Speeding up to Slow down - June Horoscopes

june 2024 Horoscopes.

With planets shifting into Gemini our intellectual minds are being activated, social capacity expanding and idea generation amplified. The beginning of the month magnifies these themes as Mercury moves into its home sign, aligns with Jupiter and they both make harmonious aspects to Pluto in Aquarius.

Venus also aligns with the Sun at the new Moon in Gemini bringing a powerful purification of the feminine energies, relationships, love and the things we value the most. Following an opportunity to grow to a threshold and pass though an upper limiting gateway.

On the 9th Mars enters Taurus which might feel like a sudden slowdown of energies that recently picked up! There’s a series of challenges mid month with a light bulb moment on the 15th with the Mercury Cazimi.

The 17th also one to make in the diary as Venus and Mercury hail in the Cancerian vibes before making a conjunction a beautiful day for deep and meaningful conversations with those you love

Cancer season officially kicks off on the 21st also marking the solstice. Winter in the south and Summer in the north, the light will begin to slowly change. Capricorns full moon could bring extra productivity and creation on the 22nd.

The end of the month brings a mature approach to our thoughts and mindset before Saturn stations Retrograde with a chance to slow down and shift our discipline and patience to an internal focus

Happy June my friends

Gemini Sun + Rising

The pace of life may have suddenly felt like it picked up Gemini. Just like that an entourage of planets have started activating your sign and on the 3rd Mercury begins its transit through your sign. All eyes are on you right now, there are new beginnings, fresh approaches and an interest in your identity.

The beginning of the month might bring in some clarity about what it is that’s starting fresh, what new beginning is dawning for you. The 4th is a powerful day for you where you will feel a strong connection to your power within, you have the ability to grow personally and call in abundance for yourself. The 5th brings a cleansing and freshness in your feminine energies, it’s a love-filled day for relationships especially ones with females.

The new moon in Gemini on the 6th is where you want to be setting some intentions focused on yourself and your life. From the 9th you might be wondering what is holding you back. Its time to fight any demons that are coming up and develop the inner strength and courage that’s needed to move forward later in July.

The 12th could see a tough conversation at work where you are being urged to stand in your authoritative power and apply good discipline and boundaries.

There’s clarity and insight available on the 15th with the Mercury Cazimi. The 17th is a busy day with a shift of focus and a time to think about the tangible things that will help support you to actualise your new moon intentions. Cancer season begins on the 21st and the full moon in Capricorn could bring up mysteries or things of taboo. This is a time to face your fears and release what is no longer serving you.

The end of the month comes as a mixed back where you're feeling confident yet challenged. Saturn stations retrograde on the 30th bringing attention to an upper limit your which you will need to go within to transcend.. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Cancer Sun + Rising

You might have felt like the breaks have suddenly been slammed on, the need to slow down is becoming more and more apparent. You have been trying to manifest something and may be frustrated that it’s not working.

It's time to focus your energy within, truly. Take the time to slow down and ask yourself (and no one else) for guidance. It might be easier to hear the messages and connect with your intuition from the 3rd and the 4th could see powerful downloads to help yourself.

There could be support coming in from a female on the 5th. If you're feeling lazy today, it's a sign from your body that you need to rest. Your extra susceptible to illness right now so its important to be taking extra care of yourself. Use the Gemini new moon on the 6th to ask for guidance, there is power to call in this clarity for yourself.

From the 9th it would be wise to bring your future desires to the forefront of your mind and create a plan to start moving them forward, the energy might feel slow but take the steps non the less.

If there is something that your not seeing or not completely understanding mid-month. The 17th comes with a welcome change and freshness where you're going to start feeling more yourself. On the 21st Cancer season begins where the focus is shifting onto you. Capricorn's full moon on the 22nd could be a high point in your relationship or a celebration lighting up your love life if you are single.

Saturn stationing retrograde closes out the month on the 30th brining and internal shift having you contemplating your strength and power of your belief systems.. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Leo Sun + Rising

You might have noticed your social life has come to the forefront as Gemini season really starts to ramp up. There is ample time for conversations and to connect with the people in your life. The 4th could see a friend bring an opportunity towards you that will support your future hopes and dreams. Whats the message coming though and how can you act on it to make the most of this chance?

The 5th is also a pleasant day full of love and joy and a refreshing new cycle of your feminine energies begins. Leading up to the Gemini New moon on the 6th. This is a great time to redefine your future desires. What do you intend fo the next phase of you life?  From the 9th and for the next 6 weeks theres movement and action in your career where your getting things done or maybe even changing things up. Non the less its a productive time.

