Shifting planets and luxurious lunations - May Horoscopes

May 2024 Horoscopes.

If you're still recovering from April you will be happy to know there's energy shifting this month that can help. Venus moved into her home sign Taurus, strengthening our connection with love, values, money, relationships, the feminine and females. Mars also moves into his kingdom on the 1st helping us take inspired action and move forward.

Approach transformation with love and know that it will be challenged and an internal shift will be necessary for the next little while. The Taurus New moon on the 8th could be the saviour we are looking for, finally, a lunation helping us ground, feel secure and stable.

Hold strong on your inner rebel and allow it to shine mid-month, uniqueness is the key to our power so shine bright. Mercury joins the Taurus party helping us with feminine communication and slowing conversations down. You might also find yourself lucky in love with something surprising from out of the blue.

Gemini Season kicks off on the 20th but the date you might want to make in your calendar is the 23rd with the fun-loving Sagittarius full moon alongside the Venus-Jupiter conjunction this certainly feels lucky and expansive, a day for bliss joy and rose-coloured glasses.

Venus then enters Gemini where she feels flirty and social, Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini follows shortly after, an abundant shift for the planet of good fortune. Expect to feel the pace of life pick up and opportunities arise.

The end of the month could trigger core wounds alongside revolutionary conversations. Never a dull moment here on earth! Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Taurus Sun + Rising

There's a combination of energy at the start of the month that might feel conflicting. While you may be emerging from a challenging time of healing, loss and needing to go within, know that this energy is being activated whilst being moved and shifted alongside energies that are bringing you back to your centre. If you haven't felt like yourself, your energy is returning you to this place.

A transformation is unfolding in your public life, career or job, you're being asked to turn inward to understand what needs to come up and out. Set an intention of how you want to show up personally on the 8th using the Taurus New Moon, a new image, a fresh start, a new beginning.

You might feel like you regain some personal structure in your life mid-month and step into a space of having soulful, embodied conversations led by feminine energy.

The 18th could have you stirring up a new movement, remember to flow and hold true to your individual values. It's time to shake up this space and own your rebellious qualities. Mid-month is an extremely powerful shrinking light on your growth, expansion and abundance.

With Gemini Season beginning it's time to shine light on your values and check in with your finances. The 23rd brings the Sagittarius full moon a great time to release old fears or darkness.

Mark the 23rd in your diary, it's a personal lucky day for you and after the challenges that April brought, there's love and good fortune coming your way.

The end of the month really brings you into focus when it comes to the way you are supporting yourself whether it be through values, finances or your personal assets. Expect this space to be in focus for the next 12 months with Jupiter making its annual shift bringing positivity and expansion to this area of your life. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Gemini Sun + Rising

This month is a great time to work with the visions you hold for the future and brings forward movement and momentum. This may also be a time where your connecting in with your social groups more, friends, teams and your community. If you're not, it's certainly a good time to do so.

You might feel the need to go back to something that you have learned and take a deeper look into this space or topic to gain more insight and depth from your learnings.

The 7th might bring an important conversation or message that helps you see deeper into a part of your life that hasn't been flowing as you would like, a wound or cycle that you are constantly working on. Bottle this information so you can use it to help with your personal growth.

The New moon in Taurus on the 8th is asking you to set intentions for how you are going to connect with yourself at a deeper level. How you can draw on your intuition more, know when to rest and when to heal if things just are not flowing. It may be the beginning of a deeper spiritual practice. Things will also become a lot clearer here too from the 16th as the messages become louder. Pay attention to the conversations you're having and the new thoughts dropping into your mind.

You're going to notice a shift when Gemini season drops in on the 20th as you feel more yourself. Sagittarius full moon on the 23rd brings a peak energy to your relationship, bringing something into view, into full expression or into the light. Enjoy it and release it to make room for the next chapter.

The end of the month is powerful with the 2 benefits moving into your sign. This brings abundance, prosperity, positive and expansive energy to you as an individual. Take care on the 31st as there may be a disruptive conversation of message that challenges with loss or hardship. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Cancer Sun + Rising

Expect the pace to speed up when it comes to your public life this month. There is movement and energy activation in your career and job zone. If you have wanted to start a new business or project, this is a great time.

There may be something coming up that's challenging you to evolve. A transformation that needs to take place, but you need to inquire within. What part of you needs to die and be reborn so you can move to the next version of yourself, what fears do you need to face. You have access to this information if you connect to your own inner guidance system.

