Unlock the Untold Secrets of Scorpio Season! November 2023 Horoscopes

Scorpio (Sun + Rising)

Scorpio season is well underway and the beginning of November could bring a balancing act between you and expansion within your significant relationships. This is an abundant time if you want it to be.

You’ll also be encouraged to have some boundaries in place so you can enjoy your creative expression or recreational time. Take care towards the end of the week as you may blurt out something unexpectedly that you didn't want to say, the message might not be clear and cause some confusion in relationships.

Venus enters Libra on the 8th and secrets may be exposed coming from a significant female. This is also a good time to embody your feminine essence, sit back, rest and receive.

Your words will be powerful and communication clear on the 9th but this won't last long, when Mercury moves into Sagittarius things may become scattered and grandiose.

On the 13th we hail in the New Moon in Scorpio which will have a big impact on you. It may not be as chill as other new moons so expect change, chaos and forward motion. It's a powerful time, just know this energy is likely to be intense.

Another important date to note is the 18th, a once every 2 year transit when Mars lines up with the Sun. This might well be the most powerful day of the month for you, you’ll have lots of physical energy and momentum to move forward with something personal to you.

Sagittarius season begins on the 23rd and your values will become front and center. This is a great time to re-evaluate your finances and take action on any money matters that come up.

The Gemini full moon on the 27th will begin to close out the month with an opportunity to let go of something of significant importance to someone close to you. Areas of taboo, sex, death, drugs, taxes may also be illuminated during this full moon. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Sagittarius (Sun + Rising)

You might be really ‘going in through it’ this Scorpio season dear Sag! If you haven't been prioritizing your rest and rejuvenation you may be feeling drained, run down or even a little sick.

This month starts off with some strong energies asking you to look for opportunities within your day to day routines. This might include revamping your wellness routine or starting a new movement practice, whatever you choose this will help you grow into a stronger version of yourself.

You’ll feel an energy shift in your home life on the 4th asking you to assert clear boundaries and build a solid foundation so you can thrive in your sanctuary. Becarful with your words and you might accidentally say something you didn't mean to disrupt the peace.

On the 8th the tone changes again where you might see a connection between a female friend deepening. It's important to stay connected and find a good balance between what is supporting you and what is not. Look at what you value in friendships and clean up your space so you are attracting what you want in this area of your life.

Sag season inches closer on the 10th when Mercury enters your sign. Think about how you can improve your self talk and the words of your inner world to become the best version of yourself.

Scoroios new moon on the 12th is a great time to set an intention about a transformation you are moving through, what do you need to heal, where do you need to rest and what do you need to release?

The 23rd hails in Sag season and you will feel energy returning to yourself, beginning to feel yourself again, Mars joins the next day building on this momentum.

On the 27th you might see a close relationship begin to flower, these are exciting times on this full moon in Gemini. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Capricorn (Sun + Rising)

Hopefully you have noticed a slight shift since Pluto stationed directly last month Capricorn. At the start of November you're able to see how your friendships are clearly impacting the things that are bringing you joy. Is this challenging you or supporting you? You get to decide.

On the 4th Saturn stations directly, which will impact you more than most signs. You’ll feel after a long phase of internal reflection that you can now express what you want to say in a clear and mature way, and enjoy this energy as it is here for a while.

Mid month you’ll be encouraged to look at what you truly value in your career and if you are working in a way that's supporting your highest self. A female may be supporting you in this phase whether in your job or business.

What's what you say on the 10th as it might be difficult to get your point across as your words come out all wrong. Think before you speak and take a structured approach and you will reap the rewards of this day.

The Scoripo new moon on the 13th is encouraging you to expand your friendship circles and freshen up your personal friendships. Set an intention that will serve you long term. The following day you could notice immediate shifts and changes and later in the week you’ll feel motivated to step into and own your intentions fully!

As Sagittarius season begins its a call to scale back a little. Take stock of what needs to rejuvenate and what needs to rest, if you don't it might come back to haunt you later in the month.

