Conquering Capricorn season and calling in 2024 - January Horoscopes

january 2024 Horoscopes.

Capricorn Sun + Rising

2024 Starts with a whole lot of energy focused on you Capricorn. The first few days calls for structure and boundaries when it comes to love and money matters. A great time to review your personal values.

The 5th brings momentum, motivation and a push forward if you have been feeling sluggish. A great time to kick start a new fitness regime, launch a new work project or simply do something for yourself.

The new moon in Capricorn on the 11th is supercharged for you and the beginning of a new cycle, supported by the momentum of Mars, the structure of Saturn and the abundance and expansion of Jupiter this time couldn't be more perfect for setting intentions and planting seeds around what you want to call in for yourself.

The 14th brings a new level of maturity to your conversations and the 19th is also an auspicious date with a positive nudge from the universe as expansive opportunities cross your path.

With all this dynamic energy comes another powerful day on the 21st as there is one last purification of sorts of the transformative journey you have been on over the last 15 years. Pluto transitions into Aquarius bringing a sense of lightness into your world.

You could find yourself craving a ‘glow up’ from the 23rd, the time couldn't be more perfect and with the full Moon in Leo on the 26th you have the confidence to let go of any fears that have been holding you back and step into your radiance.

All planets will be moving forward from the 27th giving you a celestial wink for the next few months that it's ‘go time’ whatever you need to move forward, the energy is here, physically and mentally.

The energy at the end of the month brings a combination of abundance and opportunities, love, unique ideas and inspiration with the drive and motivation to fuel your goals. You couldn't ask for a better start to the new year! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Aquarius Sun + Rising

Aquarius, the start of the year is going to feel slow. Don't be swayed by all the ‘new year, new you’ messages that are flying around, it's not your time just yet. The beginning of January would be better spent resting, relaxing and playing around with your spiritual practices. Mercury's Station direct will be a relief on the 2nd and on the 5th you’ll have more motivation to turn inward and focus on yourself.

Capricorn's new moon on the 11th brings positive change and is also a great time to set intentions about how you want to nurture yourself for the upcoming year, what is going to feed your soul and how you will make sure that happens. You might find there is more guidance and messages dropping in around your spiritual growth from the 14th.

Aquarius season comes with an extremely powerful and dynamic start as the Sun moves into your sign alongside Pluto. Take a glance back to March, April and May of last year, were there any new themes dropping into your consciousness, you're about to embark on a powerful journey calling you to transform your identity. This change will be an ongoing evolution over the next 20 years.

Leo's full moon on the 26th is likely to come with a release in your relationships. This could be anything from completely letting go of your significant other or releasing an old story or identity that has been holding your love life back.

Now the momentum starts to shift for 2024 as you're starting to feel more like yourself again. The 27th marks a time for the next few months that is ‘go time’ whatever you need to move forward. As January comes to a close, lean into the flow of unique physical and mental energy. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Pisces Sun + Rising

The beginning of 2024 comes with mixed energy for you Pisces. While Mercury Station direct will likely feel like a relief, and a shift in energy there could be tension and challenge around a significant female, potentially in your workplace or business.

Your friendship circles will be in focus as the year kicks off and there's even more motivation dropping into this space helping you to transform thoughts and ideas into physical action. Maybe you find yourself finally making firm plans for that catch up. This is also a great time to start moving towards your future visions and dreams, one step at a time.

Capricorn's new moon on the 11th will support these actions but it could feel full of mental fog. Do your best to set your intentions as clearly as you can as this has the potential to be highly expansive. Also know that if your feeling disillusioned and the need to ‘escape it all’ that is a natural expression of this energy

An opportunity might arise within your closest surroundings, perhaps it comes from a sibling, close friend or even from your community. This is positive and feels easy so roll with it.

Aquarius season starts on the 21st and my message to you is to sit back, relax and chill out. There are big shifts happening with Pluto also entering Aquarius and there is big transformative energy that's going to be playing out for you over the next 2 decades. Don't avoid the signs to stop, because burnout could be just around the corner.

Be extra careful around Leo's full moon on the 26th as you’ll be more susceptible to injuries or health issues popping up.The 27th also brings a forward moving energy shift. You're going to find it easier to express yourself along with taking action to move forward any goals or projects you might have been sitting on.

The end of the month also comes with powerful, fast moving abundant energy. You could find a stroke of good luck and finances feeling prosperous. Happy 2024! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Aries Sun + Rising

The energy of 2024 might take a few days to get going Aries. If you're travelling in the first few days of the year, pay particular attention to your plans. Be aware that plans could go astray. The energy of Mercury's station directly on the 2nd plays into this and things could feel like a struggle especially if you don't have solid foundations and good boundaries in place.

