Eclipses, Retrogrades, Sugar and Spice! - April Horoscopes

April 2024 Horoscopes.

Hold onto your hats, April could get a little spicy for some of us. Mercury stations Retrograde on the 2nd ending a 9 week phase where all planets have been moving forward. It's a call for some to slow down and take a step back. The 4th could be dreamy, love filled and a day to wear the rose coloured glasses ahead of a rude awakening on the 5th when Venus moves into Aries. The feminine could feel out of her league and a little hot and bothered for the next few weeks, her passion and spark could also be ignited!

Aries Total Solar Eclipse on the 9th also aligns with Chiron so there could be some core wounds coming to the surface. This eclipse could be spicy, ruled by Mars who's feeling the pinch right, constricted and frustrated wanting to break free. What do you need to release to step into a higher timeline for yourself?

Mid month there will be a lot of downloads as Mercury meets up with the Sun, Chiron and Venus, what are the messages coming through as they could be an unfolding story with Mercury's Retrograde.

Taurus Season begins on the 20th bringing some expansive power energy that could ignite change or new opportunities. The rare once in a 14 year alignment on the 21st sees Jupiter dance with Uranus like bringing pleasant surprises or unique opportunities ito your life.

The Moons getting a workout lately and is full in Scorpio on the 24th bringing a massive clear out, release and renewal. Mercury stations direct on the 25th but we could still be on tender hooks until the 29th as things feel tense, foggy and uncertain.

The sigh of relief comes late on the 29th when Venus makes her move into her kingdom, Taurus and we can soften into the sweetness of this energy. Happy April, Sugar and spice, makes all things nice!  2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Aries Sun + Rising

While things may have been feeling pretty good for you for the last week or so, like you had turned a corner since Aries season began. Mercury stations retrograde in Aries at the start of this month. This ends the 9 week window for the year where all planets were moving forward.

Maybe you have felt ‘on a roll’ or just starting to come into your own, that's ok, now is the time to turn your thoughts inwards and reassess where your mentality and mindset is at. What adjustments do you need to make as we head into the second quarter of 2024?

If you're in need of a glow up, an identity shift or just wanting to flaunt a new style, Venus is coming to the rescue on the 5th when she moves into your sign. It may feel harder to lean back into these sides of yourself but allow the joy and bliss to flow.

The 9th comes in hot and spicey with the total solar eclipse happening in your sign. There are dynamic endings and new beginnings at play and you could also be shining a spotlight on your core wounds.

If things feel uncomfortable in this second week, that's because, well they are! The 11th could see you learning a lesson of sorts perhaps around something you did not see, or even a tricky transition you're moving through.

The second half of the month will calm down and Taurus season kicks off on the 20th. Shift your attention to the things you value the most and make sure you pay attention to your finances, as they are in the spotlight. The 21st feels auspicious, an unlikely surprise boosting your bank account or bringing you an opportunity of sorts.

Scorpios full moon could bring up your deep seated fears on the 24th as Mercury retrograde ends the very next day. Note the 29th as a day to get away from the world and in touch with your creative side, it's best to take this time for you otherwise things might just feel really confusing and unclear.

Venus moves into Taurus on the 29th bringing peace to a somewhat dynamic month. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Taurus Sun + Rising

If Aries season has felt tough, just hold on a little longer as Mercury stations retrograde on the 2nd. You're being asked to go deeper into your mental awareness this month to heal and transform something that has felt like a kink in your life. 

Around the 4th you might feel the urge to don the rose coloured glasses, grab your favourite cheese board ingredients and escape with your besties for a hot minute. That's all well and good but please make sure you're doing the work that's coming up, avoiding this will only lead to inner conflict.

The 9th could be rough with the total solar eclipse marking a turning point, a dynamic shift or the start of a new time, but it's going to feel intense.

Resting and knowing when to slow down couldn't be more important right now as your health, spirituality and transformation cycles are being activated right now.

You can breathe a sweet sigh of relief when Taurus season begins on the 20th and you’ll feel like you can now come up for air. Your lucky day could be the 21st this, own your brilliance and call in the opportunities.

There's a romantic relationship dynamic that comes to a head on the 24th with the Scorpio Full moon and Mercury stations direct the very next day. Venus enters your sign on the 29th and this is the time where you can really lean back and start to enjoy things a little more! 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Gemini Sun + Rising

This month could be a lot Gemini starting out with Mercury stationing retrograde on the 2nd. This is a time to go with or simply just rework some connections, friendships and alliances. This time would also be great for dreaming up your compelling life vision for the future! Don't be surprised if the tech issues are even more prominent this Mercury retrograde.