There's conflicting energy for you around the full moon in Gemini on the 27th and it feels tense. It's likely you're releasing something from your regular day to day routine that no longer serves you but it will feel like a challenge. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Aquarius (Sun + Rising)

The start of the month feels like a bit of a sea-saw, you're not really here and you're not really there. You might be thinking about what's next for your career or job while also escaping or traveling away from your homeland. It's all part of the energy so just allow the feelings to come up and see what opportunities you are drawn to. It might seem simple - but not always easy and you could also be craving the comforts of home, whatever that means to you.

There's a change in direction when it comes to your finances, you’ll need to employ strict discipline here as things are being overhauled. It's a slow burn but stay the course and you will come out prosperous in the long run.

Around the 8th you’ll feel fueled up simply by being around your friends and having meaningful conversations. Don't let your mind get in the way, flow with wherever the words are taking you!

The 12th could come with sudden changes in your homelife, you might feel frustrated or angry at this, make sure you move the energy in your body to get through this time.

The new moon in Scorpio is asking you to set a fresh intention for your career, job or business, be a rebel, step into something you actually want for yourself.

As Sag season starts you're going to feel at home surrounded by your favorites. This is the perfect time to call your close friends. It's also a great time to shine light on the visions and dreams you have for the future. It will be easy to take action if you are clear on what you want.

Your finances might be taking a beating toward the end of the month so watch them with a close eye and don't let it bring you down. You have made money before and you can make it again.

The Gemini full moon at the end of the month is a fun one for you with all energy focused on the things that you love. Call that into your space, let it blossom and enjoy it! Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Pisces (Sun + Rising)

The start of the month might have you thinking about travel plans, you may even be going on a trip, Pisces. Or maybe you're thinking of learning something new, taking a new class or expanding your skillset. Amidst all of this, you're likely to be pondering some of your beliefs and visions as November kicks starts.

This is a particularly creative time so allow yourself to receive the ideas of beauty and dive into the creation space, this will fill you up and nourish your relationships. On the 4th Saturn stations direct so it's going to feel like your relationship to time changes, slowly moving forward with solid boundaries and strong discipline to create the framework for your identity that you have been mulling over for the last 5 months. Save any deep conversations for the 7th.

The energy will be shifting mid month with Venus and Mercury moving signs which calls in some deeper thinking about your career, your job or your business. There could also be some money or an inheritance coming in for you during this time.

The Scorpio new moon on the 13th is the perfect time to start that course or book that trip that you were thinking about at the beginning of the month.

Sagittarius season rolls around on the 23rd and your work in this world will be on your mind, shining a spotlight in this space for the next month or so. Things might seem challenging at first but I encourage you to take action to move forward and feel the momentum shift your energy.

Gemini's full moon helps see out the month and you might realise that your home space is flowering, maybe you just moved house or finished some renovations.This full moon is lighting up your family too, enjoy the glowing energy coming in. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Aries (Sun + Rising)

Scorpio season could be feeling like ‘a lot.’ Potentially exposing your fears and bringing up topics of conversation that might be difficult to talk about. The start of the month could well be a prosperous time. This could come in the form of physical abundance but its more likely to show up as personal growth pertaining to your inner space. You’ll feel more abundant, expanded and connected to your values.

As Saturn stations direct on the 4th you may be facing some hard truths that have bubbled up from the deeper parts of your unconscious. Now is the time to actively face these issues that have been dormant. Approach with a slow and steady pace and give yourself time to rest as you move through this time.

Your significant relationships are wanting your attention as Venus moves into Libra but its important to bring the ‘yin’ energy within you into balance. Be open to receive what's coming for you, feel into your body and things that bring you pleasure.

The 12th could be a day filled with frustration and chaos. Unexpected changes drop and make you feel unsettled. Look at this situation for what it is, you must keep moving forward if you want any sort of resolve.

Scorpios new moon on the 13th brings fresh starts, in particular with significant people in your life and the things they value. There's more light coming to this situation on the 18th when you will feel more clarity and energized for what's ahead.