Mars’ move into Capricorn on the 5th will bring the uplifting energy shift of the new year as you’ll feel movement in your job or business. You’ll want to sink your teeth into new projects and feel the fire sparking your energy to move. Perhaps you're starting a new job. Nonetheless, this time is dynamic.

Capricorn's new moon on the 11th is also propelling this momentum forward. This is a wonderful time to plant seeds or what you want to accomplish at work. This new moon can be exceptionally powerful in helping you to bring in the abundance and growth that you deserve in your career.

On a larger scale you're releasing rocky energy and finally finding solid ground as the Aquarius season begins. Pluto moves into Aquarius marking the changing of time. Whatever toll your work life has been taking over the past 15 years is coming to completion, this is a welcome shift.

Leo's full moon on the 26th is full of joy. Plan to spend this day doing something creative, something that you love and that brings out the child-like spirit within you. It's likely to be a happy energetic release.

All planets will be moving forward from the 27th giving you a celestial wink for the next few months that it's ‘go time’ whatever you need to move forward, the energy is here, physically and mentally.

The end of the month comes with fast acting dynamic energy. Expect the unexpected to flow with ease as you step into February. Happy 2024. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Taurus Sun + Rising

The first few days of 2024 are going to feel challenging. You might have been ruminating over personal fears or even something you feel is ‘taboo.’ Mercury's station direct its time to face this energy in its reality. No more contemplating, it's time to face your fears. This will feel like a struggle, difficult and hard but know that with discipline and good boundaries comes the reward.

The energy is shifting into a better space where you will feel motivated to anchor into a strong and powerful belief system. There also could be overseas travels or adventures on the cards from the 5th.

Powerful and unexpected insights are likely to drop in with the new moon in Capricorn on the 11th. Harness the positive aspects of this moon by setting clear intentions…the themes you might see coming up are your personal belief systems, learning, study and travel. Be open to exploring the untapped potential in this area of your life. This is a major phase of growth here for the taking.

You might find yourself impacted in a difficult way when it comes to love or money around the 20th. Things are not clear in this space and you're being urged to take off the rose coloured glasses and access your creativity to find some clarity.

Aquarius season begins as the Sun brings Pluto into a new era. You're on the brink of major life changes when it comes to your career. Look back to March, April and May 2023 to any clues or themes that surfaced in this area of your life.

The full moon in Leo comes with a releasing and letting go energy around your home and family. You might be moving to a new home, moving away from your family or simply releasing something in this area of your life.

More energy is dropping in on the 27th to push you forward in whichever direction or area of your life you desire. The end of the month brings harmonious flowing energy in love, abundance, growth and productivity. Such powerful energy to start out the new year! Happy 2024! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Gemini Sun + Rising

January and 2024 may feel like it takes a few days to get going so go with the flow and know that this new year starts more slowly. You’ll notice the shift when Mercury stations Direct on the 2nd. You might have felt like relationships have been on hold for the last little while or wondering why you haven't heard back from that date from November/December. Don't be surprised if they drop back into your life Gemini.

You're going to have to face some of your fears over this month if you want to transform and move into that next version of yourself and the energy will be here to help you from the 5th. Start taking the steps forward and be wary that this process might bring up anger and frustration.

Things could be seeming unclear in your relationships in the lead up to the New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th. This will initiate a new cycle asking you to face your fears. Don't be afraid of this, know that you have the tools and the energy right now to begin this cycle. There will be an energy shift on the 14th to assist you with this cycle and opportunities arising on the 19th. Embrace this powerful time.

The beginning of Aquarius seasons comes with so many powerful energy shifts, you're on the precipice of a major long term life transformation focused on your visions and beliefs.

The Full Moon in Leo will have you celebrating within your local surroundings. Something in your environment has finally fallen into place.

The 27th is a powerful day with all planets in forward motion. Activate this window in your life by taking action in an area of your life that you have not felt motivated. This energy will help you move something in your life forward.

The end of the month comes with combative and dynamic energy. Harness this through physical movement, being prepared for changes and embracing your unique individual self. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Cancer Sun + Rising

There's a slower quality to the start of this year where you might have been doing some internal reflection around your relationships, daily life and health. Mercury stations direct on the 2nd and any realisations you have had over the past 3 weeks may now start to unfold in your external world.

There is lots of energy to be played with in your relationships this month and on the 5th Mars brings a fiery passion to ignite anything that has felt stagnant. If you're single and wanting more you might feel more motivation, momentum and action. 