Taurus' new moon on the 8th wants you to set a new vision for your future or expand the one you currently have. Think about what you truly desire for your life then release it for manifestation. There is energy arriving to help you embrace your uniqueness, shine a spotlight on your individuality and break free from the norms to fully support your new moon intentions.

From the 16th the conversations are shifting and it’s important to connect into your networks, especially your friends and communities that support you. Listen carefully as messages could come through someone you are connected to.

As Gemini Season begins, this is your reminder to slow down. If you don't, the universe will step in and make sure you pull your energy back so you don't burn out. On the 23rd the Sagittarius full moon is highlighting your day-to-day life, the mundane. If there is something that needs to be released, let it go so you can move forward. It's also a lucky day connected to love, money, abundance, growth and relationships so enjoy the sweetness that drops in.

More planets shifting into Gemini at the end of the month including Jupiter which will commence its 12-month tour. The message again is to slow down and care for yourself. Nurture yourself by grounding the inner work, and connecting with your intuition. Take extra care when it comes to your health, loss and healing these next 12 months. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Leo Sun + Rising

If you have been working on your belief systems over the last little while then you might see the fruits of your labour begin to unfold this month Leo. There's inspiration for travels and adventures too and finally feels like you can bring energy here and move these ideas forward and ground them in reality

This is also the time to turn inwards if there are things you need to contemplate within your significant relationship. Not just romantic but other important 1:1 connections.

This positive energy on the 7th helps you find structure in your public life, business or job. Just put in a little bit of effort, face fears that might be coming up and let yourself flow through this space. Taurus’ new moon on the 8th might see a new venture down this avenue too. If not, set the intention for what you want to call in when it comes to work and allow things to unfold in divine timing.

Hold onto your unique power too and stand proud in your autonomy, things might be changing and shifting but you can handle it. The conversations will keep flowing and the messages will keep appearing in this area of your life (career and public life) and there is an abundance of energy coming in during the second part of the month.

With Gemini Season kicking off on the 20th you notice a shift in focus, a sense of community supporting you will be important as you flow through any transforming experiences.

You could be exceptionally lucky in love, money and career on Sagittarius’ full moon on the 23rd. This will be an enjoyable time so lean into the pleasure that is coming your way.

Venus and Jupiter are also shifting into Gemini toward the end of the month deepening the energies here. This is a wonderful time to bring your future visions and desires front of mind so you can expand your life and abundance. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Virgo Sun + Rising

Whatever last month's eclipse brought up for you, there is an opportunity to move it forward this month Virgo. If something needs to be cleared, fears that need to be faced, depths that need to be traversed, it's go time. 

The 7th could be a day that brings insights, guidance and messages around something that needs fixing. A cycle that you're dying to break or rewire. It might require you to look at your wounds or simply uncover them. Once we bring conscious awareness to them we can begin to resolve them even if it does take time.

If you want to travel or learn something new this year, set your dreams and desires in motion on the Taurus new Moon on the 8th. The energy will help you move this into reality and consciousness but you will need to embrace your individual nature!

On the 16th the conversation is shifting and will be strengthening and supporting the intentions you set at the New Moon, the 17th on the other hand will require you to look beneath the surface to naturally evolve this to the next level.

There is a lot of abundance in this part of your life right now but it will start to lessen from the 20th as Gemini Season pulls focus on your career.

Sagittarius full moon is illuminating something in your family or home life but it's likely positive, joyous and abundant so allow it to flow and release the things that are not serving you.

You could expect expansion, growth and abundance when it comes to your career and public life with all this Gemini energy, you can harness this for the next 12 months if you choose as the opportunity is there.

An unexpected message bringing change and adventure could land at the end of the month. Exciting times ahead just learn to embrace the changes that are coming. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Libra Sun + Rising

April's energy was intense and if things were surfacing in your significant or 1:1 relationship/s it could have been a lot. There is energy to move on anything that's lingering in this space. Clear what's no longer serving you and tie up any loose ends. It might not feel as simple as that as it will feel difficult to look below the surface to understand what's really going on. Make sure you listen to your inner guidance system as it will support you during this time.

The Taurus new Moon on the 8th might take you on a new journey of death and rebirth as the longer term transit unfolds throughout the year. The more you resist any changes the harder it will be, the energy is here to help you flow through it.

