Powerful shifts and bold expression - July Horoscopes

july 2024 Horoscopes.

The beginning of July comes with a little more slowing down and an opportunity to really hone in on your dreams and desires. With Mercury moving into Leo, there may also be deeper, bold conversations about the things you ultimately want for yourself and your life. 

The first week urges you to bring quality over quantity when it comes to connections. Cancers New Moon on the 6th is strong, and powerful and suggests that any intentions set or seeds sown are likely to take hold immediately and move forward with structure and momentum towards the desired outcome.

Unexpected pleasures, expansive conversations and fierce leadership energies are also available as we move into the second week. Mid-month allow yourself to adorn the rose-coloured glasses and float away into all that is dreamy and beautiful. 

Venus will move into Leo traversing the space she retrograded this time last year. You may notice a connection to events from this time things that have shifted, changed or even completed. This transit brings out confidence and bold self-expression especially in women, you might feel called to step up and claim your stage. You might feel the need for attention or appreciation and watch out for tendencies towards arrogance or excessive pride.

Mid month you might feel a pressure moving you forward whether you like it or not. You'll find yourself motivated to take risks and be open to the chaos of life. Capricorn's second new moon within the month on the 21st, may have you completing a cycle or accomplishing a goal faster than you expected. This comes with a swift shifting energy as Mars moves into Gemini, increasing the pace of life and gaining momentum through ideas and conversations.

On a powerful day of harmony, growth, tension, dreams and transformation at stake, the sun moves into Leo on the 22nd commencing the season of playfulness, courage and deep self worth.

Toward the end of the month Mercury moves into Virgo and that retrograde shadow, calling in deep intentional conversations and attention to detail. Chiron stations retrograde giving you a chance to turn inward to gain insights on a cycle or wound you wish to heal.

Happy July my friends!

Cancer Sun + Rising

The turn of the month brings an opportunity to turn inwards, re-evaluate and explore your personal and spiritual beliefs. A chance to tune in with a sense of curiosity and potential to understand something from a different perspective.

As soon as the 2nd, the planets are beginning to shift into Leo activating the part of your chart that surrounds your values and the tangible things that support you in your life.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th packs a powerful opportunity for you to set intentions based around new beginnings for yourself, your health and your life in general. Get clear on what you would like to manifest over the next month to 6 months and let this be known to the universe.

Mid month Venus makes her shift into Leo bringing focus to your finances. This shift might come with an exposure of something that has previously not been seen in this part of your life. This could feel polarising or far from reach but resolution can be sorted by stepping into your power.

There's also an energy signature that could boost your physical energy and sense of individuality when approaching your future visions. This could also play out as a lighting bolt moment, a shake up or explosive type of energy amongst friends or social circles.

Mark the 21st in your calendar as it brings the second Full Moon in Capricorn, illuminating a significant other or important relationship in your life. You might also feel a speed up to slow down, type of vibe with Mars shifting into Gemini.

Leo season officially begins on the 21st bringing the spotlight to the tangible things that support you in your life. If there were things that came up mid month in this space, you might find greater clarity with this energy shift.

The 26th might also bring clarity, order and clear communication. Chiron also stations retrograde giving you a chance to internally process any triggers that might be coming in your public life or career. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Leo Sun + Rising

Navigating the start of the month might feel a little tricky. If you're moving through a significant transformation in your life, the start of the month asks you to shift your focus within and connect with your inner voice.

Hopefully towards the end of June you were able to take a step back and see when you need to rest and slow down. You might not be feeling all yourself but things are about to shift as Mercury moves into your sign helping you think more boldly about what you want for your life.

The New Moon in Cancer is a powerful time to connect with your intuition and spirituality. What are you seeking in this area of your life and what routines or new practices can you put in place to move to where you want to be? You’ll feel a sense of harmony, discipline and flow when it comes to the actions you need to take next.

If you're in need of a glow up, a makeover or a health overhaul, the time is ripe come the 12th with the feminine energies supporting new beginnings here.

Take note of the 16th as there could be a sudden surge in your career. Something you might not have seen coming but feel compelled to move with the momentum, embrace the excitement. After the initial boost, with little effort you could feel a sense of ease and flow.