If you haven't felt the shift by the 11th the New Moon in Capricorn is here to help. Now is the time to plant the seeds of intention for what you truly desire from your partner or in a partner. If you're single and not looking for love this will play out in your closest, dearest confidant. On the 14th there is enhanced disability for conversation and open communication.

Aquarius season begins on the 21st and this is a day of powerful energy shifts. You're on the precipice of a new transformative journey asking you to face your fears and step into your highest truth. Think back to March, April and May of 2023, if you noticed something new from that time show up in your life, this could be a clue as to what you may be transforming over the next 20 year cycle.

The Full moon in Leo could come with a drop of abundance. A project finally completes and the payout lands, a purchase of a new car or simply something of significance and value.

There's forward moving energy dropping in on the 27th to push you forward in whichever direction or area of your life you desire. The end of the month brings harmonious flowing energy in love, abundance, growth and productivity. Such powerful energy to start out the new year! Happy 2024! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Leo Sun + Rising

Let's just say the year kicks off on the 2nd when Mercury stations direct. On the 5th you're going to feel the pace pick up in your daily life. You’re going to want to be on top of your health and your routines this month and if you're not, you might get a wake up call.

The 10th comes with a unique shift in your career or business that will lift your spirits. This will be an empowering change for the better. The next day the New Moon in Capricorn is asking you to be intentional about your health and wellness goals. It's a time of seeding new beginnings and calling in the best version of yourself.On the 14th the energy of Mercury comes to support these intentions empowering you with a strong mindset to do so.

Find joy in creative pursuits mid month and allow yourself to engage in the activities that make your spirit happy.

Aquarius season comes with powerful energy this year as the Sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn for one last time shining light on the transformational process you have been working on over the last 15 years most likely in your day to day life, health and wellness. With this shift comes a focus on relationships and Pluto begins a new journey through this part of your life. Look back to March, April & May of 2023 for clues of what might be an underlying power shift for you over the next 20 years.

There's a Full Moon in Leo on the 26th so take this day to live loud and proud (even though you always do), step onto the stage and shout your goals and desires from the rooftop, it's your time to shine and most likely all eyes will be on you Leo!

Toward the end of the month there is another big shift when Uranus stations direct. This opens a window where all planets will be moving forward, it's a sign for you also. Where do you need to move something forward in your life? Universal energy is here to help you but it's only here for just over 2 months so make the most of it.

The end of the month comes with an opportunity to finish some projects, tie off loose ends and complete some stories of the past few months. A series of harmonious trines will help you to align the energy of your mindset, love, money and physical energy. Enjoy it and happy 2024. Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Virgo Sun + Rising

The Moon will be moving through your first house to begin the year, bringing a strong focus to you. Some say the chart of the new year sets the tone for the entire year so this is a particularly important time for you. You’ll be glad to know that Mercury stations direct on the 2nd turning your energy around and you’ll feel like you can step out into the world again.

There is a focus on there area of your life that involves fun, joy, creativity, dating and children this month and you’ll feel inspired and motivated to make moves in the right direction come the 5th.

There's sticky energy on the 9th and things might seem unclear, this is likely to involve significant relationships and the communication that surrounds these so know that this time could be foggy.

The New Moon in Capricorn is bound to bring beautiful joyful energy. Lean into the things that bring you joy and set intentions around what you want to create for yourself in the first half of the year.

You’ll feel the energies shift again on the 14th and find harmony in creating some discipline in your life come the 18th. Add this some expansive energy and you’ll be feeling pretty good at the end of Capricorn Season.

Aquarius season comes with intense alignments and energy shifts as you find yourself on the precipice of change. You're tying up the story of generational transformation and preparing to embark on the next one.

Proceed with caution on the Full Moon in Leo which is urging you to rest and release the things that are no longer serving you. It's time to return to yourself and focus inward just for a little while.

There's a powerful 2 month window from the 27th as all planets will be in forward motion. Use this time to set the wheels rolling on a project, a new goal or something you have been wanting to move forward in your life.

The end of the month brings a powerful alignment of your physical and mental energy. Chanel this into a recreational pursuit of creative outlet to make the most of this. It's followed by a unique window for powerful conversations. Happy 2024 Virgo! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Libra Sun + Rising

It's going to take a few days for the energy of 2024 to drop in for you Libra. Mercury stations directly on the 2nd and this day could be particularly challenging for you when it comes to love, pleasure, money and the things you value. Take note of what is being reflected back to you and employ discipline and good boundaries to help you overcome any challenges.