The 13ths asks that you take a look at some past pattens that your wanting to break, what effort do you need to apply, what actions and practices do you need to implement to bust through this barrier. The energy is supporting you now. 

Theres a strong sense of clarity and clear intuition to supporting you on the 15th. Energy is shifting on the 17th asking you to connect deeper with you inner guidance system, slow down when you need and rest when your tired. Cancer season begins on the 21st and continues to activate this space of your life. Things might be unclear but thats ok try to get out of the mind and activate your creative body.

Theres a full moon in Capricorn on the 22nd reflecting something back to you about your health, maybe a celebration of how far you have come or there is something that needs tending to.

The month closes out with Saturn Station Retrograde a time where you might need to go back or turn inwards to face fears that you thought you had overcome. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Virgo Sun + Rising

The start of the month is going to feel good for you with all the continued energies shifting into Gemini. Mercury enters Gemini on the 3rd and you will feel a great sense of clarity around your public life and career. You know where you want to go and how to get there. 

You might be transitioning or moving into a new phase of your career and the start of the month will provide you with opportunities to expand and grow in these area of your life. Getting clear on what you truly value will be important and the energy will be supporting you to do this around the 5th. The lead-up to the New Moon in Gemini on the 6th might bring strong guidance from your intuition. Use this guidance to help set your intention for what you want for your career and watch it unfold over the next six months.

All the while you might feel the need to knuckle down and learn something new, something that will help you over time. The 11th & 12th could feel tense and like you are at odds with one another but remember you can have both if you apply discipline and structure to your life.

Venus and Mercury shift into Cancer on the 17th and then make a conjunction at first things might feel foggy and clouded with confusion but let the day unfold you might receive a message from a female or loved one that brightens your day.

Cancer season begins on the 21st asking you to get extra clear on your future desires for your life. The following days bring the Full Moon in Capricorn the perfect time to celebrate an accomplishment. You could also find yourself expressing bliss, on a date or simply doing something for yourself that brings you joy.

You might see progress in a significant relationship on the 27th while also having to mull over a past cycle and how you can move forward into a freer space. The end of the month raps up with Saturn station Retrograde asking you to make time for your relationships and bringing a flash of guidance about what lies ahead. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Libra Sun + Rising

The last few months could have you feeling a little flat. But there is a change in the air and you have probably noticed it coming in over the last week or so. There’s expansive energy on the 3rd and you're being encouraged to dive into your mind to understand your belief systems. You might start a personal growth journey or course at the beginning of the month.

The 5th will be a beautiful day where you will likely feel rejuvenated and renewed like you are ready to start fresh. Geminis new moon on the 6th could have you wanting to get away or get curious in learning a new subject. Whatever intentions are coming up, it is likely they will be clear so roll with what feels right. As strange as it sounds, you might be left feeling uncertain after all this clarity but this is just an energy, stay focused on your goals.

 Hold onto this new cycle of energy even if things feel a little tense come the 8th. You might feel the pressure to have it all figured out despite the universe serving you lessons in your day-to-day left right and centre!

Perhaps you have noticed some fears come up over the last few weeks, you will now feel called to start taking action towards facing them head-on. This might be a slow burn but it will be worth it and you will start seeing progress by the 11th. Try not to project this transformative experience onto the world around you.

You will feel a softness and things slow ever so slightly from the 17th, yet not in a bad way. Your career and public life are coming to the forefront and it feels exciting. A message coming in today will have you feeling happy and joyful. Cancer season officially begins on the 21st spotlighting this area of your life.

The Capricorn full moon follows quickly after on the 22nd where you could be celebrating a move, a new home or something within your family unit.

The end of the month brings flirtatious and passionate energy ahead of Saturn Station retrograde on the 30th, this transit will help you to slow down the pace of life and focus on your health and day-to-day rituals. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

There is dynamic and expansive energy at the beginning of the month as you might feel you are entering into quite a profound transformation. The message is to face that which is coming up, even if it feels mysterious, unknown and uncertain. Ultimately you will move yourself to a higher version of yourself if you choose to face the things that scare you the most.

There will be clarity and access to intuitive understandings about what you are meant to be doing and where you're headed around the 4th. This also aligns with a new feminine cycle so it would be worth doing what you can to activate these energies within you. Geminis New Moon on the 6th is a great time to set intentions and get curious about the changes you want in your life.

Your relationship or a significant relationship may have been in focus of late. From the 9th it’s time to start actioning practical steps in this space to move towards the results you desire. The energy is here to help for the next month or so. Know that the 11th could feel extremely challenging but ultimately a resolution of the highest good will come.

