Creative flow, Intuition and sitting in indecision - March Horoscopes

March 2024 Horoscopes.

The energy at the start of the month feels mostly harmonious. After moving through the gateway of upper limits (if you chose too) at the end of February the start of March brings ease when it comes to opportunities and abundance. With a little effort the energy turns in your favour.

The tricky day to navigate is the 4th with the potential for something out of the blue (don't say I didn't warn you!) be especially careful here when it comes to money and matters of the heart. On the 9th there is inspiring deep intuitive insight through connection, communication and journaling. 

The Pisces new moon occurs on the 10th and while itis a great time to set intentions around deepening your creativity, connecting with your dreams, your intuition, your spiritual practices, know that this Moon is being influenced by some other energies bringing in that element of uniqueness and change, unexpected accidents, anger or frustration. So be extra careful with this moon and be sure to be moving your body.

Venus begins her tour through Pisces on the 12th and This energy is dreamy, magical and creative. The divine feminine within us is bringing love, pleasure, personal values, money into the Piscine areas of our chart. Allow yourself to indulge in the sweetness of life. Take some time to do something that feeds your soul, something you value dearly, that truly brings you joy!

There's extra creative and spiritual energy around on the 17th and then we begin again. The 20th marks the equinox and the start of the new Astrological year as the Sun moves into Aries. There is also room for progression in transformation on the 22nd. This could feel uncomfortable because sometimes putting boundaries on what we love is tricky. You might just be bringing another level of maturity to the aspects of your divine feminine.

As the month draws to a close you might feel the need to escape this reality or find yourself suppressing your emotions. Take extra care around the 25th as eclipse season begins. What do you need to let go of? No rituals, no ceremonies, this energy is dynamic enough! Happy March! I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Pisces Sun + RisinG

The start of this month will bring a combination of energy for you…some parts light energy and some parts shadow. You have been doing a lot of inner work and healing and you can also feel the energy shifting, like you're coming back into feeling like yourself again.

1 March will feel good for your soul…expansive in many ways but don’t be surprised if the S*%t hits the fan again come the 4th ... .there are still some things that you are healing so give it space and time. Expect the unexpected today…so there I told you!

Change is inevitable so hold onto that if the going gets tough, the 9th is a great day to connect to your creative expression especially if that's writing or communicating. There might be messages dropping in from your dreams so keep a pen and paper by your bed.

On the 10th there's a new moon in your sign so set some intentions around what you want for yourSELF, put yourself first here because Mercury also moves into Aries and stars activating the things you value, your money and resources you can also work with new beginnings in these areas of your life.

A glow up or spa day is in order at some point as of 12th when Venus enters Pisces, now the tables are turning and things and you are really stepping into your own. Spiritual downloads could be strong on the 17th just before Aries season kicks off.

The focus will be shifting to finances and what you value most as the Sun enters Aries on the 20th. The 22nd is a great day to work with boundaries when it comes to your relationships, know what you want and have a bit of creative flair here.

Mars enters Pisces on the 23rd and it might feel like all eyes are on you Pisces, know there is a lot of energy asking you to step up and out, be loud and proud, this is your time.

The end of the month comes with harmonious energy too, things will feel easy and expansive and opportunities may simply fall in your lap.

One word of caution the 25th comes with a warning notification as we enter eclipse season and our first lunar eclipse in libra. There is something big to release here and it has to do with your fears… allow it, embrace it and know that you will be better for it! I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Aries Sun + Rising

Aries I know this is not what you want to hear for March but I am urging you to slow down. The energy is gentle at the start of the month but you need to make sure you're listening to your body, allowing yourself to rest, not pushing too hard and turning inwards for reflection. Your time is coming very soon I promise.

The 7th could see a step forward when it comes to any challenging cycles you have been moving through, this is motivating energy. There is potential for anger and rage to surface, but choose to feel inspired instead.

Neptune and Mercury align on the 9th and take care not to be lured into a misunderstanding during a conversation or communications with someone.

You might have to deal with a challenging unplanned situation that has to do with your money on the 10th. Mercury is also moving into Aries so it's a step towards feeling more like you can get back to feeling like yourself again. There's also a new moon in Pisces, use this to set intentions around what you want for your spiritual evolution, there's a lot of power here.

Aries season kicks off on the 20th and now the tides are beginning to turn and you might feel like you can start to come out of hiding. There is still work to do in your inner world and there's energy to shift and move this from the 23rd.

