Future Visions, Uniqueness, Intellect and Weirdos incoming - February Horoscopes

FEbruary 2024 Horoscopes.

February's Aquarius energy  will be bringing focus to the collective, your future visions, embracing your unique individual intellect and technology. There will be more conversations in these spaces from the 5th when Mercury joins the Sun and Pluto here. A powerful conversation or mindset shift could help you focus on this part of your life.

The 8th could come with unexpected surprises, a harmonious romantic gesture or something sparked by a female friend. It might not all be sunshine and roses to take care with this energy.

Aquarius New Moon on the 10th is really powerful. Set intentions around what you would like to call in for the future, it will be supported by Mars which will help you set the wheels in motion just a few days later when it joins the Aquarius party.

As all these planets enter Aquarius they have a powerful conversation with Pluto where things could be exposed, pulled up from the depths or something that will help you transform. On the 17th Venus brings the Aquarius stellium to 5…5 planets in this space , this would be a great time to learn a new technological skill or buy a new gadget.

Pisces season begins on the 19th and we will see the energies and planets shifting into this space bringing spirituality, creativity and even topics of the ocean to the forefront. The strong Pisces energy will be here for around 6 weeks so think about what you want to call in, in these parts of your life.

Venus and Mars align on the 22nd which could spark passion, romance and a joyful day where the feminine and masculine feel in tune with each other. Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd and then the Virgo Full moon follows on the 24th where you might find yourself celebrating something inline with your health and wellness.

The Sun, Mercury and Saturn all align on the 28th and auspicious 29th bringing in clarity of mind and power when it comes to your time and authority. Happy February!

Aquarius Sun + Rising

The stars are directing energy back to you this month Aquarius and there are a lot of powerful moments. With Aquarius season underway, you will be starting to really feel like yourself and on the 5th there are some powerful conversations or thoughts that will have an impact on a transformation you are going through or are about to go through. The 8th might prove to be a tricky day, facing tough revelations or experiencing chaos or change.

This energy should settle by the New Moon on the 10th and it's a great day to set some intentions about what you are trying to call in for yourself. This New Moon is being supported with the opportunity to experience growth through mindset shifts, it's not going to be easy though but if you put in the work things will unfold.

You'll feel a boost in physical energy, motivation and the will to take action and move things forward on the 16th. This is a powerful time for making a step in the right direction in an area that you are evolving for yourself.

The 17th is another significant date to note. With Venus moving into Aquarius you might feel it's time for a glow up and spend some time considering your image and even making changes over the next few weeks. Lean into your feminine power and watch things unfold. There might be people or negative self-talk unexpectedly dropping in to cause chaos, hold strong on your values to overcome this energy.

There could be romance and sparks flying in on the 22nd, maybe this simply applies to your own self love journey. Embrace it.

Virgos Full moon on the 24th is asking you to release a fear or an outdated cycle around something taboo so you can step into the new version of yourself.

As Pisces season kicks off the energy will start to shift and you’ll be considering the things you value the most, including your finances, money and resources. The auspicious 29th brings a lot of power to support you here. Apply solid boundaries, structure and foundation and you will have a great deal of success. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Pisces Sun + Rising

Ok Pisces, if I have one message for you this month, you want to SLOW DOWN! Tune in and listen to the areas of your life that you need to pull back. I know there is a lot of energy moving forward and with the new year unfolding but for you, be extra careful.

This is a time where you can tap into your strong spiritual gifts and at the start of the month there could be a message downloading, if you have been doing the work. There is supportive energy here igniting your spirituality and connection to your intuition but it won't just drop in your lap.

A lot of transformation is taking place and you're moving through a death/rebirth phase. The shadow energy here will bring light to your enemies or expose secrets, at best there may be things coming up from the depths that you need to work on.

The New Moon in Aquarius is a fresh start for you here, where do you need to give yourself time, nourish your body and start that self care practice? There will be opportunistic times for expansion, messages through conversations or even your inner voice.

If this all feels heavy, know that if you are doing the work the energies will swing back into your favour as we head into Pisces Season starting out on 19 February. You're going to start to feel more yourself and have a big self identify makeover!

The full moon in Virgo on the 24th might see something come to light in your relationships zones, you might enter into a new relationship or you could be letting go of something that is no longer serving you. Know it's for the best.

Around the 25 - 26 there are some tense and challenging energies hanging around and making it harder for you to understand the flow of your yin/yang energy. Working with this energy is powerful and could lead to abundant and fortunate events. The key here is to connect to your local environment, have conversations and connect with your siblings and besties, this will be supportive.