The energy will start to shift on the 17th softening into a lighter space. You might feel the urge to go on an adventure or simply get curious about what you see for your life. When Cancer season officially begins on the 21st this energy will only get stronger. It will be pulling you out of a deeper more challenging time.

There is a celebration of sorts this full moon in Capricorn on the 22nd. Where has the hard work paid off? Potentially something to do with your finances, money or even the strong values you have in place for your life. Enjoy the energy of this Moon.

The end of the month finishes off with passionate and flirtatious energy aligning your masculine and feminine energies and it feels fun. Saturn stations retrograde on the 30th and for the next 5 or so months is asking that you deep dive into pleasure and joy from an embodied space. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

With the shifting energies at play, you might be starting a new cycle in a significant relationship. You might notice something coming up from the past, something that you have been working to overcome and it’s not longer holding you back. There could be a message coming in on the 4th with an opportunity to expand or grow into the next version of yourself.

A new cycle of love begins on the 5th and this could be an exciting time. Ahead of the Gemini New moon on the 6th, this is something blossoming in your life. This new moon brings power to a new relationship or enhances one that you are currently in.

Your life in general might feel a little slow come the 9th or maybe that something is stuck or just feels hard to move or even to move on. Try to find the lighter side of this slowness and embrace the time you have.

You will feel a sense of clarity when it comes to the conversations you are having with others on the 15th. Following this, there is more energy shifting which could bring up topics that you would rather not talk about. There is something to be resolved over the next few weeks, something to face that might feel uncomfortable but the energies are supporting you to face this fear at this time.

Cancer season begins on the 21st and things will become clear as to what it is that you need to work through. The Full Moon in Capricorn is reflecting back a financial matter that needs to be looked at or taken care of. If you feel you have been doing the work in this part of your life then there might be a money matter worth celebrating on this Full Moon.

Saturn stations Retrograde at the end of the month which could bring focus to something within your home or family. Work with your inner guidance for the answers around this situation. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Capricorn Sun + Rising 

The start of the month could feel like a lot, where the pace of life just seems to speed up. There is a strong call to focus on your health and wellness and it is important to trust your intuition with what’s coming up for you. There are opportunities and messages galore, just make sure you are tuning in.

The 5th brings a new cycle of love and relationships that you might not really see so clearly. Add to this New Moon in Gemini on the 6th and it may just help you clear your mind and start fresh supporting you in your daily life. The 8th could feel tense or hard when it comes to love, it will be important to uphold your personal boundaries so you can reap the rewards of this situation.

Mars enters Taurus on the 9th which could bring slow sustained passion to the things you love to do. Maybe you’re finding time for the things that light you up and it’s igniting a fire within. If your feeling stuck you want to turn to joy as this will help you to overcome this challenge. Children may also have the answer if you get a chance to spend time with them.

Time might have your feeling tense or challenged but try to look at the lesson that the universe is bringing up for you. If it all feels like too much then remember there is a lot of clarity coming on the 15th.

From the 17th there is energy shifting into your relationship zone so something could be activating this space in your life. If you’re not sure what this is about remember it doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship, it could be one of significance in your life. Cancer season begins on the 21st bringing a few weeks where time spent one on one with others will be highly valuable to you.

The Capricorn Full Moon will likely be good to you on the 22nd highlighting and celebrating something about you so enjoy being in the spotlight or simply an accomplishment you have worked hard for.

The end of the month brings a positive conversation with someone of authority or someone you look up to. There’s also a change of pace with Saturn Station Retrograde and for the next several months you find a slowness and more connection with your inner wisdom. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aquarius Sun + Rising 

Things might be shifting a lot this year for you with a deeper focus on yourself. Most of the month is going to feel enjoyable spending time with the people you love and doing the things you love. There could be a promising conversation on the 4th which feels expansive and abundant.

A magical alignment happens on the 5th and if you’re dating this has the potential to be the beginning of a new romance. A cycle of love is being refreshed and starting a new one. With the New Moon, the very next day set intentions for what you want to call in here. If you're not dating this will still be a beautifully creative time and the start of something new, maybe even a new hobby that brings you a lot of joy.

If things have been happening on your home and family front expect things to slow down from the 9th, it might even feel frustratingly slow or you feel stuck in a situation you don’t want to be in. Appreciate what you have here and now and know this time will soon pass. 

There could also be something on the financial side causing you stress. You need to approach this situation with maturity so you can resolve it. There could be a difficult conversation to be had on the 12th and if that’s the case things should clear by mid-month when you gain clarity around what has been going on.

