Unleash your inner adventurer and call in the fun times this Sag Season! December 2023 Horoscopes

December 2023 Horoscopes.

December begins with Mercury entering Capricorn on the 2nd. A time of strong ideas and smoother interactions with mature figures in your life, setting the stage for expansive thinking.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 5th, revealing shadows in love and finance before clarity emerges by the 6th. Neptune turns direct on the 7th, signalling the end of a spiritual introspection phase, urging creative expression and waterfront reflection.

The new moon in Sag on the 13th, coupled with Mercury's retrograde, prompts internal exploration and visionary dreaming, with tangible results likely in the new year.

Capricorn season begins on the 22nd, advocating for assertiveness and disciplined pursuit of goals . The emotional full moon in Cancer on the 27th, aligns with Chiron's direct station, hints at resolution of old wounds.

To call in the new year Venus enters Sagittarius on the 30th, embracing playfulness , and Jupiter stations directly on the 31st, it's a promising prelude to calling in abundance and opportunities for 2024.

Sagittarius (Sun + Rising)

The beginning of December is going to feel like a renewal, a return to self and even an uplifting of your identity. With energy to burn, the start of the month brings a new conversation around your resources at hand, your finances, your assets, the things that are most valuable to you.

It's a time of rest and renewal for your feminine energies, the way you receive, allow and love, so whilst that's occurring, focus on the action you need to take towards you best physical self.

Things on the home front or family matters may have been occupying your mind, trying to gain clarity. If you have been sitting on indecision the 7th brings fresh energy to access a creative approach to shift the energy in this area of your life.

The Sagittarius New Moon on the 13th brings new beginnings, maybe you have finally kicked that debilitating habit, are you starting to feel the energy shift in your body? Set an intention for what you want here for yourself and know that you are already on the path to accomplishing this.

Pay attention mid month, there's opportunity for a refreshing new approach to your day to day, this may involve work or your daily routine. Listen to the messages coming in, the 23rd might bring the understanding that you need.

Capricorn season is here to invigorate your financial position, it might just be time to knuckle down and watch your bank balance grow. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 27th comes with a lot more energy than your regular full moon. There's potential for you to finally break or level up a cycle that's constantly challenging you. This might pertain to dating or allowing yourself the joy you actually deserve. It's going to feel like you have those rose coloured glasses on so ground into your intuitive gut or heart centred knowing.

The 28th is asking you to revisit something that was on your mind at the end of October. If this involves a conversation, know your words have extreme power at this time. There is tension at the end of the month but it's likely the power shifts of Venus and Jupiter will override this for you.
There's an abundant opportunity to tie up 2023 and step into the new year with a refreshed, expansive perspective. Open your heart to that which awaits you. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Capricorn (Sun + Rising)

December could feel a lot like Capricorn. With so many energy shifts and conversations happening this month, you're going to want to charge full steam ahead. You have to remember that things might feel clunky, make sure you are getting the rest you need as there could be a lot of shadow that you're dealing with until Capricorn season actually begins.

There's an important conversation that might be around or stir up your love life, be sure to look at this information with clarity, by the end of the month there will be more flow here. Your edging closer and closer to releasing the heavy plutonian vibe that's been around since 2008, keep walking the path.

The 6th might bring some good news from a friend or an uplifted, mature conversation that is helping you set up a solid foundation for the next chapter of your life.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 13th brings deep insights and contemplation, keep a strong mind and allow an internal dialogue to evolve. There will be messages left, right and centre if you stay open to the connection to your inner voice.

When Capricorn season begins on the 22nd you’ll feel a noticeable shift in energy and begin to start feeling more like yourself again. Take a pen to paper the next day because writing will bring clarity in its finest form.

There is a relationship dynamic that feels like it's really flowering this full Moon in Cancer on the 27th, if it's not then its time to let go and release it from your energy, the timing is not right. Return the focus to yourself to find fortunate blessings unfolding.

