An intuitive journey to Finland and her soul purpose with Tahlee Rouillon.
Tahlee followed her intuition and returned to writing music, meditons and meditation tracks and found herself on an artist residency in Finland.
About Tahlee
Tahlee Rouillon is music composer extraordinaire at Sonesence. She helps people become the calmest person they know, through her transformational meditones music.
Meditones help produce relaxed brainwaves with a simple pair of headphones, making deep meditation effortless. Tahlee has been described as 'a musical genius', and 'the voice of an angel’.
Tahlee went to Finland, travelling solo for the first time to write her meditones album True North. It was based on the silence and stillness of a Nordic winter. She returned to Finland in 18 months later to write my follow up album, Luminous, based on a Nordic summer.
“You have been uprooted. You need to take time and space to take care of yourself.”
When coming home...
Emotions Tahlee faced - Felt very homesick for Finland.
What changed for Tahlee - Moved cities which she thought would be the same things as travelling.
How Tahlee supported herself - Relied on her meditation practice and her meditones. Cried a lot and called friends. Ended up creating a program called gentle transition to help herself and others.
How Tahlee used her mindset - Used the resilience that she had cultivated on her travels.
3 Lessons learned from travel and reverse culture shock
Life is not the same as travel.
People vary and people are different.
Tahlee is a highly sensitive person and needs to nourish in her downtime.
Advise to herself for returning home - Slow down, take your time, there is no rush. Allow things to unfold in divine timing because they are going to anyway!
“We drove past the place that I saw in my meditation that has the glass-domed iglus!”
Website: and [Tahlees free meditones track]
Tahlee on Instagram @sonesence_music
Sonesence on Facebook: Sonesence
Tahlee captured her original Finnish experience in a documentary called Finding Home. It's on YouTube here