Sag season is shifting your focus as you are able to connect deeper with your beliefs and visions. New learning opportunities take centre stage and there could be a trip on the cards too. The 26th could feel challenging, there's something here that you want to move forward but feels like you're being blocked or stalled. Gemini's full moon might give you some clarity of thought or a deeper understanding on what it is you ‘know’ to be true about this time. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Taurus (Sun + Rising)

You may have been focused a lot on your significant relationships or someone special in your life this Scorpio season, yet at the beginning of this month there's energy being reflected back to you. Don't lose yourself in relationships and know that there is a lot of expansion and growth you can gain by tapping into your own unique wisdom, your own individuality and your own uniqueness.

Over the last 5 months you might not have had much time to spend with friends and develop new connections, on the 4th Saturn station directly and this shift in energy will see a welcome change in spending time with the people who are most important to you.

There's a message dropping on the 5th from someone important in your life right now that is going to shake things up a little. This could cause a little chaos but don't get too caught up in it, as days tick by you might see the bigger picture if you allow your intuition to guide you.

Your attention will be switching around the 8th as you’ll start thinking about your day to day, maybe the fun times are coming to a temporary end and it's time to come back to the ‘real world’ for a little while.

The Scorpio new moon on the 13th starts a fresh cycle in relationships, getting clear on your intentions and what you want to call in. There's a lot of change happening around you right now and especially in this area of your life so roll with it and navigate things as they come up.

As Sag season kicks off you might feel like you're beginning a phase of transformation, like a death and rebirth cycle, this is not going to feel easy but requires your attention and to take the action steps needed to move through the fears that are coming up. 

The Gemini full moon will close out the month with some energy and messages that's a little unclear. You need to let go of a money cycle that you've been indulging in lately, this phase has reached its peak and you might need to rain in the spending. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Gemini (Sun + Rising)

Scorpio season has been shining the light on your daily life. You might have noticed that you have placed some focused attention on a new routine or regime around your health or wellness or daily rituals. On the 4th Saturn stations direct and starts its journey moving forward. If things have felt stagnant at work or in your career you can expect changes. They might not be fast but the momentum is changing.

The 5th might bring an unexpected message that throws you off course. What is this bringing up from the hidden parts of yourself? There is a need to move this forward through transformation. If you lean into the flow things will feel easier by the 7th, make sure your looking at the situation with clarity and take off those rose coloured glasses.

There are fun times ahead for you as relationships will come into focus mid month. You might start dating again or reconnect with your significant other. Be clear in your communications otherwise you could come up against tension and challenge.

If you haven't started that new regime that scorpio season has been pulling you toward, the new moon on the 13th could just be the time. Set clear goals around what you want to achieve an go for it.

Sag season brings in the fun and it's centered around your significant relationships, this area will now be in the spotlight for the next month. Make of it what you will. The full moon in Gemini on the 27th is an opportunity to celebrate you. If the focus has been everywhere else but you this is the time to change that! Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Cancer (Sun + Rising)

Have you been enjoying Scorpio season Cancer? It's a chance to reconnect with all the things that bring you joy and happiness, engage in your favorite recreational activities and allow pleasure to infiltrate your life. Maybe you have been thrown off with all the eclipses that have been occurring? That season is over so step into the things that truly bring you happiness.

You may have been contemplating some grand plans involving travel or a new learning venture. When Saturn stations direct on the 4th you're being encouraged to start taking action towards what it is you have been dreaming up. Lean into your visions and follow your intuition and you’ll find what's right for you.

Mid month things might feel like they are speeding up in your daily life, you can handle this energy and it requires thoughtful communication. There are people around to help you so make sure you're talking things through with your support networks.

You're going to want to retreat even more into your home space over the next few weeks. It's ok to do this and allow yourself to ‘be’ in the space that rejuvenates you the most so you can step out into the world as your best self.

The new moon in Scorpio is going to feel shaky and even feel a little tense. Remind yourself that change is constant and that you can go with the flow.

Sag season is asking you to take stock of your health. What needs to improve and what needs to change. There's energy to gain momentum so make sure you take the steps in the right direction even if things feel uncomfortable at times.