To close out 2023 you're being called to soften your feminine essence. Find joy and value in rest and feel a change in your creative abundance. Expand into a pleasurable 2024. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Aquarius (Sun + Rising)

There's energy coming in gradually this month asking you to slow down, rest and take an introspective approach to your life. You might feel a little more at ease and in flow when thinking about your career. The ability to sit back and draw abundance to you rather than efforting so hard for what you want to accomplish.

Take note of this 6th as this could be especially potent when it comes to your career and money. Maybe your Christmas bonus drops in, or you're recognised for a job well done. This could also play out in your love life where you feel like you're making good progress on a difficult cycle you have been working hard to break.

Connection to your values may seem foggy on the 7th, but the mist will soon clear and an outward expression comes more naturally. The New Moon in Sagittarius and Mercury's retrograde comes with a fresh approach towards friendships, this might not be so obvious at first but after contemplating this internally you will be able to understand the new cycle.

As Capricorn season begins on the Solstice, there could be mixed feelings that rattle you, yet the messages you are receiving will be loud and clear. Look after yourself and slow down. Something that was once hidden could be coming up to see with more clarity.

Proceed with extra caution on the 27th this Cancer full Moon, don't take any risks today as they're unlikely to pay off, there's more chances of injury striking or an unfortunate event arising. There's also a personal message dropping in that may have something to do with some events that unfolded at the end of October.

To see out the year look to the inspiring women in your circles, maybe a sister or your best friend. There's fun to be had in dancing with the feminine energy. There's also a change of pace and feeling around what feels expansive, what feels abundant, especially in relation to your family, parents or homelife. Capture this lucky magic and stride into 2024 knowing that good things are coming. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Pisces (Sun + Rising)

If one thing for certain, nothing is for certain this month Pisces as things simply feel unclear. You feel like you're looking out over the ocean on a foggy day and you can't work out where the water ends and sky begins. But roll with me here, there's more to the story.

You're going to want to indulge more in the conversations and connections with your supportive friends and networks to feel uplifted. You're not alone on this journey and it can be easier to understand that when you connect with people that are going through the same things as you.

The 7th will bring a change in energy and to get on the light side of this time tap into your creativity when it comes to your self image. Make yourself a creative outlet, place music, dance, make art and get by the ocean to avoid feeling disillusioned or wanting to let any addictive tendencies creep back in.

Whilst the timing of this might seem odd, the Sagittarius New Moon on the 13th is bringing a fresh approach to your job or business. Because Mercury Retrograde is also having a say, you want to sit with the ideas and thoughts that are dropping in. You might feel inspired to act on the 16th but know that the fullness of what's coming through might not come to fruition until the new year or even in 6 month time.

Capricorn season and the solstice is asking you to enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones. There's a lot of lighter energy around for you to access if you lean into love, abundance and joy that this time naturally brings.

Cancers Full moon on the 27th is loaded with tense energy around healing but this might not be too bad for you as you're being encouraged to participate in the things that bring you joy, your creative outlets and draw that fun loving energy in from the children in your life.

There's intense, competitive energy that could make you feel frustrated about your career on the 29th, it's not forever but you might just want to take a walk or go to a boxing class to move this energy through your body in a more empowering way.

The end of the year comes with a softening and flow dropping into that career space, there's also a shift in the energy of good fortune that might play out in the real world. Ride this magical wave into 2024. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Aries (Sun + Rising)

The month kicks off with energy being injected into your job, career or business. When Capricorn season really gets going this energy will grow but for now pay attention to the conversations, thought processes and messages that are dropping in around this area of your life. If they are not related to your career, it might be more about what you're known for or how you show up in the public eye.

You might find yourself moving on from a more difficult season that unfolded late October and into November. If these themes arise again it might feel challenging and transformative but you're being urged to let things unfold, allow the answers and resolutions to come to you rather than chasing them down.

It's likely there are a lot of things that seem unclear, there's nuanced messages that feel hidden and you can't quite place your finger on them. Rather than let this bother you, tap into your creative expression, music and art will be helpful tools to access at this time.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 13th feels exciting as new visions start to present themself, maybe your going to learn a new skill or take a trip overseas. With Mercury station retrograde it will be important to review what's coming up and not make any hard and fast decisions until the new year. If there was any day to take action or move forward with what's coming it's the 16th.