Come the second full moon in Capricorn this year there could be momentum towards your life dreams and desires. Take a look back at last month's full moon as there might be a resolution for what was coming to the light during that time.

Leo season begins on the 22nd and if you haven't felt a shift by now, today is your day. These are a chance to connect with your creativity and imagination and also step into your power as your season begins. Step Into the limelight and allow new beginnings to unravel.

The 26th brings more shifts as there might be a message coming in about your finances over the next few weeks. With Chiron station retrograde see if any hidden beliefs arise that might be hindering you and flow with the forward moving energy that is focused on personal new beginnings. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Virgo Sun + Rising

The beginning of the month might find that there is some internal work to do when it comes to relationships, a spiritual upgrade of sorts. There is ease and flow with this internal connection and if you tap into your inner voice and focus on aspects you need to heal or align this will likely come easy.

From the start of this month, and for the next few, you will want to take a step back, know when to slow down and when to rest. The more time you can spend focusing on yourself the more likely you will come out the end focused and revitalised.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th is a perfect time to set intentions for your future dreams and desires, what is it that you truly want to manifest in your life? Your dream life? Raise the bar and think with expansion. Write your goals and dreams down and start taking the actions steps to match.

There's momentum and growth to help propel you forward on this new moon but the key is to put plans into practice. You may be inspired by a female mentor or friend over the next few weeks, encouraging you to step out and express your boldest expression.

Mid month may come with unexpected motivation to move forward in a powerful energetic way. Accessing your physical energy will be important so if things are not flowing your way, anchor into your beliefs and move your body to call in the motivation for yourself.

There's a powerful energy opening up in your career and public life from the 21st. You have the chance to move the needle forward in this space over the next few months, it's going to feel fast and cut-throat so hang on for the ride.

Capricorn's 2nd Full Moon in a month is extremely ambitious. You may find yourself reaching goals that you set for yourself only one month ago. This Moon is illuminating your creative pleasure centre and it's likely you will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Leo Season begins the next day bringing a sudden change in energy urging you to focus on your day to day space. Health, routines and work and in the spotlight and it might feel difficult to juggle all the moving parts.

Your glow up for the month will start to slowly drop from the 26th feeling clarity focus around your mindset, thoughts and and new beginnings. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Libra Sun + Rising

Your work and public life is in the limelight right now and things could be moving and flowing. You may have also sensed a slow down at the end of June. There might be something that requires you to go back and review so that you can move forward. A need to creatively explore your daily routines and your health and wellness will be important. The energy is there to access inner guidance in this space of your life.

Thinking about your future dreams and desires will be on your mind this month. Dream big and know that you can pass through anything that's holding you back with a sound approach and framework for success.

If there is something that you want for your career, business or out in your public life, use the power New Moon in Cancer on the 6th to get clear and set your guiding intentions. There may be some initial trials to overcome but things will start to flow within the week. Your intuition will be important to trust and follow here.

Relax and allow yourself to receive that which is coming your way. Even if things might see like they are opposite and intense at first, the energy will work itself out.

If you're working through a transformation or rebirth moment, not the 16th as it could feel shaky and maybe a little out of control. Focus and channel your energy through your physical body on this day to avoid too much unwanted mental activation and harness any motivation that feels like it's moving you forward.

The 21st is the second Full Moon in Capricorn within the month. This rare moon is ambitious and linked to last month's full moon. Look back to what was being illuminated then, possibility at home, with family or parents and see the correlation or accomplishment of what was being activated at that time.

The 22nd is also a particularly fortunate day. Keep your mind focused on your future desires and what you want for your life. Leo Season also begins a wonderful time to spend developing your friendships and personal networks.

Mercury's shift into Virgo on the 26th is a slowing down of energy and there is more of this on the way so take care of yourself and give yourself the time you need to rest. Chiron also stations retrograde and so if there has been something unhealed or a wound you need to consider when it comes to a significant relationship it's a good time to turn within for this message. You may receive the answers as soon as the end of the month. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

You might be finding it more difficult than normal to lean into your happiness and joy, Scorpio. The message for the start of this month is to connect with your creativity. What did you love to do as a child? Take a walk back in time and this may help you reconnect with the things you are passionate about and in turn sparke some joy. Follow and trust your inner voice as its messages are strong right now.