There's a lot of energy coming to the space in your chart that signifies home and family. If there are projects to work on or things to get done, the 5th will bring in the momentum to do so. This New Moon in Capricorn is powerful. Set intentions for what you want to cultivate in your home life right now.

The 12th could be particularly helpful for moving through deep seeded wounds that you have been carrying with you this lifetime, every step of healing helps and this day the energy will flow.

Things are going to get foggy mid month and you're just going to want to pull the wool over your eyes or bury your head in the sand. Things won't feel clear, you’ll realise you have been seeing something through rose coloured glasses and it might be time to take them off…or not.

Aquarius season will make itself known with powerful alignments occurring. A chapter within your family or homelife is coming to an end shortly as you sit on the precipice ready to take on the next transformation that is coming your way.

This full moon in Leo would be best spent with your friends. On the 26th celebrate and enjoy the amazing people in your life, host a dinner party, go to a show or simply spend the day together. The energy is perfectly poised for this to be a beautiful day.

Another big shift occurs on the 27th with a unique 2 month window where all planets will be moving forward, it's a sign for you also. Where do you need to move something forward in your life? Universal energy is here to help you but it's only here for just over 2 months so make the most of it.

The end of the month finishes with harmonis energy dropping in that could link back to the 2nd of this month, whatever was challenging you then is now starting to flow. Roll with this energy into February. Happy 2024! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Scorpio Sun + Rising

2024 will take some time to ramp up for you Scorpio. If you have been deep in contemplation mode, it's likely you have been thinking about your values and the things you hold close to you. This energy will shift from internal to external once Mercury Stations Retrograde on the 2nd.

The real momentum will drop in for you on the 5th pulling focus to your environment, who you surround yourself with, your siblings, your communications and your local community. Short travel could also be a theme for you this month.

The New Moon in Capricorn is the perfect time to set intentions around what you would like to cultivate in your local inner circle. How do you want it to feel, who does it include, what does it look like. Writing and communicating is also a big theme so if you don't have a journaling practice, you may want to try to incorporate it in your daily life.

If you have been clear with what you want from this new moon, opportunities could present themself the very next day and you’ll notice more important conversations happening that you want to be a part of.

Whilst this is an area of focus this month, there are also major endings happening here too. The Sun will shine a light on one final piece of the transformation journey you are on before Aquarius season begins.

Aquarius season and Pluto's move into Aquarius is the start of a new chapter in your home and family life. Maybe you're moving home, buying a home, starting a family. This story was seeded back in March, April and May of last year and will be the undertone of your next 20 years.

You’re going to be celebrating something to do with your business or career on the Leo Full Moon. Whilst it could be a big promotion or move, it could also be as simple as celebrating a sale that you have made or a happy client.

On the 27th all planets will be moving forward, asking you to do the same. You might also come full circle on a story that has been playing out over the last few months. The month ends with some dynamic energy and a surprise encounter. Happy 2024 Scorpio! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.

Sagittarius Sun + Rising

I'm not gonna lie Sagittarius, at first glance, this month is looking pretty good! If Mercury Retrograde has been treating you rough, there is relief coming as Mercury stations direct on the 2nd. Enjoy this energy shift as things are going to feel like they start moving forward again for you.

There is a lot of focus on your finances, assets and things you deeply value this month. On the 5th there is a powerful shift where you will feel motivated and inspired to take action when it comes to your money goals and dreams. The New Moon in Capricorn is also here to support you. What abundance do you want to call in for yourself here? Set these intentions, write down your goals and start planting the seeds of change. The next day comes with an opportunity to boost this forward. Use this energy to your advantage.

There's been a story unfolding over the last few months and some messages or clarity of mind dropping in. The 19th might bring you the final piece of the puzzle. Check back to December 8th and 19th for the theme that might have appeared in conversations or mental downloads.

Aquarius season begins with an upheaval of powerful energy. The Sun aligns with Pluto and they both shift into Aquarius. This marks the beginnings and endings of a generational change. Look back to March, April and May of last year to see if you can identify any themes starting to appear.

The full moon in Leo could be illuminating something ingrained in your belief system that you know it's time to change or time to let go of. Don't be afraid to release this so you can step into the highest version of yourself. This energy combines with a somewhat harder time, but know that if you accept the challenge you will ultimately be the one who grows.

With all planets in direct motion on the 27th it's time to take advantage of this window to move something forward in your life. Whatever it is that has been stagnant it's now time to shift. There is a 2 month window so start now to engage with the powerful energy.

The end of the month brings in a powerful alignment with the physical and mental energy, along with a very pleasant love filled expansive day on the 29th. Sounds like a great month to me. Happy 2024! Want to know more about 2024, get your personalised report and reading.