The Solstice marks the beginning of Capricorn season where your career is being illuminating, while the timing might feel odd, role with it. Unlock the messages on the 23rd around something that began mid October. There will be more clarity and momentum to move forward here at the end of this month.

Cancers Full Moon on the 27th could feel extra potent, bringing themes of your homelife into the spotlight. There's a lot of tension and frustration building that needs to be channelled into momentum or physical movement to move to the lighter side of transit.

The end of the year comes with a lucky change of energy where you feel more abundant and connected to what you truly value. Take this magical expansive energy and step into 2024 from an empowered place. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Taurus (Sun + Rising)

If you have felt the heaviness of the last few weeks, know that it's intentional. Sometimes we are forced to burn everything to the ground just so we can build it back up. The good news is that the conversations and thoughts are beginning to shift as December kicks off.

Whilst the tense issues are still there, the challenge still feels tense. There's a new story unfolding. It's highly likely that this pertains to love and romance and a significant female might be a catalyst for change. Lean into your feminine energy when it comes to relationships, you might even want to start dating again if you are single.

You may have also felt quite introspective within your friendships, this energy is changing too. You want to be sure that you are maintaining a practice of self love so that you can feel abundant within yourself and your friendships.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 13th gives you an opportunity to really start fresh with all this transformation that has been unfolding for you. Paired with Mercury Retrograde you want to move forward with an approach that allows you to assess the situation from an internal point of view. The results will unfold in the new year.

Expect the unexpected in your love life as Capricorn season and the Solstice drop in. The 23rd is a great day to get clarity through mediation, thought contemplation or journalling.

The 26th also feels rather cushy, a day to escape into the realms of music, art, creativity and what you truly value. Be sure to take off the rose coloured glasses the following day as the energy of this Full Moon in Cancer feels like ‘a lot.’ It's linked to a core wound that you are healing in this lifetime and for you this could be around communicating or have something to do with a sibling or close friend.

From there you can sit back and relax into the new year celebrations as the transits are bringing out the lighter side of life. You're being encouraged to go with the flow and lean into a shifting energy that feels abundant and expansive in your body and your identity. Happy 2024! Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Gemini (Sun + Rising)

A conversation at the start of this month could bring to the surface an important issue that you need to work on. Keep having these conversations even though they might seem challenging, taboo or guiding you towards a death of sorts. Remember after endings come new beginnings. Be prepared to learn the hard lessons and it will serve you well.

Surrender to the energy of your day to day, you’ll feel more aligned if you go with the flow, rather than trying to swim up the river. There could be a tendency to focus on the unfortunate events that are playing out. Know that everything happens for a reason and sometimes it's not quite clear.

Speaking of clarity, things at work or in your career might luring you into a foggy space. This energy is strong right now but with time, the clouds will lift.

Things are feeling a little more positive heading into the second week of the month as you feel more connected to love, abundance and the things that bring you joy. There's a New Moon in Sagittarius on the 13th and this could be calling in new love or a refreshed cycle in your relationship. Because Mercury is also stationing retrograde, move slowly and contemplate this in your inner world rather than charging full steam ahead.

The Solstice marks the beginning of Capricorn season, peak light in the south and peak darkness in the north. For you there's an illumination and a clear message around that tricky energy that showed up at the start of the month.

The Full Moon in Cancer feels intense, it's impacting your finances and things are not super clear, you're also facing a challenge here. Something is resurfacing from late October, watch your words around this issue that could have to do with relationships.

Lean into your feminine energy when it comes to relationships, to see out the end of the year, the energy is softening and flowing with a little more ease. This new year might not be the grand party you normally have for Gemini, there's a shift in energy that feels positive but focused around rest and renewal.  Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Cancer (Sun + Rising)

You’ve probably had your head down and bum up this Sag season focusing on your day to day routines and even your health, Cancer. The start of the month will see the beginnings of Capricorn season start to trickle in and you might notice more conversations with your significant partner. If you're not in a relationship, it's the time to get social and start talking, engaging and planning dates if you're interested in finding a love interest.