Things at work and in your career and public life are being activated this month so hold a clear mental picture of what you are hoping to manifest. The 3rd could bring polarising energy exposing something that was once hidden.

Cancers New Moon on the 6th is a great time for a getaway, manifesting your next big trip or beginning a new course or learning venture. Set intentions in this light as there is a clear structure and motivation that will help you move forward past an upper limit to get what you ultimately want.

Mid month sees Venus shift into Leo and there could be a significant powershift when it comes to your feminine energies and how you show up in your outer world.

Note the 16th as there could be a masculine influence coming to shake up a significant relationship. Avoid anger and conflict by activating your physical energy first. You may be moving towards a transformation of sorts where there is something you have to let go of in order to move forward.

The second full moon in Capricorn within the month is powerful and ambitious. You can capture this energy by journaling, writing or speaking your truth. Look back to last month's full moon as there will be synchronicities here and maybe the accomplishment of something you wanted to manifest last month.

The 22nd is a powerful day bringing forward momentum and physical energy to any transformative processes you are working through. It's also the beginning of Leo season where you're stepping into the limelight in your career and public life. Dramatic power shifts could be occurring in this space right now. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

You will have noticed the energy shift in your home life and now is the time to really anchor down to create a spiritual sanctuary for your home and family. Inner reflection will flow with ease and tapping into your creative powers will help you ground down in this space.

Alongside this you may sense the energy to make some short term travel plans or feel adventures when it comes to what's ‘out there.’ Get curious and enjoy this exciting energy.

Cancers New Moon on the 6th will help you take a deeper dive into something you are wanting to transform. Be clear with your intentions and what you are hoping to reveal and allow mystery to infiltrate your life. You may be working through a death of sorts. Know that there is also a rebirth that comes with this.

Lean into your significant relationships and the conversations that are coming up. This has the potential to be an expansive and opportunity filled part of your life for the next 11 months if you are seeking growth.

Mid month could come with some disruptive and motivational energy impacting your health and wellness and your everyday life.

The 21st brings the 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn within a month. This is a unique moon drawing out your ambitious spirit especially when it comes to your values and your personal finances. Look back at last month's Full Moon as the two are connected. What was lighting up your world then could be reaping the rewards now.

There's playful energy in the air when it comes to your romantic relationships. With a playful spirit you could activate the energies to expand a connection to the next level. 

Leo Season is urging you to get curious about any adventures that you feel called to. Travel, learning and an expansion of your mindset could be some of the themes that are being illuminated for you.

The end of the month is the beginning of an activation of your career or public life. If there is something you want to accomplish you can start your manifestations from the 26th. Keep the conversation flowing and your mindset sharp and watch over the coming months as things unfold. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Capricorn Sun + Rising

You might have noticed a more internally focused energy that shifted at the end of last month, on the 2nd Neptune station's Rx and builds in strength on your inner guidance system. There is power and deep spiritual and creative insight to be gained during the next six months and you would be wise to keep a journal, write down your ideas and thoughts and listen closely to the conversations you are having with your close inner circle.

You might also feel the urge to bring light to something that has been lurking in the depths, a mystery to be uncovered, one that needs a voice. There is power and a transformative lesson to learn by moving through what's coming up for you in this space.

The 3rd might bring some flow when it comes to significant relationships and opportunity to bring ease into something that has long term potential. You might feel like you're re-visiting something from the past and your feminine energies are supporting you through this time.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th brings an opportunity to start fresh or start a new chapter of a relationship or important one to one relationship that supports you at a soul level. Be clear on your intentions and the foundations will be illuminated in the upcoming week.

There's masculine energy coming in mid month to shake up your life, in particular your pleasures and joys. Harness the motivation and move your body to activate this time.

If you feel like the pace of life has picked up lately, hold on for the ride, come the 21st things are likely to move even faster. Focus this energy on your health, wellness and day to day routines to maximise its potential over the next few months. The 21st is more powerful than this though as you have the 2nd Full Moon gracing your sign within the month. You may notice that your ambition is powerful and accomplishing goals is happening much faster than you expected.

Leo season begins on the 22nd and prepares for a radical shift. This time could feel deeply powerful, transformative and like a rebirth of sorts. 