The end of the month is likely to flow nicely but note that eclipse season begins with the Lunar eclipse in Libra on the 25th…this is not a new story, a dynamic ending or new beginning is occurring in your relationship zone, but I think you already know about this, it just might show its face now!I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Taurus Sun + Rising

Lets just say, as March kicks off work, career and business life might feel hard, while nourishing friendships, collaborations and thinking about your future feel expansive and luxurious, you’d much rather be spending time in this space!

It's likely that the energy in both of these spaces is ramping up for you too, it could feel a lot and like it's all coming back to you…the good news and the bad news is that it is! The start of the month could feel like a rollercoaster ride!

The 9th would be a great day to get away with good friends and spend time near the ocean, allow yourself to dream big and think about what you're calling in for your future. This is just as much important work as your actual work.

There is a lot going on, on the 10th and as Mercury shifts into Aries it's your first call to slow down a little, you're coming into a time where rest is going to be important and if you don't, you will be stopped in your tracks. There's also a Pisces new moon which can help you with all that future thinking you have been doing, set your intentions and let the universe work its magic.

Your friends will be close during Pisces season and it will feel even better when Venus shifts in from the 12th, the Sun's alignment with Neptune is also a deeply creative day for you.

Aries season starts on the 20th and now the energies are really calling for you to turn inwards. On the 22nd you will feel powerful with boundaries that you have set for yourself especially when it comes to love and money.

The energy at the end of the month could be similar to how it began. Watch for the 25th with the Libra lunar eclipse activating your health and wellness. This eclipse story has been going on for a while now and it's finally time to let something go, once and for all! I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Gemini Sun + Rising

You have been working hard Gemini! This energy will continue as Pisces season is well in full swing. The start of the month could feel a little up and down with the astrological energies that are in play. The 5th could be a powerful day with messages that are coming from your intuition about your individual revolutionary expression. Lean into this and own your uniqueness.

The 9th is also a great day, especially when it comes to the work you are doing in the world. Creativity is ignited and it's a powerful time to journal to get clear on the messages coming in for you.

The 10th is a big day and as Mercury shifts into Aries, the conversation is changing, there is going to be more time for friends and the supportive groups and alliances you like to spend time with. The New moon in Pisces is also a great time to work with what you are wanting to call in for your career (or business) sow the seeds of intention today.

Aries season begins on the 20th and you might start to see things easing up in your work life. This is a great time to focus on your future desires. What do you want for your life? There may be a message on the 21st around a long term wound you have been healing, this could come up in conversation, journalling or even pop into your mind. Don't ignore it, it's there for a reason.

There may be a tough love story on the 22nd at work, know that this is for the best. The end of the month might even feel like the way it began. Take note of the 25th with Libra's lunar eclipse. A new beginning is possible but it's likely something is ending or something needs to be released. Look for clues in your dating life and creative expression, this is where it all goes down!I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Cancer Sun + Rising

Things are shifting and changing for you, Cancer, in a good way. The start of the month comes with its ups and downs and you may feel like you have been moving through a lot, facing your fears and even transforming your life in certain ways. You can feel the end is in sight to this ‘season’ of your life and even have noticed your focus start to shift.

You're reaching for the better feeling thoughts, looking deeper into your belief systems and simply getting curious about what you want for yourself. There are adventurous times ahead so ground into this energy.

If you're planning some travel then the 9th will be particularly good for this, you might even be travelling yourself, spending time by the ocean on this day will be potent!

The 10th is a powerful day, with the new moon in Pisces set intentions for your highest self, what you want to believe about yourself and even if there are things you want to learn, be curious about what comes up. Mercury also shifts its tone as it moves into Aries, you might feel like work or biz like conversations started before you were ready for them!

The Pisces stellium is pulling you out of fear and into feeling empowered and questioning what you believe in a good way so roll with this energy.

Aries season begins on 20th and things are going to feel more work oriented as this comes into view. A serious commitment could be on the cards on the 22nd, maybe booking your overseas trip, starting out a new course or even tying the knot.

We exit the month with similar energies to what you started with. Take note that there could be surprises or changes. Eclipse season kicks off for round 1 2024 and this could bring major endings or major beginnings. Something you need to let go of…now is the time. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Leo Sun + Rising

You might be experiencing some fears around what you are doing in your career as the month kicks off Leo. There are many opportunities for you right now, you just have to take the first little steps and they will unfold.

There might be a message, a download or an intuitive nudge about all of this on the 9th before the flavour of these conversations start to change for you. 

There is a lot of energy on the 10th and it's time to plant the seeds of intention for what's next. You may have just felt like you have gone through a transformation of sorts. Let what needs to die, die so there is space for what is being reborn in your life. Allow this mystery to unfold in its own time. This feels positive and connects your uniqueness to your power.