Venus moving into Scorpio on the 5th will also bring fuel to the dating mission if that's what you're calling in this season. If not, focus this energy on doing the things you love - get out on an adventure, start engaging in your hobbies or even spend some time around Children and feel the joy they bring into the world.

The Sagittarius new moon on the 13th is bringing in a fresh new cycle of health and wellness for you. If you have been wanting to nail your fitness regime or even if there are some health related issues popping up. This new moon is giving you that extra push. Mars is in the mix here too, helping you feel motivated and take action toward your new moon intentions.

Keep in mind that this new moon cycle is heavily influenced by Mercury retrograde, stationing retrograde on the very same day, asking you to make sure you are re-evaluating, reviewing and understanding that this is a more internally focused phase. It's likely you'll see the external results as we head into the new year when Mercury stations direct.

Capricorn season and the solstice kickoff on the 22nd where relationships really come into the spotlight. The next day Mercury retrograde aligns in the heart of the sun (cazimi). Pay attention to the messages that are coming in about your partner or significant relationships on this day. There is a theme unfolding this retrograde in this area of your chart.

The Cancer full moon is happening on the 27th and you might feel like you have a spotlight shining directly on you. Take a look at the last 6 months, the energy is peaking now for the intentions that you set back on the Cancer new moon in July. There is a lot going on with this full moon however. Chiron stations direct so you might see old wounds coming to the forefront.

To bring in the new year, there's a shift in energy when it comes to friendship groups. This part of your life might have been feeling slow or internalised but that's all changing. Make a date to spend time with your friends this New Years Eve! Happy 2024! Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Leo (Sun + Rising)

Your mind will be stimulated by the mundane tasks of your day to day as December kicks off. It might feel like the pace in this area speeds up. Conversations will be important if you're looking to move through a transformative time. The 5th could see you bringing valued attention to your family and home life.

If you feel like your creativity has been ‘all up in your head’ the energy is turning around on the 7th. Be sure to access that female figure that is helping you expand and bring forth the opportunities in your career.

The New Moon in Sag on the 13th feels fun. It would be a great idea to plan something that feels joyful or pleasurable. A recreational escape or even a fun date. You don't have to rush into this, simply set the intention and watch the plans unfold over the next few weeks or even 6th months.

Mercury retrograde will give you an opportunity to flirt with the beauty and creativity that lies within. It's ok to pull back your energy, the conversation with yourself is the most important one at this time.

Capricorn season is lighting up your day to day. This might come with a welcome surprising change that impacts your career or business.You might want to consider a new health regime and be particularly careful as accidents and injuries are also in the spotlight.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 27th could shine light on something you haven't been seeing, a secret exposed or the wool being pulled off your eyes. Let yourself rest in this energy. It may not be as bad as it seems.

The year might finish up with a passionate date where words really hit home. Lean into the soft feminine energy and allow yourself to bask in the joy. Before the year closes out, there's a final shift and expansion pertaining to your career. Harness this and ride into 2024 with your light shining bright. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Virgo (Sun + Rising)

Where has the year gone Virgo? Sagittarius season has more than likely brought focus to your home and family life and as the planets start to move into Capricorn, it's an opportunity for you to start doing the things you love. Have conversations with your friends and start to plan some adventures for this holiday season.

Connecting and chatting with your friends is going to feel nourishing as Venus enters Scorpio on the 5th. Don’t shy away from those deep and meaningful conversations, it's what's bringing you joy and even pleasure with this transit.

With Nepteune stationing direct at the end of the first week, try not to get caught up in the disillusionment of the foggy energy that might be surrounding your significant other. Instead turn to your creative hobbies, head to the ocean or find some water to immerse yourself in. Things don't always have to be clear.