Structure in your everyday life and health will be important here too and you have the ability to build and rely on that foundation. Don't fear the conversations and messages that are coming up either as they are here to support you through and guide you into the next version of yourself. 

The 18th could be powerful with unexpected pleasant surprises or changes falling in your lap along with room for growth, expansion and abundance.

Gemini Season arrives on the 20th and brings a lightness to your energy and a shift in focus. If you're seeking adventure or travel the opportunities are coming in fast. 

The Sagittarius Full moon on the 23rd brings inspiration from your local environment or even from a conversation from a good friend. This day is full of pleasure and abundance and one to mark in the calendar to call in all things love and good fortune.

With Venus and Jupiter moving into Gemini, adventure awaits. Maybe you're jetting off abroad or planning an overseas trip or even deep diving into a new subject to study. Enjoy this expansive time. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

Your daily life might feel the pace pick up when May begins Scorpio. There might also be a pull towards taking action towards a health issue or even just your health regime in general. A new fitness regime or even just a new approach.

There might be the need to revisit something in your home and family life or even find guidance on a situation by tuning into your intuition, turning within. With a little effort and small action steps you will be able to resolve anything that is coming up. This might be calling for a new daily habit to be built into your life.

The Taurus New Moon on the 8th may bring the start of a new relationship, this is an abundant time in love and relationships, it could simply be the start of a new phase of your relationships so enjoy the freshness that this moon brings.

On the 16th conversations will flow with your loved one and 1:1 chats and communication with the significant people in your life will be in the spotlight. While the 17th could bring up something you don't want to hear, it's important to listen and be open to what you can learn about this situation.

The 19th will feel expansive and a very fortunate day, spend it with a loved one doing something that brings you joy. Gemini Season begins on the 20th where you will get a taste of the things that will be in focus over the next month (even year)!

Sagittarius’ full moon on the 23rd is positive, abundant and there could be a lucky break when it comes to your finances.

In the last week of May you will feel the energy shift and you may see a deep-seated fear arise from the depths. There is something coming up to be worked through, transformed and transmitted. The end of the month will make this clear, any cycles that need to be broken will be evident. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

If you have found it harder to embrace pleasure, bliss, joy and the things you love lately, you might find some forward motion coming into this area of your life.

We are finally well and truly out of eclipse season and the New Moon in Taurus on the 8th is a good one. There are fresh new beginnings and clear starts around your health and day to day lifestyle if you want to work with this energy. Set the intentions for what you are wanting to call in and watch the timeline unfold.

You'll feel powerful in connection with your own inner rebel and stepping out as your unique self and the mindset shifts and conversations about your health, lifestyle and how you can raise the vibration of your every day will begin to flow with ease. Hold onto the themes you want to work with here as there's expansion, abundance and opportunities dropping in mid month!

Gemini Season begins on the 20th and your relationships are coming into focus in a big way! The 23rd will be extra powerful for you with the Sagittarius full moon strengthening your connection to yourself and your health. Expect a fortunate day!

From the 26th Jupiter will be expanding your 1:1 connections, more specifically your romantic relationships. For the next 12 months there will be so much joy and opportunity flowing in this area of your life so be open to the growth and expansion that's coming your way.

The end of the month could feel a little tricky if you notice some frustration around a core wound surface. The energy is rising here so that you can work it out and move things on. An unexpected conversation could pop up on the 31st and it may rattle you a little. Try to work with the energies and flow with any changes coming your way. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Capricorn Sun + Rising 

You might be moving house this month or feel the urge to make changes in your home. Something as simple as rearranging your furniture might help you feel more inspired in your home and family life.

The start of the month might also have you feeling the need to reassess your budget, your finances or even your values. Something needs to be looked at here and it's not just a passing project.

You'll be feeling good at the start of the month and thoughts and conversations will be supporting you in calling in joy and bliss in your life. You could simply feel empowered and illuminated by your children or even a new romance in your life. On the 8th the Taurus New moon is asking you to set intentions around what you want to call in, in this space of your life. What are the things that make you feel joy, pleasure and happiness? This is your time!

This month is set to be pretty good for you Capricorn and mid month you will feel powerful in expressing your uniqueness and flowing into the spaces that fill your heart up. You’ll be thinking happy thoughts and connecting with inspiring conversations and feeling the opportunities and adventures flow.

