September 2023 Horoscopes

Virgo (Sun + Rising)

Starting out the month with 6 of the possible 8 planets in retrograde you’ll feel like you have been keeping to yourself. On the 4th Venus stations direct which could indicate a shift in relationship with a significant female in your life, it's time to move forward here and Mercury and Jupiter will be supporting you to have a positive conversation around what's coming up for you.

Jupiter stations retrograde the next day and will keep the tempo slow and you might start to gain some much needed insight into a side of yourself that is unleveling for the better. The new moon in Virgo on the 15th will support this too and when Mercury stations direct the following day you will finally feel like you can move forward in a more positive direction.

Libra season begins on the 23rd bringing the things you value into the spotlight. Finances, money assets and the values you hold close to your heart will be on your mind moving forward.

The start of Libra season could also bring up some conflict and tension around the important values of those close to you or potentially something around those subjects we like to mark as “taboo” sex, drugs, taxes, this is related to that ongoing cycle that you are trying to heal in yourself.

The month finishes with a full moon in Aries and an opportunity to let go of any conflict and tension that has arisen this month. There is also a lot of anger and frustration that could come into play so be sure to watch your temper.

Libra (Sun + Rising)

If you haven't already, it's important that you take a step back and slow down. So much in the stars are indicating this for you right now Libra so do your best to align with this energy. There's retrogrades galore and if you have been spinning your wheels or even in need of a good dose of healing, now is the time. 

With Venus stationing directly you might feel a subtle nudge to bounce on through but I urge you to take a chill pill, sit back and relax for a while.

You’ll start to slowly feel a shift into the second week of the month and then again with the Virgo new moon, but take it slow as the 17th might feel tricky and challenging.

The slow go ahead comes on the 23rd when the sun moves into your sign. An opportunity to focus on yourself and to begin to feel renewed. You might find some helpful insight into an ongoing cycle that you're constantly trying to break. A positive message drops in on the 25th.

The Aries full moon will see energies peaking in your romantic partnerships and you release there is something important that you need to release here if you want to move forward. The end of the month could also come with an unexpected plot twist so be forewarned.

Scorpio (Sun + Rising)

The start of the month could likely come with clarity in your workplace. If there has been an area of your work that has felt like it's slowed right down or been going backwards that is shifting now.

Just as this starts happening there is also going to be a slow down or shift in your relationships. It's nothing major but a time when to bring out the best of yourself in your relationships you are going to have to look for the answers within yourself.

There's also perfect energy to have a conversation with a good friend on the 6th. If you haven't quite understood what's been happening things will become clear, you’ll be able to move forward with new intentions here, come the Virgo new moon on the 15th and Mercury stationing direct on the 16th.

Keep the lines of communication open even if there is a friendship that has challenged you lately as there is an opportunity to begin to transform this relationship mid month.

Libra season is calling for you to slow down and rest. If you dont you could find yourself unable to hold your temper and lashing out or just feeling an uprising of rage from within. Take extra care around the Aries full moon on the 29th.

Sagittarius (Sun + Rising)

September is bound to be an insightful time for you Sagittarius and it all starts with some higher level conversations about your career. Your full focus might not be here right now but it's important to think about what you really want. The next 5 months or so is the perfect time to reflect on what it is that you really want to do with your life. These insights could further be enhanced on the 8th.

If you're feeling called to something right now, don't wait for the 5 months to pass, take action now. Enrolling in a course or starting a conversation could be the stepping stone to what unfolds as time goes by.

Mid month could see a tense situation unfold with upcoming travel plans. Think carefully about the best way to proceed, rather than ignoring this situation even when it feels like a challenge.

Libra season is a powerful time to lean into your friendship circles, you’ll feel supported and powerful around the people that care about you the most.

This Aries full moon at the end of the month has the opportunity to be a heart filled time, full of love, joy and creativity. Let yourself feel the love.

Capricorn (Sun + Rising)

September might feel like a month where you can lay low and fly under the radar a little.

The start of the month might feel like a clearing of sorts and the ability to move forward in a collaboration or with a close female friend. There's going to be a moment of extreme clarity when it comes to your thoughts, beliefs and understandings on how you see the world.

This new moon in Virgo mid month, will then help you start fresh with this new found clarity. The first steps will be to re-evaluate your thoughts and beliefs so you can apply them to your life in a way that supports the highest version of yourself. Take your time when moving through this process, you will know exactly when to move forward and start taking action here.

Libra season illuminates your career bringing new life and light into a project or business idea that you have wanted to move forward for a while now.

The Aries full moon on the 29th is the perfect time to spring clean your home. Get rid of all those things that are cluttering up your space, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so that you can move into the last quarter feeling cleansed and refreshed.

Aquarius (Sun + Rising)

If you have felt yourself reflecting, reviewing and working through your significant relationships, love, money matters and your values, you might find a shift in this energy as you start to express any changes you’ve made at the start of the month Aquarius.

Yet as one self inquiry ends, another begins and this one, you’ll be called to think about what in the world is going on in your home life, whether your physical home or within your family, these things that require envisioning here.

You could find that there is an important message that drops in on the 6th, potentially around something you have been transforming in your life or it could be related to taboo and those things we don't like to talk about. Whatever it is, make note as there's a new beginning looming with the New Moon in Virgo on the 15th, it's going to require your attention as Mercury stations direct.

With potential overseas travel plans lighting up your life this Libra season, take care to check the details, there could be an unexpected moment that causes you to think twice as this month comes to an end.

