Accepting himself, others and a new lifestyle after 7 years aboard with Billy Byrne
Billy decided to travel abroad in his late 20s basing himself in Scotland. After 7 years he returned home to start a completely new life.
About Billy
After 7 years of living in Scotland, having many European adventures Billy is now settling back into the Australian way of life. Billy Moved to Glasgow, Scotland at the age of 28 in 2012. After 2 months he began a 6 months solo backpacking trip around Europe. Eventually, Billy returned to Glasgow gaining suitable work. Within 1.5 years he was involved in the operation and management of a Mexican tapas and tequila bars group, moving with the company to Edinburgh and Aberdeen over the following 5 years. With many Europe trips in between as well as a trip to India.
“It does take a while to readjust, especially after being away for a long period because I had built a life.”
In the episode...
What it was like to first venture off solo travelling in his late 20s and 30s.
Spending this 30th Birthday in Croatia, waterskiing all afternoon.
Billy’s terrifying bus trip in Croatia.
Being able to fly to Paris for lunch and the beauty of exploring Europe when living and working in the United Kingdom.
The ups and downs of solo travel.
What it was like living and working in Scotland.
How it was great to have family close when living abroad.
The deep appreciation that Billy has for his own country after living abroad.
What it was like returning home after living in Scottland for 7 years.
The thoughts that came up for Billy after being home for 12 months.
How happy Billy is with his life and especially since he hasn’t conformed to the pressure from society.
From city to small-town and living a new lifestyle.
Accepting himself and others for who they are and learning that you can’t change people.
The wisdom Billy gained from reading “The Power of Now.”
Why Billy continues to seek out travels and adventures….the excitement of the unknown and the adventures you don’t know what you are going to have, so why not go and have an experience.
“If you choose to do what makes you happy and it fails, the only person you have to blame is yourself and then you can just try and try again.”
Instagram @billybyrne84