid month you might find motivation to move forward in a productive way when it comes to money habits. This is a great time to review your budget and focus on your resources and what you deeply value.

The Libra new moon will be extra potent as this one is a Solar eclipse. Dynamic, intense energy and big shifts could be in store for your personal character and identity. This transit can be chaotic and blindsiding so take care of yourself on the 15th.

Call in abundance from those close to you later in the month and you'll be supported right before Scorpio season begins. Someone may have something of value for you. The end of the month comes with a spontaneous act of love leaving your heart full and feeling excited for whats to come.

Scorpio (Sun + Rising)

Libra season has been asking you to rest and rejuvenate Scorpio, so if you feel like you have been going through a transformation of sorts then your energy is on point. Despite this deeper energy, October starts off with free flowing engaging energy amongst your friends, followers and the community you spend time with. You’ll also feel called to put your mind to work to move you through this time of death and rebirth.

The 9th could prove to be a tense and challenging day. If you're feeling angry or frustrated, remove yourself from the situation and channel your energy into moving your body. Aggression is not the solution in this situation. 

You’ll feel a shift on the 11th and finally be able to start moving forward if you have been feeling stagnant within yourself. You’ll feel more comfortable speaking up for yourself and find that conversations begin to flow with greater ease.

The following day brings energy to your identity and if you have been considering upleveling your exercise regime, this is the day. With snippets of Scorpio season looming, and the dynamic energy of the Solar Eclipse on the 15th be sure to focus your energy on yourself.

There is energy building towards self renewal and come Scorpio season on the 24th you will notice the changes. Follow what makes you feel good and by the end of the month you will be in a better space than the start of the month.

Sagittarius (Sun + Rising)

There's a shifting energy that's been happening over the last few weeks, bringing into focus friendships, community and possibly even technology and the beginning of the month will build on this. You might find yourself having more conversations with the people that bring you joy or potentially even traveling to spend time with them.

The mood at work will shift and you will feel like you can ease back a little, allowing your efforts to pay off and things happening for you rather than efforting so much. Be sure to hold your boundaries in this space, explicitly when it comes to your home life, there might be a tendency to blend the two but it's important to keep them separate at this time.

Make sure you're getting enough time to yourself and opportunities to rest and recuperate come the 12th, you might feel you want to surge ahead but direct your motivation and energy towards a transformation you feel dropping in.

There's dynamic energy on the 15th with the Solar Eclipse in Libra, this is initiating a fresh start in friendships. This might catch you off guard but it's exciting nonetheless.

There's abundance and lucky energy in the air on the 22nd as your day to day feels full of love and life. Take these vibes and enjoy them as you prepare to lay low come Scorpio season. Rest is imperative here and while this might seem difficult, the more you push the more the universe will resist.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 29th gives you the opportunity to release something in your daily life that's no longer serving you. Approach casually and with caution, just let go and be done, no need for extensive rituals here!

Capricorn (Sun + Rising)

This month brings a mixture of free flow and problem solving, but it's nothing you can't handle Capricorn, you were made for this! There's powerful conversations happening to kick off the month and this flows into your higher purpose, what you have come here to do. 

You’ll be tested with an obstacle in your path on the 9th, channel your focus into action steps forward while being guided by a feminine approach, let the answer come to you.

On the 11th Pluto stations directly and this is going to feel so good for your higher self, you’re going to start feeling more and more yourself as Pluto starts to move forward and crawl towards Aquarius. You’re letting go of an era Capricorn and a new version of yourself is emerging once Pluto finally leaves your sign for good mid 2024.

Your friendships are pulling focus come the 11th and you have a lot of energy for this part of your life. Your energy, motivation and vibes to take action are going to feel a lot stronger come the 12th.

The Solar Eclipse comes with a surprise in your career, simply allow it to unfold, don't push back or resist as it's guiding you on the right path. There is renewal here but it might not come in the form you had first thought.
As Scorpio season ramps up you're going to have so much time for your friends and it will feel so good to finally be amongst the people who really understand you and love you for who you are.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 29th urges you to let go of something you thought was bringing you joy. It's no longer serving you and it's the perfect time to move on!

Aquarius (Sun + Rising)

You might be feeling itchy feet right now, the sense to move! There's a lot of energy in this area of your chart right now, are you feeling the pull? Travel is on the cards and you may well have a trip overseas booked in the next couple of weeks, your timing is on point. Focus your energy here and also be open to a new way of thinking that might be pressing on your consciousness. this is also a time where your beliefs and visions are being illuminated so make sure you tend to this aspect of yourself also.