Pisces (Sun + Rising)

Slowly but surely September rolls around for you. You might have felt that things have been moving fairly slowly and you're right. There are 6 planets in retrograde and as soon as Venus stations direct on the 4th, Jupiter stations retrograde on the 5th so this energy is likely to continue.

If you have felt lazy when it comes to your physical health, that is slowly going to turn around and you will feel like moving forward in a gentle, easy and free flowing way, whilst you will continue to reassess your relationship to personal abundance, looking at ways in which you want to expand in your self expression.

The Virgo new moon is a welcome undercurrent of freshness and new beginnings which could show up in your romantic partnerships. You may meet someone if you are single or feel a renewed connection if you're already loved up.

You might find that the 19th feels hazy, or foggy or that you're not quite seeing something clearly either in yourself or in a significant other. Take your time as you may need to wait to see the full picture unfold.

Libra season might be a little tricky to navigate as it could bring in the cumulation of a transformative time that you have been working through. Lean into the Aries full moon and solidify your personal values to help you navigate this time.

Aries (Sun + Rising)

The start of September is asking you to put some attention onto your finances, money matters and the things you value the most. If there's something you need to change here, what is it? Perhaps you simply need to level up, there's time to work through your ideas around this over the coming months Aries.

There is a theme coming up around your health and/or wellness, as you receive a download about this early in the month. There is energy to take an opportunity to start anew with this month's New Moon in Virgo and Mercury stationing direct mid month. Time to stop thinking and set the wheels in motion to move things forward in this area of your life.

Libra season shines the spotlight on your relationships so this could come alive whether you're single or coupled up. If you're needing to resolve an ongoing cycle that's been coming up time and again, take note that this could come into play towards the end of the month. Rather than get frustrated or angry, take action to work through the patterns of this cycle so you can edge closer to resolving it once and for all.

It's likely you’ll feel strong energy lighting up your sense of self on the Aries full moon at the end of the month. Parts of your style and self identity are coming up to be released, enjoy and embody this process and step forwards with confidence.

Taurus (Sun + Rising)

Venus’ retrograde has asked you to turn inwards over the last month or so. There's been important information to have uncovered from your inner self and on the 4th you sense a shift in this energy that you can now express externally.

It's a slow time with 6 planets retrograde and even with Venus’ station, the very next day Jupiter starts its retrograde. You feel more comfortable than most in this energy. Virgo's new moon gives you the opportunity to start fresh with a creative aspect of your life. Where in your life has joy been lacking, focus here and know that there are new beginnings this new moon.

There is still tricky energy to navigate through in your home but you're starting to feel more optimistic by mid month.

Libra season begins as the sun brings light to your personal health. Maybe it's time to start a new exercise or wellness regime. There may also be an opportunity to gain insight into a cycle of transformation that you are working through.

The end of the month could also be a challenge with energy building to boiling point in a part of your life you have been choosing not to look at. An unexpected event could shake your identity and home life.

Gemini (Sun + Rising)

There's a strong message calling for you to rest or simply take a step back. Maybe you feel like you have been butting your head up against a brick wall, constantly finding that things aren't going your way or just being called to take a deeper look into something that's been troubling you. The start of the month is asking this of you Gemini.

Something will become clear about your home and/or family at the start of this month and it's a great time for you to act on this come mid month with the Virgo New Moon and Mercury Stationing direct.

There is joy for you this month however Gemini! As Libra season kicks off the Sun lights up that area of your life, be sure to lean into your creative gifts, recreations or hobbies. There is so much pleasure available for you if you let the light in.

The Aries Full moon happens at the end of the month, it's a great time for you to spend connecting with your friends. Happy September!

Cancer (Sun + Rising)

This last month has been the perfect time for you to reflect on your values. The things that truly matter to you and at the start of September you will feel ready to step into them and start embodying and expressing them. The next thing to shift your internal focus to will be your friendships, not the ones that flow with ease but the ones you resist deepening connection. There's an opportunity for growth here if you allow it.

This new moon connects you to a new way of communicating and calling in important conversations within your communities. Embrace this fresh energy and step up to the challenge. This can only be strengthened as Mercury stations direct the very next day.

Libra season brings strength and warmth to your home and family environment. Focus your attention here. Allow yourself to nurture this area of your life and create a sanctuary that truly supports you.

The Aries full moon at the end of the month could see you farewelling a role, a job or something in your workplace and career. If this feels hard, ground in the knowledge that when one door closes another one opens.

Leo (Sun + Rising)

With Venus Retrograde in your sign for the past month or so, you may have found yourself contemplating a new identity or feel the need for a mini makeover. Wait until the 4th before you make any changes that require long term change (like cutting off all your hair), after this time move forward with your new style.

On the 6th the Sun will meet up with Mercury. This is a time where the right words flow to you. A good time to journal or there might be a message that drops in for you that just makes sense. Money matters may become clear or something that you truly value comes with a light bulb moment. This energy will continue to feel abundant for the following days.

The new moon in Virgo is a wonderful time to reset your approach to your finances. A good time to review your money and then act on your plan as Mercury ends its retrograde on the 16th.

Something might not be so clear to you on the 19th, make sure you ask the questions that are tugging on your intuition and don't rush into any decisions on this day.

Libra season begins and you feel like you can clearly speak up, speak your mind and find the right words in your conversations.

The Aries full moon at the end of the month could see travel plans finally fall into place. Enjoy.

Abby LewtasComment