The 4th is likely to be super enjoyable when it comes to your career or business. There's potential for this to be around money but ultimately there is something super creative that's dropping in.

When Venus enters Aries on the 5th this ‘starting energy’ will be magnified. Come the 9th it's just going to feel intense. The total solar eclipse in Aries could bring about sudden changes or adjustments and it could feel hard. Is there someone getting in the way of your dreams…maybe it's you, it's time to let go of this ideal…or reality

Mercury then merges with the Sun, Chiron and Venus so pay attention to the messages that you're getting in the lead up to Taurus season which gets started on the 20th.

Taurus is your time to chill, connect deeper with your inner world and make sure you are resting when you need to. There might be a unique surprise for you on the 21st.

Scorpios full moon could bring up a lot (even literally) so be extra careful when it comes to you day to day and your health. 

Mercury stations direct on the 25th but honestly Gemini with this shift of planets moving into Taurus..just keep the low key vibe happening. Your time is coming, in a big way, but it's not quite here yet! 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Cancer Sun + Rising

You might have been noticing a lot has been focused on your career or business over the last week or so Cancer. There's a magnification of this energy happening over the next few weeks. Mercury Retrograde starts on the 2nd and it will be a chance to slow this down a little. Re-consider what you really want to be doing.

Venus brings a creative flair to your life and you might feel inclined to bring this into your vibe and show it off to the world. Share it with passion and bliss!

It's likely you're feeling the heat this eclipse season, they are always going to impact you more than most because you're ruled by the moon! The total Solar eclipse in Aries is asking you to step up and empower yourself to be the best version of yourself. You need to be bold and own this in your inner and outer world. There has been a theme going on for the last 12 months that you might notice. What is it time to let go of once and for all so you can truly thrive in your career?

Taurus season begins on the 20th and although this is a shift, things are still going to feel a lot. This season is bringing into focus your friends and alliances. It's also highlighting technology and possibly a good time to have a play around with AI that's swiftly coming into our world.

The 21st could be the diamond in the crown this month as there could be a pleasant surprise dropping into your world. This may be connected to your friendships or come from a close friend but not necessarily.

While Scorpios full moon on the 20th is always going to be intense this could be in a blissful kind of way for you Cancer. Lean into your desires and pleasures and see what unfolds.

Mercury stations direct on the 25th and you feel like you might finally be able to move forward on some things. Just take care that the 29th could be a doozy! 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Leo Sun + Rising

Hey Leo, its likely Aries season has got you feeling pretty good. After some tricky times it feels like you're finally calling in some new adventures, levelling up the beliefs you have about yourself, learning some new things and maybe even making some travel plans…or actually hitting the road or skies on your next trip.

The thing is. Mercury retrograde begins on the 2nd and you want to ensure that if you're making any new plans, especially for travel that you're checking everything 3 times. Mercury Rx can mess with things in this space and break down the lines of communication at the same time.

This month's total solar eclipse in Aries on the 9th could be a doozy and could impact you more than most. It could make things frustrating and you might have the urge to lash out but this one is all about you. What do you need to do to step onto that highest path of your timeline? Is there a belief you need to shed? It's time.

There could be a message on the 12th that links back to something from the end of February. Something that you're revisiting, an issue not yet resolved. Just note this information as this chapter is still unfolding.

Taurus seasons begin on the 20th bringing a shining light to your public life and career, don't tell me you're not excited for this, I know you are. This is a time to focus on your business, job or career. A time where it feels easier to be seen and stand in the spotlight!

The 21st is the peak point of a unique Jupiter Uranus alignment where it's likely you could have a pleasant surprise drop in for your career. This energy will circulate for a while so this might appear a few weeks before or a few weeks after.

The 22nd might bring a challenging but ultimately transformative moment when it comes to your significant relationship. It's ok if there is something coming up, ultimately this will serve you to work through and benefit you in the long run.

Scorpios Full moon on the 24th could see something in your home and family life reach a peak, it's time to let go of this now so you can create space and activate other areas of your life.

Mercury completes retrograde on the 25th and you'll feel like you can move forward as Venus moves into a powerful position supporting your career. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Virgo Sun + Rising

This month is set to be a big one. Virgo and Mercury retrograde could be bringing up a lot for you and it begins on the 2nd. Maybe you have noticed or there has been awareness brought to some of the deep seated fears you hold. This might be around something that feels uncomfortable, that you don't want to talk about. It's coming up now and is likely to be the theme of this Mercury Rx.

Aries Total Solar Eclipse is also playing a part in this story. Eclipses normally come with dramatic endings or beginnings and this story might not be new for you so allow yourself to work through it as it arises.