Gemini's full moon at the end of the month might not be your favourite. If you haven't been prioritizing rest you could feel extremely rundown and even get sick. A secret that you have kept hidden for a while may be exposed around this time. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Leo (Sun + Rising)

Scorpio season has been shining a spotlight on your homelife but November starts off with a significant opportunity arising in your career or for your business. There's an adventure awaiting so step up to the challenge and it may just bring the fortune you’d been hoping for.

Saturn stations directly on the 4th giving you time to understand what you have been learning over the past 5 months about fears and challenges that have been arising within you. It's now time to face these challenges so you can eliminate the feelings and move forward in a better headspace.

Venus enters Libra on the 8th and this could be a time where you see female friends come into your life. With Mercury entering Sag a few days later, you’ll feel compelled to partake in the recreational and creative activities that bring you joy and happiness.

The new moon in Scorpio could feel disruptive especially at home. You might want to rebel against your family but remember they are the ones who love you the most. Know that you can employ your uniqueness to life and you don't have to follow the same path as everyone else.

Your physical energy will be shining on the 18th, move with passion and know that this is a great day to start new ventures and projects.

Sag season is alway a fun time but this one might start off a little tense. You need to learn to become more comfortable with the uncomfortable. Things are always changing so what shows up today could be different tomorrow. There is a lot of fun waiting for you over the next month so take the action steps towards what you truly love.

The month closes out with a full moon in Gemini, there is a friendship being highlighted and celebrated right now. Your friends are truly important to you so bask in the joy they bring you and celebrate the qualities they bring out in you. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Virgo (Sun + Rising)

Scorpio season has been encouraging you to reconnect with people and places in your immediate space. Reaching out to siblings and friends who are close to you and spending quality time with them.

Saturn stations direct on the 4th bringing a bigger conversation in around relationships. If you have been ignoring the work that needs to be done in this area of your life, now is the time to face the music. Saturn is here to teach us lessons and right now there's an important cycle that you need to clean up in your relationship zone.

If you have travel plans early this month, make sure you check things twice otherwise you might find yourself dealing with canceled plans or changes that could throw a spanner in the works.

When Venus moves into Libra you're going to want to feel like indulging in a big purchase. Make sure you have the funds to support it but more importantly make sure this is something that will truly bring value to your life.

You're going to start thinking a lot more about your home space Virgo. You might feel like you want to ignore this as there may be difficult conversations to have but ultimately you can't hide from it so take the action steps needed to move this area of your life into a more comfortable space.

Scorpios New moon may feel a little disruptive. Call on your intuition and set some clear intentions about what you want this moon cycle to be about.

The full moon will close out the month and this could see an ending in a career or job you have been working on for some time. Alternatively you could be celebrating a project within you job that has finally been completed and actualised. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Libra (Sun + Rising)

October may have been pretty intense for your Libra, the effects and energies of eclipse season will underpin your life for the next 6 months at least. November starts off in a cloudy space, which perhaps involves a female close to you. They could be bringing up deep hidden truths within you that need resolution but nothing seems clear. There could be insights to this transformation come the 7th.

You’ll feel the need to anchor down and start setting up some solid foundations for your everyday life. A routine that serves you is pivotal for your ongoing vitality, health and wellness. This will require structure and discipline and might seem constrictive at first but ultimately you will thrive within this container.

Mid month the energies will shift as Venus moves into Libra and Mercury moves into Sagittarius. This is the perfect time for a personal glow up, indulge in the things that you love and bring you pleasure.

Your conversations and thinking will feel expansive, so much so that you can't seem to ground them in reality or figure out the details. There could be a sudden shake up in your sex life, this could go either way harboring feelings of passion and excitement or anger and frustration.

The Scorpio new moon is calling in a refreshing new financial cycle, it will require an intention to ensure a positive outcome. On the 18th Mars will come to support this cycle with forward motion, just make sure it's in the right direction.

On the 23rd Sag season rolls in with Mars also joining the party. Pay particular attention to the spaces close to you and make sure the conversations you're  having are supportive. There could be a little getaway on the cards, close to home but totally worth it. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

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