The end of the month will bring clarity with structure and disciplined thinking. Almost a complete transformation from how the month started out so know that good things are coming your way. Happy February Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Aries Sun + Rising

If you feel like work life or your career has been a key focus over the last few weeks, then you're absolutely on par with the astrological energies Aries. February energies will be shifting focus to look at your future visions, spend time in your friendship circles and communities that support you and maybe even get a bit techy!

The 8 Feb may come with a more positive outlook at work or in your career, especially if there have been harder things to manage in this space.

Aquarius' new moon is kicking off this new cycle for you and encouraging you to set an intention for what you really want for your future. Mars will bring supportive forward moving energy to this space and help you move your visions forward so that you are taking steps in the right direction right from the get go!

This could feel like a lot as Pluto is also playing a part. If you have been working on yourself there will be more motivation for this, but if you have been ignoring that part of you you may be a rude shock or feel some fiery emotions and even anger about something you know you need to change.

The good news is that the energy is here to show all this to you. What do you want your friendships to look like, what communities do you want to be involved in and what are the ones that are not supporting you. Where can you ‘clean house’ and tidy up this space so you can call in what you truly desire.

The 19th hails in Pisces season...Cue: rest… Aries. You probably don't want to hear this but you are going to be needing to pay attention to slowing down, especially as all these planets are starting to move into Pisces.

There could be an exciting romantic encounter with a friend that may be something more than you first thought on the 22nd ahead of the Full Moon in Virgo..urging you to look at your health and how your day to day is supporting you.

The 27 may feel tough in relation to a money matter of something that you value deeply, the end result is growth and expansion when you move through this energy.

The end of the month brings messages of clarity about turning back into yourself, what's good for you and what you really can not sacrifice when it comes to taking care of you. Happy February! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Taurus Sun + Rising

Maybe you have been in holiday mode, or even cruising along enjoying some form of travels, adventures or even studies. You'll notice the energy shifting this month Taurus, it's actually already started as you may have felt more of a pull toward your career or your business.

Powerful conversations could unveil something that has always felt hidden on the 5th, it could also be a transformative chat that you were not expecting.

The 8th comes with a pleasant surprise from a close female or loved one. Don't take this event as ‘gospel’ as this type of energy can fly out as quickly as it flies in.

Aquarius New moon on the 10th marks a turning point, a new start, a new project or even a new era of your career or business life. Work with this energy by setting intentions for what you want to call in in this part of your life. The energy is building as the planets are moving into Aquarius bringing work to the forefront, especially on the 17th things will feel a little more comfortable from then!

Pisces season kicks off on the 19th and you’ll feel a call to pay attention to the people in your communities, your friendships will start to become a very important part for the next 6 weeks or so. On the 22nd you could feel more balanced around work or there may even be a new male that has influence on your work, or maybe you meet them at work.

The 24ths Full Moon in Virgo feels enjoyable. Express your creative or recreational side by doing something you truly love, something that brings you joy. There might even be a hot date or encounter on this day.

Things might feel challenging around your sense of self and what you're doing with your life on the 25th. You are wanting to expand and grow but today this feels tough. Allow yourself to lean into your feminine energy. Let yourself receive what is coming for you to make use of the energy in its best form today. Happy February Taurus. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Gemini Sun + Rising

February sees you moving out of a space that has been feeling tricky. You have been transforming and changing, maybe dealing with money matters of someone important to you or something taboo that feels hard to talk about.

On the 2nd tune into any spiritual messages that are dropping into your intuition or even in a high level conversation that you might have. There is something supporting your career, even though it might not look like it now, things will unfold in this space.

With Aquarius season well underway there is a lot of energy asking you to anchor into your belief systems and ensure that they are supporting you. You might be contemplating travel, adventures or even learning something new. The 5th could be a transformative time in this space for you.

Use the New Moon in Aquarius to set solid intentions in this space of your life. If you want to travel, tune into those energies, if you want to study or expand your learning, tune in there. Make a pact with yourself that you will connect with the beliefs that are serving you and rid yourself of those that are not. This can be extra transformative if you take the action here.

Note the 17th there could be unexpected things pop up that disrupt your day or even disrupt your mental space. Tap into your unique individual expression for vest results.

With Pisces season kicking off on the 19th there is a lot of energy about to unfold in your career or business. The next 6 weeks things will be ramping up in this space of your life so be prepared for it!

The full Moon in Virgo brings something to the forefront, something to light in your home or family life. This could be something you need to let go of or something that finally comes to fruition.

