A life living in diverse cultures with Tamara Yousry.
Tamara describes her life as a ‘patchwork quilt.’ Tamara and her family had to leave Kuwait when the war broke out and has since lived in 7 different countries. She feels as is she has never settled.
About Tamara
Tamara has many facets to her identity as a result of being a 4th Culture Kid with parents from different cultures. A citizen of the world, Tamara is also a teacher, wife, musician, singer, percussionist, actress and lover of long, deep and meaningful conversations.
Tamara has lived in 7 different countries on 4 different continents: England, Scotland, Norway, Kuwait, Egypt, Singapore, Australia - and each experience has been special and has given her greater insight into different people, their values and traditions.
“Travel just broadens your horizons.”
In the episode...
Tamara became a teacher in Egypt and then wanted to move to Europe, however was unable to find work there but found work in Singapore.
Tamara wanted to return to Europe, but she had formed a deeper connection with her sister who was living in Australia.
She moved to Perth Australia after meeting her now husband.
Because she has done so much travel she feels like its natural to her and every through years feels as though she wants to move around.
Tamara didn’t really feel like she was from anywhere after moving around to such different cultures at such an early age in her life.
Tamara found living in Egypt was tough, she describes it as a very ‘proud’ culture and despite having an Egyptian father, she didn’t have the foundations from growing up there such as speaking Egyptian Arabic well.
Tamara feels most outside her comfort zone in Australia as she feels like she doesn’t know much of the history, culture so sometimes does not understand jokes or what is meant when people say certain things.
The most important thing to do when moving to a new country or new place is to go out and meet people.
Because Tamara moved around so much she has a deep love for travel. She enjoys meeting people from different countries and cultures and loves the freedom that comes with it.
The biggest lesson that Tamara has learned from her travels is that people fundamentally want the same things in their life, no matter their religion, race or what they wear.
Tamara is still figuring out how to put all her experience and learnings together and share it in a meaningful way.
Tamara was motivated by her siblings who were out in the world doing different things and feels like this is where her strong outlook comes from.
Tamara urges people to travel as she believes it opens up a lot of doors for them.
Why Tamara continue to seek out travel and adventure? So she can continually open her mind, have fun, meeting new people and laughing.
“I really believe that travel opens your mind”
Instagram - @ytamara1234