When Mercury enters Virgo on the 26th you can find clarity and focus on your personal beliefs. A time when your message is more likely picked up by those who need to hear it most so be sure you're clear on what you have to say to those around you.

You might also be making a decision at the end of the month that has to do with your homelife and family. It might require that you learn from past experiences so you can move to a result you ultimately desire. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aquarius Sun + Rising

If financial matters have been on your mind, now is the time to tune in for the answers. There is a great connection to your inner guidance and a call to connect with you deeper creativity for the answers. You will still need to employ discipline as you may be nearing an upper limit and crossing a threshold in this area of your life. Call on you to close significant partnerships to talk out any issues you might be facing.

The 3rd might feel like there is flow with your structure and approach to these matters while also a powerful reveal that may feel discomforting and far from reach. What is it that you need to see here, don't avoid what is coming up for you.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th is a great time for getting clear on what you want your day to day to look like. If you're thinking about a new wellness or health routine, get clear and set the intention on this Moon.

Things might be feeling more organised with your money when it comes to the middle of the month and there is power to be gained if you have not hidden from ‘the work’ earlier in the month.

The 21st may come with motivation to start leaning towards your personal hobbies and joys. Start taking action to fuel these desires if you are not already. This could also be a fertile time if you're looking to conceive. It's also the second Full Moon in Capricorn and this links to last month's Moon, a rare time where we have 2 within the month. What you were working on there may now be resolved. There is power in connecting with your inner guidance system and ensuring you are getting the rest you need.

Leo season comes with a focus and illumination on your significant other. Perhaps the beginnings of a relationship if you're single or even a deeper connection. The 22nd is particularly powerful if you are looking to start over or have a personal glow up.

The 23rd could expose a secret with an important personal connection that is close to you. At first this might feel polarising but it's something that you can move forward with now you know.

The end of the month comes with a shift and opportunity to dive deep into something that might be less conventional or accepted. You'll have time to give it some thought over the next few weeks. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Pisces Sun + Rising

The start of July (and the end of June) brings a shift. It's time to reign your energy in and spend some time focusing on yourself and forging a deeper connection with your inner space. There is a strong opportunity to connect with your inner guidance systems and access messages and a clear mindset as to how best to move forward with any new beginnings.

You’ll also find clarity of mindset and a fun loving approach to your health and wellness and day to day habits and routines. The 3rd brings a strong connection to your feminine energy urging you to do something for yourself, something that brings you happiness and helps you lean into your pleasures.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th is an opportunity to dive deeper into this space in your life. This is a fertile time where intentions set around children, dating, pleasures and joys will have a stronger force in this moon cycle.

Mid months come with flow and ease and Venus enters Leo on the 12th taking a fun loving vibrant swing on your daily routines and rituals. Have fun with this and create your own style when it comes to designing your day.

There could be changes or events occurring out of the blue in your close circles and community. Harness the motivation that comes with this energy to move these changes into unique opportunities.

It may be all systems go on the home front come the 21st, new energy coming in and the desire to act on topics around family, lineage and home space. There's also a Capricorn Full Moon, for the 2nd time this month, a rare occurrence helping you accelerate, illuminate and bring power to your visions for the future. 

Leo Season would be a great time to cement a new health and fitness regime or give your personal rituals a glow up. Your intuition will be strong during this time to tap into this guidance.

Powerful conversations, mindset and thought processes and being activated towards the end of the month, especially with 1:1 connections. There is so much clarity and focus to be accessed here.

If your money story has been causing you troubles, Chirons station Retrograde will bring this to the forefront, encouraging you to reassess your values to move this space forward. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aries Sun + Rising

If things have not been working out the way you would like them to, you want to start by looking at your energy levels. Have you been giving yourself the space and time you need to rest and connect with yourself? If not, this is an urgent call to do so! If so, these next 5-6 months could bring a deepening of spiritual power and connection to self. A transformation that could help propel you into the next few years with clarity and connection to your intuition and inner guidance system.

You may also be receiving messages this month about tapping into your personal recreational pursuits and hobbies that bring you the utmost bliss. Approach this time with a childlike spirit and learn from the children around you, they have so much to teach us.

The New Moon in Cancer on the 6th is deeply transformative and powerful. You want to focus on your private life, your home, family and connection to the earth. Get clear on what you are wanting to manifest in this area of your life and know that there is powerful discipline and action available to propel these desires forward.