The end of the month comes with a lot of clarity for you, especially in your career. Pay attention to messages or intuitive guidance coming in here. This would be a wonderful time to journal as there could be some important ideas or thoughts that will help you in putting yourself out there. Happy February Gemini! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Cancer Sun + Rising

Cancer, February sees your energies shift from focusing on your significant other or an important person in your life to a space that is asking you to look at your fears or have the harder conversations. Themes such as tax, inheritance or transformation may also be in the spotlight with the energies shifting into Aquarius.

Pay attention to the conversations or messages that you're receiving on the 5th. THere could be a key message that will support you in this area of your life. This could also show up if you have a journaling practice. Just take note.

The Aquairus new moon on the 10th will also be supporting you here. There's a fresh start coming in so think about how you would like to work with this energy and set an intention for it. Remember that we can manifest if we don't take the action steps required. On the 13th Mars will come to support the actions of your new moon intentions. It doesn't always work like this Cancer so use this energy and work with it.

As the planets shift into Aquarius they align with Pluto so you might see things that were hidden come to the light, secrets exposed, this type of thing. Stand in your power and know that you have control of your life. Especially if this seems difficult.

Pisces season rolls around on the 19th and there is going to be a beautiful 6 week window where you can connect to this energy. Anchor into your sound belief systems during this time. Travels, Adventures and learning could be new themes that you want to explore. Maybe you're even going on a holiday?

Virgos full moon on the 24th could also support travel even if it's just being a tourist in your own backyard. Conversations will support learning and adventures around this time.

You'll have more clarity at the end of the month and so trust what you are hearing and learning. Some things you need to rein things in to get what you ultimately want. Think about how this could set you up for what you're trying to call for yourself. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Leo Sun + Rising

As Aquarius season gets underway you may notice that relationships are becoming a central focus in your life right now. There is a lot of energy in this space of your life right now and when Mercury travels through Aquarius, starting on the 5th it will be a great time to have powerful conversations with your significant other.

The 8th could be a tough day with something you didn't expect popping up and creating chaos in your life.

Aquarius New Moon happens on the 10th and this is a powerful time if you want to set new intentions around a fresh start or a new beginning when it comes to a loved one, your significant partner or relationships in general. On the 13th there will be energy drop into help move these intentions forward and start taking action towards what you really want.

Pisces season will kick off on the 19th and this year brings a lot of focused energy to you working on your fears and potentially even moving through a death/rebirth cycle. This could also be a time where taboo topics are coming to the forefront.

The 24th is the Full Moon in Virgo and you might be celebrating a milestone when it comes to financial wealth. This could also play out in a way where you feel deeply clear on your personal values that will help take you into the next phase of your life.

Towards the end of the month the Sun makes some powerful alignments that will continue to help you know clarity of mind. You will see the discipline, boundaries or structure that you have applied to your life paying off in a positive way. Happy February Leo! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Virgo Sun + Rising

There could be a harmonious conversation with someone you have been dating right at the start of this month Virgo! There could be an opportunity for this relationship to develop into something more. Take care not to be delusional and make sure you have clarity for yourself. If it's not a romantic connection this could be someone who might end up being significant in your life.

Aquarius season is underway and this is the perfect time to pay attention to your health and wellness, an area of your life that you do find fascinating. Look at your daily habits and routines and see how you can improve them for yourself.

There could be a powerful message for you about something that has been under the surface or you have not been able to see on the 5th that comes through a conversation or even through a journaling or self care practice.

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 10th will support your intentions for your health and wellness so get clear on what you would like to call in here. The physical energy will drop in a few days later to help set the wheels in motion here.

The 11th could feel touch with tricky conversations that may get out of hand. Stay the course and do your best to work through this energy because there is likely an opportunity or a moment of growth on the other side.

Unexpected events could test your anxiety levels on the 17th so remember to breathe.

Pisces season begins on the 19th and is going to bring focus to your relationships. This focus will be around for about 6 weeks so choose how you would like to use it for your highest alignment.

The Virgo full moon on the 24th is going to feel good for you. You’ll likely feel yourself and like you have reached or accomplished a goal relating to your personal self, your body or your identity.

The end of the month brings clarity around love along with expansion. Make sure you have the safe container for yourself to hold all of this and it will be an enjoyable time. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Libra Sun + Rising

With Aquarius season underway there is a spotlight on the area of your life that brings you joy. Make sure you are tapping into the things that you love, your recreation hobbies or even getting out onto the dating scene if you're single. This is a time where you are able to access pleasure with ease.

A chance encounter in love could pop up on the 8th, something you didn't expect but feels joyful or pleasurable.

If you haven't felt this area of your life pick up yet then you can use the energies of the Aquarius new moon on the 10th to manifest the things that bring you joy and pleasure. This will be supported by Mars and help you to take action towards the intentions.