The 9th brings a shift in your relationships as you feel a little less comfortable in your feminine expression. You're going through a death and rebirth cycle so you may be letting go of a relationship or finding a challenge or dark space with someone romantically significant. This energy is here for a while so embrace it.

Secrets could be exposed that jolt your confidence as Pluto stations direct on the 11th, there is a definite shift happening as something from the underworld comes into focus.

There's a clear shift in your career come the 12th, if this feels frustrating take action towards a new solution to move yourself into a better space.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse in LIbra on the 15th comes with new beginnings and this could be a shock to the system, a new way of thinking or an opportunity to learn something new, don't discount it!

Whilst this may feel strange in its timing Scorpio season comes with a deep enquiry into your life's purpose, your career, what you really want to be doing. This part of your life is in the spotlight so access the energy while it's there.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 29th comes with a sudden release around your home life, you need to let go of something even if you don't want to. Embrace this time otherwise you will pay the consequences later! The energy on the 31st will support your choices of change here in a harmonious way to round out the month.

Pisces (Sun + Rising)

There's an important conversation in your significant relationship that needs to be had at the start of the month, Pisces. Approach this with caution and make sure you have space to think clearly about what you want to say. You could become disillusioned or something might not be ‘as it seems.’ Approach with creativity and a focused mind to get the best results.

You'll be inspired to keep having these conversations to ensure your relationship and connection deepens. Along with this energy, allow yourself to sit in your divine feminine, letting love come towards you and being open to receive. This might feel like a challenge but if you can implement clear boundaries and have discipline, your relationship will thrive.

From the 12th you might have the urge to start a new course or dive into learning something new. If this has been on your mind, take steps to get started, with the right structure you will thrive here.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra could prove disruptive or bring about a dynamic change in your life, something in your significant relationship is coming up and it needs resolution.

As Scorpio season floats in, your being called to focus on a higher learning, this could also be an opportunity to shine light on your visions for the future and lean into your belief around this, magical things happen when you focus on this part of your psyche and the energy is supporting you at the end of the month.

Aries (Sun + Rising)

Your significant romantic relationships have been in the spotlight lately Aries and there's more energy emerging here as October kicks off. Conversations will flow with a greater sense of ease and you will have clarity in your mind about what's unfolding here. If you're single, you may be calling something into your love life or this simply could apply to a business partnership or very close friend.

Things could feel tense on the 9th with clashes between relationships and your career. Sit back and embody your divine feminine energy and allow the answers to come to you. Be open to receiving in your everyday life and you will be surprised at the solutions that will drop in.

As Pluto stations direct on the 11th you’ll feel a change in motion when it comes to your career, maybe there is an ending here and you're moving into a new space or a new industry. Embrace this shift.

On the 12th Mars enters Scorpio and your energetic signature will feel stronger. Lean into your movement and exercise practice and allow yourself to be motivated as you dive deeper into a rebirth you are facing.

The 15th is the Solar Eclipse in Libra and pulling focus in your relationship zone, something new coming in a way that you least expected, be open and embrace this energy.

As Scorpio season drops in you’ll sense a greater need to dive deep into a rebirth. There's also a spotlight on all things taboo - sex, death, taxes, let yourself be drawn to these areas of your life and see what unfolds.

Taurus (Sun + Rising)

The start of this month feels like the perfect time to express your inner uniqueness. Let yourself express your sense of self in its truest form. The focus on your health and daily life deepens at the start of the month with a clearer mental picture of how you want to move forward.

You're being encouraged to lean back when it comes to the things you love to do Taurus. Allow yourself to sit in your divine feminine energy and let opportunities come towards you rather than pushing forward. This might prove challenging on the 10th but it's important to instill good boundaries if you want this area of your life to thrive.

Mars is entering your relationship zone mid month with a shift of focus and moving some aspect of a relationship forward.

There's a new start in your day to day that comes with the Solar Eclipse in LIbra on the 15th. This might not come as first expected but allow yourself to go with the flow so this can unfold as it should.

There's lucky energy impacting your identity on the 22nd. Let yourself be drawn to your passions and things you love for this to unfold.

Scorpio season will be highlighting your romantic relationships, you will feel confidence and power in this area of your life even if you are sensing a shift.