There could be new information on the 12th around something that might feel unresolved from back at the end of January. Just keep a mental note and know that this story will unfold in due course. 

The 16th is another helpful day to get to the bottom of some wound, cycle or fear that's been on repeat and is starting to impact your everyday life. Mark down the 19th as this one might feel easier. A loving conversation or even a good day for romance. Let the energy flow, if this time has been intense this day could be a welcome relief.

Taurus season begins on the 20th and this energy will start to pull you out of this sticky phase and you will feel like you have a more empowered approach to life. You're going to feel curious to explore, learn something new or head out on new adventures. This could come with a pleasant abundance of surprises around the 21st, something you didn't see coming, a fortunate opportunity that arises, another time to note for this month.

Scorpios Full moon the the 24th could see the peak of a writing project or even a time where there's an important conversation or connection within your friendship circles. Mercury stations direct on the 25th and you can feel like you can move forward again. 

The 29th could find you in a confusing situation in your significant relationships. Be extra careful with your words and emotions especially if you are angry or frustrated. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Libra Sun + Rising

Aries season has been illuminating your relationship zone and there is more to come in this space. Something that you'll need to rethink as Mercury Stations retrograde on the 2nd. The 4th Could be a particularly pleasant day, it feels romantic, dreaming and a cause to escape from the world. It might just be a ‘perfect’ day that you have envisaged for your life for some time now.

On the 5th Venus moves into Aries bringing passion, love and feminine energy into your relationship space. This might not feel super comfortable but lean back and allow things to unfold in their divine timing. The 7th might see some beneficial insights around something you have been resolving and unpacking when it comes to dating, pleasure or relationships.

Make a mental note that the Aries total solar eclipse is happening on the 9th and likely bringing about a dynamic ending or new beginning when it comes to your relationships.

Taurus season kicks off on the 20th and this time might not be your favourite, not going to lie. The sun is illuminating the space to do with your fears, transformation and all the things that you don't want to talk about (think death, sex, taxes). There could be a fortunate opportunity that comes along in this space of your life that you didn't expect. Know there are things being healed in this space of your life.

Scorpios full moon could be a good see you reach a high point when it comes to your finances or even the things you value most. Enjoy the fruits of this time. Mercury stations directly on the 25th helping you to now move forward with that relationship story that was unfolding and the month finished off with Venus moving into a powerful position to support you move though those fears and help you face them with a gentle feminine approach. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Scorpio Sun + Rising

Aries season is upon us and this is the perfect time to bring an active awareness to your health and wellness and the rituals and routines that support you every day. Mercury stations retrograde on the 2nd and this is a time to look over what you have been actively doing in this area of your life. Is it working for you? What do you need to revise so you can move forward even stronger?

The total Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 9th may bring something to light in this area of your life. Something unexpected or out of the ordinary. The eclipse could also have an impact on your day to day, throwing a spanner in the works and stopping you in your tracks.

Things might feel hard on the 11th too..more likely to be in the creative space or around something that brings you happiness, if you're dating it could be here. You'll want to move forward but you’ll feel restricted or contained, as if it feels hard or you may have to meet some upper limit or cross over a threshold.

Taurus season is underway on the 20th illuminating the space of your significant other. This is a welcome change and this day could also feel a little more free flowing than earlier in the month. Some good news perhaps or an opportunity that feels exciting arises from nowhere. Make the most of these harmonious energies and take action to move into the space where you feel good.

Scorpios full moon on the 24th could illuminate your relationship, a reconnection joyful date resparking love. Mercury stations direct the next day and you will feel a sense of forward moving energy return.

Take care at the end of the month, if you're not in the right frame of mind things could feel confusing, foggy or it could even be a time of addictions taking over. Channel your energy towards the creative spaces in your life and connect with your inner guidance to help move through this time. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

Mercury retrograde starts on the 2nd ending a 9 week phase of forward motion. Maybe it's a welcome rest and you're being encouraged to turn inwards and connect with your creative side. What are the things you love to do? Slow down and move with more intention in this space. What really brings you joy, this is about you!

Aries’ Total Solar Eclipse on the 9th might be an eye opener. There could be surprising news or even a missadventure. Be extra careful if you're dating, there's potential to be blindsided around this time.

Taurus season begins on the 20th and is spotlighting your everyday health and wellness and even your work. Is there something that needs to be worked on here or maybe you're just beginning a new fitness regime. Lean into this and the energy will support you. It will feel easy to take the action steps forward towards the opportunities and experience the growth and expansion in this space of your life. Remember you need to work with the energy and take the steps forward for yourself.