The 14th could be a particularly creative day where you connect to art, music or even spend time by the ocean. A day for rose coloured glasses and allowing yourself to escape from the world if that's what you need.

There could be a significant female show up around the 17th bringing something to the table that has been hidden….it's now coming to light. The energy is powerful and likely for the best so work with it.

Pisces season kicks off on the 19th and your health and wellness will be in strong focus. This next 6 week timeframe you're being urged to pay attention to your daily habits and transform them into actions that will support you.

The 22nd could be particularly romantic or passionate whether that's with a loved one or something else that makes you feel this way.

Virgos Full Moon on the 24th is urging you to rest and slow down. Something might become clear that is not so easy to face.

There's more abundance and expansion when it comes to love and money on the 25th but it might feel tense, this can be easily overcome if you know the outcome will be favourable.Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

With Aquarius season coming into full swing there is a lot of focus on your home and family life. If there are important conversations that you need to have in this space, whether it's in your home or with your family or parents it's going to be a great time to do this from the 5th.

The 8th will be a great day for creative expression. Take the steps to invoke joy and pleasure in something that you love doing and it will feel blissful!

Aquarius’ New Moon on the 10th will be a powerful lunation if you want to start a new cycle in your home and family life. Think about the intention or the energy you want to create for this space as there is fast moving energy supporting you in moving this forward just a few days later.

WIth all this energy circling in this space of your life, there might be something that comes to light on the 14th, something that you hadn't seen or that had been dwelling in the depths. It may make you feel frustrated or angry. A great strategy would be to access your physical energy for yourself and move your body to move these energies through.

Pisces season begins on the 19th and there is a beautiful 6 week timeframe for you to tap into the things that bring you joy and pleasure. Let your creativity come online, enjoy your hobbies and recreational time and even put yourself in the dating world. The 22nd could feel romantic and passionate which is exciting!

The Virgo full moon may come with an energy around releasing something that is no longer serving you. This could be in your friendship circles, technology or even a future vision. Let this clear so you have space to call in the new.

The end of the month may come with tension and frustration around wanting to expand and grow but not really sure how to take the steps required here. You’ll find clarity on the 28th asking you to make sure you have a solid container and are dedicating ample time to what you want to accomplish. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

With Aquarius season unfolding, it's an important time to bring attention to the conversations you're having and how you're communicating. There is focus on the local spaces around you and the close friendships in your life.

There's a New Moon in Aquarius happening on the 10th and this would be a great time to start a journaling practice or have a meaningful conversation with someone important to you. If you have ever wanted to write a book, this could be the perfect time to start as there is a spotlight on this area of your life along with forward moving energy to support the intentions you put in place.

There might be a difficult conversation that you need to have on the 11th but this will ultimately bring in growth and an opportunity for you to expand in this space.

Pisces season starts on the 19th bringing focus to your home and family life. This next 6 weeks will come with a lot of focus on this space for you. Maybe you're building a house or even moving house at this time. You're right on par with the energies and they are here to support you.

You might find yourself in a passionate or romantic situation with a close friend, could there be something more here?

The Full Moon in Virgo sees a cumulation of energy in your workplace, career or business. This might be a completion of a project (even a job) or the chance to let something go that has not been good for you.

The 25th and 27th could feel tricky, like you are looking for an opportunity but there is nothing there. The end of the month will bring clarity and help set you back on the part. February 29 may bring a positive conversation or mindset shift. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Capricorn Sun + Rising

This last month has probably been exciting for you Capricorn with a lot happening. You could still be revelling in this energy and maybe treating yourself to a makeover, a new hairdo or playing with your style as February begins.

With Aquarius season well underway there is a spotlight on the things you value, the resources you have access to and your finances. The Aquarius New Moon will be the perfect time to think about what you want to call in for this area of your life. Pluto is also in this space starting a new generational cycle showing you how you can have power in this space.

The energy will be supported with momentum over the coming weeks as this moon is powerful. THings may come up on the 14th that you were not aware of, but take them in your stride and adjust as needed, this is potent energy Capricorn.

Love matters might be on your mind on the 17th and if there is something that you know you have to heal or work on, now would be a great time to start.

Pisces season starts on the 19th and the next 6 weeks are going to be pulling focus to your local spaces and your communications and conversations you are having.

There could be some exciting news around your finances on the 22nd that feels extra indulgent. Maybe you put a payment down for something you have been wanting for a while or see some extra cash flow around this time.

Virgos Full Moon on the 24th will spotlight your health and wellness and if you have been making moves in this space the results will be clear. If not, think about what you need to release so that you can move forward here.

The end of the month brings a lot of clarity and illumination. Clear conversations and create time for you to spend with close friends or simply exploring your local area!Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.