There's a lot of energy calling in abundance, opportunities and expansion when it comes to the things you love the most. With a little effort you will see pleasurable times coming in when it comes to your leisure time, dating or even the children in your life.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is coupled with Mercury stationing retrograde, meaning that this new moon is likely going to have a slower more internal focus. If you're resolving something with your family or at home, know that the results might not show up until Mercury stations direct early next year.

As the sun moves into Capricorn and the peak light of the Solstice arrives its a strong message for you to keep focused on what you love and trust in the timing of your life. Things resolve in the right timing for you. Focus on what brings you happiness and joy as that's what's being illuminated for you.

The Cancer New moon might be more emotional than normal with Chiron Stationing direct on the 27th. Fears might bubble to the surface and you're lacking the clarity or answers to help move you through this time. Use Mercury's alignment with Mars on the 28th to take action and move forward on whatever it is that's been bothering you.

The year closes out with an energy shift around your beliefs and opportunities to explore new horizons. It might finally be time to book that trip you have been thinking about the last few months. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Libra (Sun + Rising)

December starts with an inkling of Capricorn energy lighting up your life. There's lots of talk around your home, conversations are more abundant or there could be talk about a new home, there's more developments to come when Capricorn season rolls around but for now the ball is rolling.

The first week of the month will be powerful for you. You might have been having a tough run with your relationship to ‘love’ or a significant female in your life. You have to be prepared to look to the depths and uncover what's really going on. This is a serious opportunity to transmute  whatever has been going on here for you but you have to be prepared to put in the work. It won't be easy but it will be worth it. The 27th could be a key date to break this energy once and for all.

If you look toward what's working and lean into what feels fortunate and expand, the new moon in Sagittarius on the 13th will help in creating a new conversation around this part of your life, or just a new conversation in general.

Mercury's retrograde will allow for contemplation on the ways you have been communicating with your inner circle. This is a good time to do a ritual or at least get clear on an intention for mixing up your style of conversations.

The 21st might come with a surprise, a sudden change or a chance for you to rebel. Again this feels relational and could involve a female or simply your relationship to the feminine aspects of yourself.

Capricorn Season is calling your attention back to your home and it's time to focus your energy here. Whilst on the other side of the spectrum the Full Moon in Cancer is culminating in a project completion at work. This could involve frustrating or even aggressive conversations.

To close out 2023 there is a softening in your inner circle and a change in direction of optimism. It feels enjoyable, comfortable and expansive. Ride this energy into 2024. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.

Scorpio (Sun + Rising)

The start of the month might see you venturing into your local community a little more than normal. Or you might have some inspiring and uplifting conversations with your siblings or those super close to you. There's also a style upgrade dropping in when Venus graces your sign. Have fun with this, go deep and transform your image, play with your identity and bask in the mystery of it all. There's a fun lesson to learn with all of this venusian energy. This could be sparking a foundational change in the way you show up.

Neptune stations direct on the 7th and if you want to get on the lighter side of this energy you're going to want to spend some time near water, the ocean if you can. Also play with that creative side of yourself otherwise things might just feel too foggy and unclear, addictions could creep back and things will feel confusing.

The Sagittarius New Moon on the 13th is calling in a fresh money cycle for you. It's a powerful time to look at your money mindset and start to upgrade it. With Mercury's Retrograde also coming into play it's about reviewing this area of your life, revising and restructuring so you can call in the financial abundance that you deserve.

By the 16th you could feel like you have made some progress and are ready to start moving forward with this shift. Do so with care and know that the real impact might not show up until the new year if not in 6 months from now.

Capricorns season, also the solstice, brings clarity with your communication. The 23rd would be a great day to journal or write it out, there's a message that wants to come through if you let it.

Cancers Full Moon on the 27th has flavours of a core wound so this could be triggering a health issue of sorts. This energy will likely be fast and hit hard, you want to move through this with physical movement. It's the best way forward as this heavy energy could linger for a few days.

To round out the year, you’ll feel complete with your identity or style upgrade. There's a change in the tune of love and romance too which feels more abundant and ready to be shared. Step into 2024 with confidence and knowing that luck is on your side. Discover how this will unfold for your personally…book your reading.