The 21st sees a unique alignment, similar to the day man landed on the moon. It only comes along every once in a 14 year period. Again this speaks to unimaginable opportunities or pleasant surprises in your daily life. Be open to the magic that may unfold. This energy could drop in a few weeks prior or stick around for a few weeks after so raise to the frequency of abundance and let yourself be amazed!

The 24th holds caution with the Full Moon in Scorpio. You want to be lying low this day as it's important to rest and heal. Tune into your inner guide and follow the wisdom it has for you.

Mercury stations direct the next day and the end of the month could feel a little confusing or unclear. Connect to the ocean and water to feel in alignment with your higher path. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Capricorn Sun + Rising

Things in your homelife may be slowing down as Mercury stations Retrograde on the 2nd. If they are not then this is the time to actively put the breaks on and pull your energy back. Family matters might be coming up or there could be an important conversation happening with your parents.

On the 5th Venus comes into this space to help you soften and lean into your feminine energies, but this could seem tricky.

Aries Total Solar eclipse on the 9th might see something unexpected or out of the blue arise from this space. It could involve an ending or a new beginning, either way, surrender to what life has to offer and roll with it.

The 11th may feel like a difficult day to get your message across or take action towards something that you want to do. It might help to have a journal and some clear prompts to guide you through what's coming up here.

Taurus season begins on the 20th and could bring a lightness to your life. You're being encouraged to go out and do the things that make you feel happy. Enjoy your hobbies and creative projects, spend time around children, get back into the dating world and simply have fun.

The 21st or a few weeks either side could see a pleasant surprise or a breakthrough in this area of your life. Bask in the abundance and excitement of this energy and allow yourself to feel expansive. Change is refreshing and exciting.

The full moon in Scorpio on the 24th might see sparks of a future vision fulfilled or just a joyful time with lots of energy for your friendships. Mercury stations direct the very next day and the end of the month comes with a mixture of imagination, fogginess but a time to anchor into a strong sense of feminine energies. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Aquarius Sun + Rising

With Aries season picking up pace, we find Mercury Station retrograde on the 2nd. Slowing up this forward moving energy we have had at the start of the year. This is one to watch for you as communications could break down. Use this time for journaling and writing for yourself, accessing the guidance and messages from within.

There is harmonious alignment connecting your creativity with your values on the 4th and then the ability to find a playful expression of a new transformational journey you have embarked on recently.

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 9th could impact an area of your life that is close to you. A major ending or a new beginning, perhaps something you didn't see coming with a close friend or in your community. Be extra careful with your communications and conversations around this time.

The tension is high and things seem foggy and unclear when it comes to a money matter on the 11th. You want to move forward with something but you feel constricted.

Taurus season begins on the 20th bringing a focus to your home life. Are you moving home? Or Buying a home? Or perhaps there is something coming up here with your family and parents. This energy should flow with ease as the Taurus energy kicks off.

The 21st sees a unique alignment impacting this area of your life. Ultimately it's beneficial but is likely to bring about change and a chance to embrace your inner rebel. This energy could be around for a few weeks prior and after this date. You'll know if this one is directly impacting you.

You might be finishing up with something at work, in your career or job around this Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th. Something has reached its ripeness, its full potential, celebrate that and step powerfully into the next chapter. The end of the month could be a mixed bag so let it unfold as it should. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1

Pisces Sun + Rising

Even with Aries season fully underway, there is still a Pisces stellium at play so I'm pretty sure this is going to have you feeling in a good space. Mercury stations retrograde on the 2nd encouraging you to review your finances and approach to money and budgeting. Venus, the planet of what we value, is coming to support this area of your life from the 5th so this could make things a little easier.

Don't do anything dramatic in this space, especially around the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 9th. This is a time for reviewing and reflecting. If this moon is to impact you think about what values or assets you need to let go of. There could be a major ending here. Maybe you're selling a house or expecting some money? This also could be the exact opposite as that's how eclipses work.

Taurus season begins on the 20th and this time will be illuminating your community and ways that you communicate. There is expansive, easy energy that could bring about opportunities and even unexpected surprises. The peak date here is the 21st however this energy could be around for the entire month

The full moon in Scorpio could see you finishing a course or finalising plans on an travelling adventure that's been in the works for a while. Celebrate this time then release the energy. Mercury stations direct the next day which will help with the forward momentum.

The end of the month could feel tense, unclear, frustrating and put simply, unknown. Connect into your imagination and creative flare until this time passes and you can gain clarity. 2024 Astrology Report and Readings with Bonuses offer ends April 1