With Gemini Season arriving on the 20th you might notice your day to day life speed up in pace, remember to stay connected to your rituals that help your life run smoothly.

The Sagittarius Full moon could be hit and miss for you, while there is beauty and hopefulness all around there might be something you need to release or turn inwards to gain full closure on.

With the energies shifting to Gemini at the end of the month, health and wellness may also become a priority. Find the structure you need to feel comfortable with what you are wanting to work on here in your everyday life.  Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aquarius Sun + Rising 

There is a desire and motivation to feel connected in your community this month Aquarius…and equality you might feel the need to retreat from the world and maybe even hermit. 

If your finances have felt stagnant over the last year or so, or you just can't get the edge you need, you might feel some light coming in early in the month and with a little bit of focus be able to move into a more empowered mindset.

The Taurus New Moon on the 8th is happening at the depths of your world, there's freshness in your home or family life so if things haven't been quite as you'd like them to be set the intentions for what you want to call in to your innermost sanctuary and watch it unfold as the Moons cycle evolves.

Step into your own individual truth and don't be afraid to shake things up to get things started. THere is a lot of positive and forward moving energy this month so draw on what you can to get the results that you are after.

Your mind and thoughts feel connected with your new moon's intentions and there could be more conversations within your family unit from mid month. A unique moment brings an expansion or an opportunity mid month ahead of Gemini season.

The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th and there is a lot of fun to be had with this transit. It's time to remember what you love doing and go out and do it. The 23rd brings a love filled full moon in Sagittarius lighting up the beautiful friends in your life that support you.

With Venus and Jupiter moving into Gemini at the end of the month too the focus will shift significantly. Call in happiness and bliss, you might be spending more time around children or venturing out into the world of dating. Whatever you choose, remember to stand in your uniqueness, it's ok to shake things up every now and then. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Pisces Sun + Rising 

You might be feeling motivated to look at your personal values at the start of the month. Your finances may also be in the picture. There is also a need to know when to slow down so you don't burn out. Turn inwards and access your own inner guidance system to help you evolve and move through any challenges. This is going to be important over the next few decades especially so you may as well start a practice now,

There's a new moon in Taurus on the 8th so if you are feeling in need of a fresh start, ask the universe for what you want and then let go and watch your manifestations come to life.

You'll feel connected to your local spaces and close friends this month and it will be important to socialise with them when you can. Keep the conversations going and lean into the light and what your spirit needs to feel ‘lit up.’

Imagination and creativity are in flow mid month so harness this energy and enjoy connecting with your passions here. Gemini season begins on the 20th bringing your home and family life into the spotlight.

Sagittarius full moon might see a positive shift in your career or public life. This is expansive, dreamy and opportunistic so make the most of this peak energy!

The 24th is likely to be a powerful day with good fortune. Call on the creative energy that you need to expand as this will help you feel more of yourself.

Venus and Jupiter move into Gemini bringing positivity to your home and family life. Expect these areas to be in focus for the next 12 months bringing joyful energy to this space. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.

Aries Sun + Rising

This last month might have felt all over the place Aries, sometimes feeling good in yourself and other times wondering what had hit you. This is slowly starting to shift now and the start of the month feels good. You're going to feel like yourself and be more motivated in general.

You'll feel empowered to move through any challenges that are coming up, maybe something unseen arises amongst your friends but with small positive steps forward you have the ability to flow into a good space here.

The Taurus New Moon brings an opportunity to start again. Especially if your finances have felt out of control, you can now ground them in a new direction. Be specific about what you want and need to support yourself  and set and release this intention on the 8th. There's more energy coming into support you in this space, sharpening your mindset and connecting you to the people who can help you. Mid month will feel fortunate and expansive so expect money matters to find a sense of smoothness.

Gemini Season begins on the 20th and brings focus to the close knit people in your life and the spaces that you frequent and spend with your community.

You might be off on a romantic getaway with the energies of the Sagittarius Full moon on the 23rd and if you do not set the travel plans in motion. This is a great time to enjoy adventures so find an adventure in your life.

Gemini energies are going to be in focus for the next month to year as Venus and Jupiter commence their tour of this space. You might feel the urge to get clear on the conversations you are having. This time may feel fast but likely will feel good.

If you have been working to resolve a core wound, there is movement at the end of the month. It might feel frustrating but do your bit to move this energy forward and onwards to help your next steps in resolving any long standing challenges. Book your reading to find out how things will impact you personally.