You might find a little more intimacy from the 12th and then on the 17th Neptune starts a new cycle. Tap into your creative gifts and think outside the square, creating doesn't just have to be as arts and craftsy as we think, there are other ways to bring creativity into your life.

Aries season begins on the 20th and it will feel like a welcome relief as the energy is moving to a place that is about expansive thinking, your beliefs, curiosity and travel. There is also harmonious energy helping you shift and transmit the things that are being revealed from your subconscious.

Remember to have (lovingly) strong boundaries and a solid foundation toward the end of this month. Eclipse season begins with a lunar eclipse in Libra on the 25th and you could be called to let go of a friendship or a form of communication that's no longer working for you. Let it go.

The month could end with a surprise encounter of romance or finances that is tied to your work in some way. Enjoy this fleeting energy. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Virgo Sun + Rising

The start of the month you could find yourself travelling, a last minute trip that came up out of the blue or maybe you book a ticket on a whim, the energy is supporting this so if it feels right then roll with it. This could also tie in with a significant relationship in your life. A chance encounter or you might receive a message from someone who is travelling.

There is a lot of focus on your relationship zone, a new cycle beginning where it will be important to tap into your creativity. This could involve journaling about what is coming up for you or connecting to you spirituality to seek guidance here. This will be a great time to spend by the ocean and even enjoy romantic conversations.

The 10th brings a lot of energy with the Pisces New moon, setting intentions for what you deeply desire within your relationship to a significant person in your life. Be clear with what you want and let yourself step into deeper intimacy here.

Conversations will help you bring unconscious issues to the surface on the 11th so allow this to come up and out so you can start to work to translate this energy.

Aries season begins on the 20th and is illuminating some things that might be a little more challenging. If fears are coming up, it's time to work with them. There could also be important issues around the values of others. Even though this can appear hard on the surface, just keep working with the energy that is coming up for you.

There is a deep cycle that you're gaining new insights into on the 21st. Eclipse season begins on the 25th and this could be impacting your finances and asking you to release something that is not helping you anymore. This story isn't new, look back to issues that were coming up last october…and last April. There could be clues there to what this is about. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Libra Sun + Rising

The beginning of March could feel a little up and down for you Libra, with a little effort you could see yourself progressing in breaking cycles of a long standing wound that you have been carrying. Don't be afraid to put in the effort, you will reap the rewards.

There are also important topics of intimacy coming up and this could feel tense, they may arise from out of the blue but if you are consciously working with this energy you can transform it and transmute it so you are able to grow and step into the higher version of yourself. Act in your own unique expression, show up as who you really are, it's ok to be vulnerable, this is where we learn to trust that it's ok to be yourself.

You might be starting to engage in more chats with a loved one as Aries season approaches. There is likely to be more of this coming in for you over the next few weeks. The New Moon in Pisces on the 10th is asking you to take radical responsibility for your health and wellness. Maybe you have known that it's time for a change but the time has come to draw a line in the sand and actually work towards that which you want, these new moon energies will support you.

There is a lot of energy in this space over the next few weeks as Venus moves into Pisces on the 12th. Connect with how health makes you feel, allow it into your body rather than being in your mind so much. It will be important for you to have a solid plan with discipline and boundaries for you to create this for yourself but the energy is supporting you.

Aries season will bring relationships into your focus from the 20th. Have fun with this, people love you for you so own that! Things could get intimate sooner than you expected but enjoy the passion of this. There's abundance in love and money for you as the month draws to a close along with fleeting moments of unexpected pleasure.

But this month comes with a big caution for its wrap up with the Eclipse season beginning on the 25th with the Lunar eclipse in Libra. This is calling for you to let go of an identity that is no longer serving the best version of yourself. This has been coming up over the last 12 months and it might be hard to release and feel like it's come out of nowhere, but ultimately it's for the highest good. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Scorpio Sun + Rising

The start of this month could see you moving in a positive direction when it comes to your home and family life. There may be a cycle coming up in this area of your life that you finally feel you are making progress with. Keep putting in the effort and you will be rewarded by the energy that is naturally flowing in this space for you.

The 10th could be tricky, the New Moon in Pisces is asking you to call in new manifestations for all the things that bring you joy in your life, the things that you love to do and allowing yourself to indulge and receive this for yourself. This energy could be met with an unexpected change or even chaos when it comes to your significant other. Know this energy will feel tense but it won't last.

