Hannah Morris - Humble beginnings to intercultural learning.
Having visited over 50 countries Hannah met her partner whilst living in India and now helps others with student re-entry transitions.
About Hannah
Dr. Hannah Morris is an international educator and world traveller passionate about assisting others as they navigate their own intercultural transitions. Her current work is based on her professional experiences abroad along with her research in higher education and intercultural learning and it has enabled her to combine the academic and practical knowledge of cross-cultural transitions to help students, families, and schools around the globe.
Hannah was born with the travel bug. A daughter of an adult third culture kid and a self-described gypsy, she has visited over 50 countries and lived on four continents. She met her partner at a Halloween party in New Delhi, India while she was leading a group of students in Incredible India. A year later she moved to Delhi to live with him and a year and a half later they re-entered the US to spend a year in DC, a new city for Hannah.
“Surround yourself with a really supportive group of people who you know will cheer you on.”
When coming home...
- Emotions Hannah faced - Difficulties with political situations and reigniting friendship circles. She felt lost.
- How Hannah supported herself - Completing re-entry transition before heading off again. Being a tourist in her own town. Find things to appreciate every day. Being open to meet new people.
- How did her mindset change - Sharing her feelings with others, realising that its ok to be sad.
- 3 Lessons learned from travel and reverse culture shock.
- Friendship groups dont magically happen when you return home, you have to work to create and foster them.
- Work to your strengths, don't just make your ideas fit.
- Enjoy the ride - make the best out of everything you can.
- Advise to herself for returning home - Breathe
“Celebrate what happens and celebrate what didn’t.”
Website: www.interculturaltransitions.org
Facebook: interculturaltransitions
Hannahs Twitter: @hannahmorrisphd
“Be more honest, its ok to be sad!”