The 'third space.' Growing up in Germany to a life in Australia with Kati Craythorn
Travel became a reality for Kati after growing up behind the Berlin Wall. She has spent time in South Africa for her PHD but now resides in Australia.
About Kati
From teenage years, Kati wanted to explore Australia but never quite envisaged getting "stuck" here. Kati grew up behind the Berlin Wall, in East Berlin. Travel always had a bit of an exotic allure to Kati. She now has lived almost half her life in Australia, and sometimes she wonders whether her "extended period abroad" will ever come to an end.
Whilst still German at heart, Australia has changed her in so many ways that now find parts of the German psyche and mentality alien. Kati loves going back to see her family but admits that sometimes pretends not to be German because it makes life easier. When her family comes out to Australia, she is always struck by what they find curious and remark upon - things she doesn’t notice or take for granted.
“People smile because they genuinely want to smile.”
When coming home...
Emotions Kati faced - Life has gone on back home and Kati faces conflicting emotions like a deep sense of being home whilst also feeling isolated.
What changed for Kati - Going home felt like going back to normal life. Now, after 18 years she founds very integrated here in Australia. Family and friends change and she finds she is re-building relationships.
How Kati used her mindset - Working on letting go of judgment and letting go of what you see on the surface.
3 Lessons learned from travel and reverse culture shock
You are stronger than you think.
The importance of smile.
How important her family is.
Advise to herself for returning home - Just let go!
“Just let go and go with the flow.”
Katis Instagram: @kati_qldandbeyond
Katis Pintrest: qldandbeyond