The energy is starting to shift from the 17th and Cancer season begins on the 21st lighting up you every day. You might simply feel the pace of life pick up or there could be a focus on your health and wellness. The Full Moon in Capricorn could be a difficult one for you on the 22nd, make sure you are giving yourself enough time and rest to deal with what’s going on.

The end of the month might feel a little more free-flowing with an exciting conversation on the home front. Saturn Stations retrograde making it the perfect time to reassess your personal values. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Pisces Sun + Rising 

The start of June comes with a profound energy where you have the opportunity to really connect deeply with your spirituality, especially your intuition. It’s being expanded if you choose to access this inner guide it can offer you information from your subconscious.

Your home and family life is coming into focus, not only for the next year but in the limelight over the next few months. A conversation with your parents could bring a sense of growth or opportunity. You might also feel a renewed sense of connection with your family and if not there is the opportunity to call in a new energy, especially on the Gemini New Moon happening on the 6th.

You could also see yourself moving house around this time. Finding and creating a new community might feel slow going and even frustrating at times.

There will be a sense of clarity mid-month or a realisation when it comes to something deeply private. Know that this is supporting your foundations and home life.

Expect the 17th to be a mixed back. There could be tense conversations and frustrations in relationships bubbling up. Nothing seems clear and you just can’t seem to find the answers. All the while the focus seems to be shifting into your creative space. You want to focus on this energy and find the things that bring happiness and lightness into your world. The end of the day could even bring a clearing conversation.

Cancer Season begins on the 21st and this could also feel a little tense but ride the way, you will see it through. There is a glimmer of hope amidst all this fogginess where a friendship is being celebrated or helping you gain a different perspective. Come the end of the month you might welcome Saturn's Retrograde with a message to focus more on the inner work and find your peace within. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aries Sun + Rising

You have been going through a bit Aries and you will likely have seen the dust settle over the last few weeks and energy returning to a bit more normality. You might really feel like a social butterfly, wanting to get out and spend time with your friends in your community.

This will feel abundant and there could be an exciting message or conversation coming for you on the 4th. This brings growth and expansion and potentially even travel so roll with it. You might find yourself stepping into a new level of love with an element of freshness.

This all happens ahead of the Gemini New Moon on the 6th. If your wanting to start a new project, maybe writing a book or starting a podcast, something around communication or your local spaces then this moon is the time for it.

Attention will be brought to your personal values or finances and there is something needing action from the 9th. What's coming up might feel stuck or something that will take a while to process or move through. Clarity comes mid month so pay attention to your guiding intuition.

There is energy shifting on the 17th and you might just want to stay home, stay in your sanctuary or spend time with your family. There might be love-filled conversations to be had in your relationships. Cancer season only highlights this space, even more, beginning on the 21st.

Capricorn's full moon might have you celebrating a career accomplishment or a time when you are in the public eye. This will feel energising and exciting. The end of the month brings passion and may light up your romantic life ahead of Saturn station retrograde and the time when you are really being called to listen to your body, and your own guidance and allow yourself to rest and heal. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Taurus Sun + Rising

While this year has already been a LOT for you Taurus there is a new space of your life lighting up. Your personal values are at the forefront along with your money mindset. Be open to any and all conversations this month because the start of the month could bring good fortune if you are tuning into the messages coming for you.

There is a new cycle starting and it feels empowering and flowing with ease. There could be an important moment with a female ahead of the New moon in Gemini on the 6th. This new moon calls for you to look at your finances. What do you want to call in, for this space of your life? Set your intentions big and let the manifestations unfold.

A friend might start a difficult conversation but there’s a lot to be learned from this conversation and an opportunity to push you to an upper limit. With maturity, you can step through to the next level of growth here.

You might notice a little more energy with a pep in your step from the 9th and it’s a good time to channel this energy into your health and a great time to begin a new fitness regime or even a new project that’s all about you. You’ll know what it’s about as you’ll feel the passion and desire around this space.

You might return to that lesson with your friend midway through the month, while it might seem uncertain what’s going on here the energy will be shifting and changing. The point is to keep talking things through to get your resolve.

Cancer season begins on the 21st lighting up those closest to you in your life. You’ll feel connected to your community or just want to get out and be close to your friends and even your siblings. The full moon in Capricorn might see you signing up for a new course for booking your next trip.

As the month wraps up you’ll be feeling renewed passion and excitement for your life. Saturn Stations retrograde asking you to channel some of this energy within, feed it to yourself to understand your future desires and how you are creating space for them. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.