Mid month could see a sudden upheaval when it comes to your personal values or finances. Whatever comes of this time, know that change is always in the air and things can turn around as quickly as you start placing your intentions on what you want.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is rare and deeply powerful because it is the 2nd time occurring within the month. You might notice an illumination of your career goals and desires coming to fruition faster than expected. If not, the ambition and drive is there to make it happen if you choose. Communication is key doing this time, things will move fast and close connections will be important.

The 22nd is also a date to note in your diary with a powerful opportunity to dive deep into your future visions for your life. Take your desires and turn them into action steps so you can move forward into your potential.

Leo season also begins on the 22nd with a chance to lean into doing more of what you love and spending time in your community or with close loved ones. Chiron stations Retrograde at the end of the month bringing a chance to take a different perspective on your personal healing journey. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Taurus Sun + Rising

If things have been feeling tough in your friendship circles, now is a great time to take some inner reflection to see how you can move forward. There is strong guidance available if you choose to tune into it.

It would also be perfect for connecting to any guidance you are seeking for the future vision of your life. The connection is strong to your dreams and desires to make the most of accessing it.

This month is also the beginning of a shift in energies closer to your home and family life. This is a part of your life that is about to become more active later in the month.

The 3rd could bring about a positive conversation or change with a close friend, possibly female and you might feel better about something that once felt difficult.

Cancers New Moon on the 6th brings a chance to think about the way you're communicating and connecting with those close to you. It's a great month for you to Journal and use written words and communications. If you're thinking of writing a book, set the intention now and watch the magic unfold.

The 12th brings a dreamy creative day that you want to set aside for yourself. If you don't have to work, dont. Spend time with friends or get creative in your local environment. Venus also enters Leo today and deepens this shift and activation of your home and family life. Something polarising could be revealed the next day that you haven't seen coming.

Also mark the 16th in your diary as there could be a personal shake up asking you to step up into your own unique self. Change is in their air for you, potentially something new is getting underway.

Capricorn's second Full Moon in a month on the 21st is unique and ambitious. It's linked to last month's moon and you might see travel or study plans fast tracked. Mars also enters Gemini today asking you to start putting practices into place when it comes to finances or your personal values.

The 22nd is also another bliss filled expansive day. Opportunities, growth and expansion are available to you, a day of good fortune. It's also the beginning of Leo season, now finally shining the spotlight onto your home and family life.

Mercury enters Virgo and Chiron Stations Retrograde on the 26th and this energy is 2 fold. A time to start thinking if you are truly tapping into your pleasures and hobbies along with a chance to recognise if you have not been taking the time you need to rest or tune into your higher self. If the answer is no, make the changes and you could see things start to improve as soon as the 31st. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Gemini Sun + Rising

You could be feeling an interesting dynamic in the air since Jupiter enters your sign in May. Like you feel on the verge of expansion and growth but something is holding you back. When it comes to your public life and career, shift your focus to your intuition. Is powerful right now and the messages will guide you though this time.

Focus on the spaces, places and people around you. What opportunities are arising for you locally what conversations are you having with your inner circle that could lead you to the next thing you were wanting to manifest for your life.

The 3rd could bring feelings where things feel so far from reach and out of your power, potentially releasing something that was hidden, now coming to the light.

Focus your energy on this month's New Moon in Cancer on the 6th. It's a powerful moon activating your finances. Think about your core values and anchor into these to help you manifest a money blueprint that will drive you into the future. Don't be afraid to have expansive conversations with your close circle if you're calling through a new beginning.

Take extra care on the 16th. This is a day for knowing when to rest and knowing how to spend energy on yourself. It could be disruptive and pull you in different directions but anchor into your strong sense of self and you will use this energy with divine guidance, even powerful motivation.

If you have been wanting to start a new physical health regime the 21st would be a great day for this. Mars enters your sign and this coincides with Capricorn's second full moon in the month, a rare occurrence where you could find any transformations fast-tracked.

The beginning of Leo season could come with some tension and upheaval. Remain true to your unique nature and be open to learning any lessons that arise from this time. During Leo season let your close friends and community light up your world. The end of the month could see important conversations for your home life and family. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.