Future Visions, Uniqueness, Intellect and Weirdos incoming - Astrology of February 2024

February's Aquarius energy  will be bringing focus to the collective, your future visions, embracing your unique individual intellect and technology. There will be more conversations in these spaces from the 5th when Mercury joins the Sun and Pluto here. A powerful conversation or mindset shift could help you focus on this part of your life.
The 8th could come with unexpected surprises, a harmonious romantic gesture or something sparked by a female friend. It might not all be sunshine and roses to take care with this energy.

Aquarius New Moon on the 10th is really powerful. Set intentions around what you would like to call in for the future, it will be supported by Mars which will help you set the wheels in motion just a few days later when it joins the Aquarius party.

As all these planets enter Aquarius they have a powerful conversation with Pluto where things could be exposed, pulled up from the depths or something that will help you transform. On the 17th Venus brings the Aquarius stellium to 5…5 planets in this space , this would be a great time to learn a new technological skill or buy a new gadget.

Pisces season begins on the 19th and we will see the energies and planets shifting into this space bringing spirituality, creativity and even topics of the ocean to the forefront. The strong Pisces energy will be here for around 6 weeks so think about what you want to call in, in these parts of your life.

Venus and Mars align on the 22nd which could spark passion, romance and a joyful day where the feminine and masculine feel in tune with each other. Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd and then the Virgo Full moon follows on the 24th where you might find yourself celebrating something inline with your health and wellness.

The Sun, Mercury and Saturn all align on the 28th and auspicious 29th bringing in clarity of mind and power when it comes to your time and authority. Happy February!

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