The conversation is shifting to bring focus on your health and things you do every day. This energy will expand when Aries season kicks off so pay attention to the messages, thoughts that are dropping into your intellectual space from now.

The 20th will see Aries season illuminate and bring focus to your health so start taking action on the things that were bubbling up around the New Moon.

There has been a bunch of energy in Pisces and you might have been deep diving into those things that bring you joy. Make sure you are creating a good foundation for these activities so they will move forward with you once the Pisces energy shifts. Mars moving into Pisces on the 23rd will support this.

Make note for the end of the month as eclipse season begins on 25th. Eclipses bring dynamic endings and new beginnings and for you it's about letting go of something that won't let you rest. It's time to turn in now, let there be death so you can be reborn again. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

The beginning of the month feels pretty expansive and free flowing and there is abundance and something fortunate happening in your home and family life. You may have to put a little effort in but the rewards will far outweigh the actions!

This space of home and family life is under the spotlight with Pisces season underweight and there could be an important message coming in on the 9th, it's likely coming from your inner guide, your higher power so make sure you are connected to your spiritual practices so you can allow it but most importantly trust it.

The Aries energy will start to grow from the 10th and the conversations, thoughts and ideas will shift onto the things that you love to do. What are your passions and what brings you joy, where do you like to spend your recreation time and where do you find pleasure. You might even have success dating if you're single.

The New Moon energy on the 10th is asking you to get clear on what you want for this next cycle with your family and home life, maybe this includes building a new home. 

Aries season begins on the 20th shifting the energy and you might find yourself dealing with a long standing cycle.

Venus will activate the free flowing energy that you experienced at the start of the month so simply allow it to unfold and receive what is yours.

Eclipse seasons start on the 25th and this could involve a releasing of an old vision to make way for something new. It could also show up as a glitch in technology or a changing relationship dynamic. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Cap Sun + Rising

The energy starts out with mostly harmonious energy if you are choosing to work with it. Put the effort in and you will be rewarded when it comes to finances, home, family, communications, close friends and the things that really bring you joy.

Amongst all of this there might be some tension that arises on the 4th potentially with someone you are dating but for sure with something that you love to do. It's likely to not sit well with your values and so you may need to make the hard choice to stand in your power and release what is not serving you here.

The energy of the 10th will help you move this forward if you keep applying the steps in your life. This is a particularly high energy day with The New Moon in Pisces which is calling for you to set intentions for what you to surround yourself with, this includes friends, lifestyle and the way you interact with them.

The conversation is shifting and it will be important to keep the lines open when it comes to your home and family life.

There is still a lot of Pisces focused energy so ensure you are tapping into your intuition and higher power. Especially on the 17th as there is a new Sun Neptune cycle beginning asking you to illuminate your creative gifts in your local area!

Pisces season begins on the 20th illuminating your home space and family life. Your parents will also be important to stay connected with here too. Soften into strong foundations and discipline on the 22nd.

The Pisces stellium strengthens on the 23rd when Mars joins to activate you here even more ahead of the beginning of eclipse season, starting on the 25th and calling for a shift in energy when it comes to your career. Let go of the things that are not serving you any longer. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!

Aquarius Sun + Rising

There has been so much energy in your sign Aquarius that things could have felt overwhelming…all in a good way however Pluto may be beginning to stir some things up.

Their energy is a little like a roller coaster to start out in March linking areas of your life such as your values, finances, communications and home life back to you. There could be some unexpected events arising in your family or at home that will make things feel challenging. Approach them with love and openness for the best results.

Pisces season has been pulling focus on your finances and resources and the conversation is shifting on the 10th when Mercury moves into Aries. Prepare for endings and beginnings as Aries season approaches.

The New Moon in Pisces also falls on the 10th and is a great time to deeply think about how you want your resources to support you in the future. Plan your budget or decide to level up your money story and the energy will work with you to make sure it happens, you have to take the actions steps to however!

As the planets start to move from Aquarius to Pisces and then to Aries you'll feel confident and strong within yourself to approach the next few months.

Aries season begins on the 20th where your habits for your life will become central focus. Think about what is close to you, your friends, siblings and rituals, put your energy here during Aries season. The 22nd is powerful for committing to yourself for the long haul and doing so with love and grace.

Eclipse season begins on the 25th the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. This will be challenging old beliefs that are no longer serving you. This has been coming up for the past 12 months now and it's time to release and replace them. Get curious about your potential and what you think for yourself instead that would move you towards that dream. I’ve released 4 more spots at 50% discount $555 in Starlit, Astrology for Self Empowerment if you want to learn how this applies more directly to you!