The end of the month could feel tricky, maybe even polarizing on a large scale. You need to let go of some aspect of your identity on the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, this might feel challenging but is ultimately necessary, the energy will soften on the 31st but allow yourself to roll with it as you head into November.

Gemini (Sun + Rising)

There's lots of energy at the beginning of the month impacting your home and family life this month Gemini but this will soon shift bringing focus to the things that bring you joy, recreational activities, creativity and potentially even dating from the 5th.

From the 9th you’ll be supported to relax into your home. Let life come towards you and allow the opportunities to unfold. Be open to what's coming in for you and the energy will be easier to manage.

The first trickles of Scorpio season drip in from the 12th bringing focus to day to day and matters of health. You’ll feel supported and motivated to approach these areas in your life as the Scorpio spotlight comes closer.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra can disrupt your creativity in a unique way, perhaps getting you out and about on some new adventures or participating in different recreational activities. You might find yourself downloading a clear message in this area of your life on the 20th ahead of Scorpio season beginning.

The end of the month brings the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus which could come with a big release, perhaps a transformation or death rebirth cycle is coming to a close, this could also come as an exposed secret or even a health matter.

Cancer (Sun + Rising)

You could feel mental confusion or fogginess with regard to your future visions at the start of the month Cancer. Things are not clear and the message you are trying to get across is not being received as you’d hope. Instead lean into a creative approach towards your beliefs and dreams to focus this energy.

There's a lot of spotlight on your homelife right now and come the 5th you’ll be supported to have positive conversations in this area of your life. You could even be entertaining a move, the next few weeks is a good time.

On a larger scale, relationship issues may have been challenging you over the last few months (if not decade), there is a shift on the 11th as you are beginning to move onto greener pastures and come to the end of this transformative time.

The Solar Eclipse in LIbra could bring dramatic change at home. It may not feel comfortable at first but ultimately this is a new beginning and with time will prove to evolve as it should.

Scorpio seasons bring your passions into the spotlight toward the end of the month. Let yourself indulge in things that bring you joy, pleasure or bliss. If single dating could be on the cards, If you're looking to conceive this could also be the time.

The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the 29th could also through spanner in the works amongst your friends, community or potentially technology. Don't make any big moves on this day, flow with the energy that arises!

Leo (Sun + Rising)

Leo, your words and communication style is being illuminated during Libra season and at the start of the month Mercury comes to assist in sharing your message in a clear concise way. If there is something you need to get across, wait until the 5th and the energy will support you.

From the 9th you might be inclined to splurge or indulge a little. It's ok to spend money on the things that bring you joy, just remember to keep your finances in check. Things you value may seem more in reach around this time.

On the 12th you’ll feel action in your home and/or family life. Motivation to spend more time here which will be illuminated further when Scorpio season begins.

Take extra care with your words and how you speak to others on the Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 15th. Something you say could be misinterpreted and open a can of worms if you’re not careful. The 20th will bring clarity to whatever it is that was brought up by this eclipse.

As Scorpio season begins, focus on your home and family life and spend your energy and time cultivating what you want for your sanctuary. It will be easy to have discipline and boundaries on the 24th so use this to your advantage.

There could be something that you need to release in terms of your career on the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This could also be yanked out from underneath you in a sudden shift that you didn't see coming.

Virgo (Sun + Rising)

There's been a lot of focus on your personal identity and self image of late Virgo and the start of the month will see this area finalizing ahead of a shift on the 5th where focus will fall on the things that you value the most, your values, resources and finances.

After all this time spent focusing on yourself you can sit back and allow the energy to come to you. Be open to receive opportunities that come in to uncover your personal self expression.

If you have been finding it hard to lean into the things that bring you joy over the last few months, know that come the 11th this energy will shift. You’ll be moving into a more supportive space in this part of your life later in 2024, but for now it's going to feel a little better.

There is motivation to support short term travel and spending time in your local community from the 12th, this will only deepen upon the arrival of Scorpio season.

Take extra care of your finances this Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 15th. This area of your life is in the spotlight right now but eclipse energy brings chaos and dynamic change. Don't go making any big purchases on this day.

You’ll have a lot of mental clarity on the 20th, use your intelligence and fine communication skills to support the things in life that you value the most.

You’ll notice a shift in energy come Scorpio season on the 24th, there's potential for expansion and abundant opportunities surrounding your future visions on the 29th, proceed with extra caution however as this is also the same day as the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus which can reach havoc and chaos forcing you to let go of something that you just didn't see coming!

Abby LewtasComment