Fostering resilience, gratitude and independence during travels with Rowena Mabbott.
Rowena stepped out of her comfort zone and begun to form her independence. She now helps others through difficult transitions.
About Rowena
Rowena is a Life Coach and writer and was bitten by the travel bug early with her first round-the-world trip at age eleven. Since then she has travelled to attend school in the US, lived and worked in the UK, travelled through Europe and Africa. Rowena loves planning family travel and is now committed to ensuring her two boys are also bitten by the travel bug.
As a 16-year-old, Rowena attended school in the midwest of the US over Thanksgiving & Christmas. Then, as an 18-year old she worked as a housemistress in an English boarding school for 12 months on a GAP year, travelling through the UK and Europe on weekends and during the school holidays.
Both experiences tested Rowena's resilience and broadened her view of the world putting her out of her comfort zone and living with people she either barely knew or who were complete strangers. That alone was an adjustment. Rowena also became much more aware of how fortunate and grateful she was to live where she does
“Travelling is really different and it’s amazing but its also quite a good reminder about how fortunate we are that we don’t have to have that experience of living in one space and not know anything about anywhere else.”
When coming home...
Emotions Rowena faced - She felt lonely and alone with no friends. She felt like she didn't fit in anywhere. She felt uncomfortable and a sense of longing to head back to the UK.
What changed for Rowena - Willing to meet other people (and her how people) and put your self out there. Being friendly and opening conversations.
Biggest stress - No money and being a complete dependant with no job to return to. Fostering new and old friendships back home.
How Rowena used her mindset - Used mantras like "you can do this." and "it's not so bad." Knowing that she was stronger than she thought she was because of her travelling experiences. Feeling grateful for her family and living in Australia.
3 Lessons learned from travel and reverse culture shock
You never know someone else's story and not to judge people based on your own assumptions.
Change is a constant but we can choose how we approach it.
Travelling is the best way to learn about yourself.
Advise to herself for returning home - Don't stress out, it will all work out. Give yourself time, find your people and it will all fall into place.
“Everybody has got a story and unless you take the time to say hello and greet them, you might not know it.”
Rowena Instagram: @rowenamabbott
Travel Light Kids Instagram @travellightkids